

发布时间:2024年08月23日 05时52分

 基 本 信 息






1.    二维材料及其衍生物的可控制备与剥离

2.    MXenes成分调控、表面改性和结构构筑

3.    新型功能陶瓷材料的制备

 个 人 简 介

郑伟,博士,副研究员。自2010年起,在华南理工大学开展MAX相的合成及其稳定性的研究,2013年获硕士学位;2019年于东南大学获工学博士学位,研究集中在MXene及其衍生物设计、相工程与电化学储能机理等方面。2019年前往瑞典林雪平大学从事博士后研究,合作导师为Michel W. Barsoum教授和Johanna Rosen教授,参与瑞典战略研究基金,负责新型二维材料的研发及其在储能领域的应用。


1.       Zheng, W., Yang, L., Zhang, P. G., Natu, V., Sun, Z. M.*, Rosen, J.*, Barsoum, M. W.* Mass loading and self-discharge challenges for MXene-based aqueous supercapacitors. Energy Storage Materials, 2024, 63, 103037. (一作)

2.       Zhang, H.#, Zhai, X. W.#, Cao, X#, Liu, Z. H., Tang, X. F., Hu, Z. H., Wang, H., Wang, Z. D., Xu, Y., He, W., Zheng, W.*, Zhou, M.*, Sun, Z. M.* Phase Engineering of MXene-derivatives via Molecular Design for High-rate Sodium-ion Batteries. Energy & Environmental Materials, 2024, e12692. (通讯)

3.       Tang, H. F, Yan, B. Z, Zhang, P. G*, Yin, X. D, Tian, Z. H, Mahapatra, S. D, Zheng, W.*, Tang, J. W, Sun, Z. M*, Controlling tin whisker growth via oxygen-mediated decomposition of Ti2SnC. Journal of Materials Science, 2024, 59, 1958-1967. (通讯)

4.       Zheng, W., Yang, L.*, Wang, L.X., Pan, L., Zhang, P.G.*, Sun, Z.M.*, MXene nanomesh for high-performance supercapacitor, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2024, 976, 173065. (一作)

5.       Yin, X. D#, Zheng, W.#*, Tang, H.F, Yang, L., Zhang, P. G.*, Sun, Z. M.*, Enhancing Ion Storage and Transport in Ti3C2Tz MXene via a “Sacrificial Cations” Strategy, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2024, accepted. (共同一作和通讯)

6.       Yin, X. D#, Zheng, W.#*, Tang, H.F, Zhang, P. G.*, Sun, Z. M.*, Novel 2D/2D 1T-MoS2/Ti3C2Tz Heterostructures for High-Voltage Symmetric Supercapacitors. Nanoscale, 2023, 15, 10437-10446. (共同一作和通讯)

7.       Xu, X.Q, Sha, D.W., Tian, Z.H., Wu, F.S., Zheng, W.*, Yang, L., Xie, S.Y., Zhang, P.*, Sun, Z. M.*, Lithium storage performance of nano-sized Ti2InC MAX phase. Nanoscale Horizons, 2022, 8, 331-337. (通讯)

8.       Zheng, W., Halim, J., Yang, L., Badr, H., Sun, Z. M., Rosen, J.*, Barsoum, M. W.* MXene//MnO2 Asymmetric Supercapacitors with High Voltages and High Energy Densities. Batteries & Supercaps, 2022, 5(10), e202200151. (一作,封面文章)

9.       Zheng, W., Halim, Persson, P., Rosen, J.*, Barsoum, M. W.* Effect of vacancies on the electrochemical behavior of Mo-based MXenes in aqueous supercapacitors. Journal of Power Sources, 2022, 525, 231064. (一作)

10.    Zheng, W., Halim, Persson, P., Rosen, J.*, Barsoum, M. W.* MXene-based symmetric supercapacitors with high voltage and high energy density. Materials Reports: Energy, 2022, 2(1):100078. (邀稿,新期刊)

11.    Zheng, W., Halim, Persson, P., Rosen, J.*, Barsoum, M. W.* Aqueous Electrolytes, MXene-Based Supercapacitors and Their Self-Discharge. Advanced Energy and Sustainability Research, 2022, 3(2): 2100147. (一作)

12.    Zheng, W., Halim, J., Sun, Z. M., Rosen, J.*, Barsoum, M. W.* MXene-manganese oxides aqueous asymmetric supercapacitors with high mass loadings, high cell voltages and slow self-discharge. Energy Storage Materials, 2021, 38, 438-446. (一作)

13.    Zheng, W., Halim, J., Ghazaly, E. A., Etman S. A., Tseng, E. N., Persson, P. O. Å., Rosen, J.*, Barsoum, M. W.* Flexible free‐standing MoO3/Ti3C2Tz MXene composite films with high gravimetric and volumetric capacities. Advanced Science, 2021, 8, 2003656. (一作)

14.    Zheng, W., Halim, J., Etman S. A., Ghazaly, E. A., Rosen, J.*, Barsoum, M. W.* Boosting the volumetric capacitance of MoO3-x free-standing films with Ti3C2 MXene, Electrochimica Acta, 2021, 370, 137665. (一作)

15.    Zheng, W., Zhang, P.*, Chen, J., Tian, W., Zhang, Y., Sun, Z. M.* Microwave-assisted synthesis of three-dimensional MXene derived metal oxide/carbon nanotube/iron hybrids for enhanced lithium-ions storage. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 2019, 835, 205-211. (一作)

16.    Zheng, W.#, Zhang, P.#, Chen, J.*, Tian W., Zhang Y., Sun, Z. M.* In situ synthesis of CNTs@Ti3C2 hybrid structures by microwave irradiation for high-performance anodes in lithium ion batteries. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2018, 6(8), 3543-3551. (一作)

17.    Zheng, W., Zhang, P.*, Yang, L., Chen, J., Tian, W., Zhang, Y., Sun, Z. M.* A fast approach to the synthesis of MO/CNT/Fe hybrid nanostructures built on MXene for enhanced Li-ion uptake. Ceramics International, 2018, 44(18), 22456-22461. (一作)

18.    Zheng, W., Zhang, P.*, Tian, W., Qin, X., Zhang, Y., Sun, Z. M.* Alkali treated Ti3C2Tx MXenes and their dye adsorption performance. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2018, 206, 270-276. (一作)

19.    郑伟,杨莉, 张培根*, 陈坚, 田无边, 张亚梅, 孙正明* 二维材料MXene的储能性能与应用. 材料导报, 2018, 15, 2513-2537. (EI, 邀稿, 入选中国精品科技期刊顶尖学术论文F5000)

20.    郑伟, 孙正明*, 张培根, 田无边, 王英, 张亚梅二维纳米材料MXene的研究进展. 材料导报,2017, 15, 1-14. (EI, 入选中国精品科技期刊顶尖学术论文F5000材料导报高引论文二等奖)