Qianping Ran

Chief Professor


Bachelor:North University of China

     Chemical Engineering(1997)

Master:Sichuan University

     Polymer Materials and Engineering(2000)

PhD:Nanjing University

     Polymer Chemistry and Physics(2007)

Visiting Scholar:Coulombia University


Qianping Ran, professor and doctoral supervisor of Southeast University, receives the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, the leading talent of scientific and technological innovation of National Ten Thousand Talents Program, and the expert enjoying the special government allowance of the State Council. Based on the interdisciplinary intersection of chemistry, materials, and architecture, he has carried out research on advanced engineering functional materials, and has presided over or participated in the completion of more than 20 projects, including the National Outstanding Young Scholars, the National Key R&D Program, and the 973 Program, published more than 200 research papers, and obtained more than 80 invention patents as the first inventor. He won the Second Prize of National Technological Invention Award (ranked 2nd), the Second Prize of National Science and Technology Progress Award (ranked 3rd), 5 First Prizes of the Ministerial and Provincial Science and Technology Progress Awards (ranked 1st, 1st, 1st, 2nd, 5th), 1 China Patent Silver Award and 4 Patent Excellence Awards. He has won many personal honors, such as the Outstanding Youth Achievement Transformation Award, the China Youth Science and Technology Award, the National Young and Middle-aged Experts with Outstanding Contributions, the National Construction System Model Worker, the Jiangsu Patent Inventor Award, the Jiangsu Innovation Medal, the First Top Ten Youth Science and Technology Stars of Jiangsu Province, and the Nanjing Science and Technology Meritorious Hero. 


Hongmin Wang

Young Chief Professor


Bachelor:Wuhan University


PhD:Washington University in St. Louis


Postdoc:Yale University

     Department of Chemistry &

     Energy Sciences Institute(2024)

Hongmin Wang, professor of Southeast University. His research focuses on electrochemical energy storage construction materials for large-scale storage of renewable electricity. He has published 10+ papers as first/corresponding author on journals such as Nat Commun, Angew Chem, Adv Mater, ACS Nano, Energy Storage Mater, ACS Appl Mater Interfaces, etc. 4 papers were published as front covers. His research was highlighted by Nature, Science, CNN, BBC, C&EN, Scientific American, MIT Technology Review.    


Lei Dong



Bachelor:Nanjing University


Master:Tokyo Institute of Technology

     Organic Polymer Materials(2017)

PhD:Tokyo Institute of Technology

     Materials Science and Engineering(2020)

Lei Dong, lecturer of Southeast University. Selected as 2021 Doctor of Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurship funded by Jiangsu Provincial Government. Published 30 SCI papers in journals such as Polymer Chemistry, Chemical Engineering Journal, Composites Part B: Engineering, etc., including 20 papers as the first author/corresponding author. Cited nearly 1,000 times (https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=X5go_iAAAAAJ&hl=zh-CN) in Google Scholar database, and authorized 2 US patents and 2 Japanese patents.