相约五月,与主编面对面——学术投稿系列讲座 |
发布时间:2014-05-19 浏览次数:554 |
相约五月,与主编面对面 ——学术投稿系列讲座 (一) 讲座题目:Elsevier Authors Workshop——How to Get Your Article Published 讲座时间:5月15日下午2:30开始 讲座地点:东南大学四牌楼校区中山院112 Mr. Liyue Zhao is the Publisher of Computer Science journals in Elsevier. He received a BS in Automation from the University of Science and Technology of China, and a MS/PhD in Computer Science from the University of Central Florida with Provost’s Graduate Fellowship. He was on the Program Committee of IEEE International Conference on Social Computing and serves as a regular reviewer for the Wiley title Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery. 讲座主要内容:简要介绍Elsevier出版社的相关情况,包括出版流程、学科覆盖、期刊影响力评估、编辑对优秀稿件的关注点及处理流程、拒稿的原因等。重点围绕作者如何组织合适的稿件(文章结构、语言、句子、投稿信)、学术规范、提高研究成果能见度等方面进行交流和讨论。 (二) 讲座题目:How to get published in Nature (and its sister journals) 讲座时间:5月26日下午14:30 讲座地点:四牌楼吴健雄纪念馆报告厅 主讲简介:Dr Ed Gerstner, Executive Editor, China, Nature Communications / 印格致 博士, 执行主编, 中国, 自然通讯 About Ed Gerstner / 印格致 Ed has been an editor with Nature Publishing Group for well over a decade. He obtained his PhD in physics from the University of Sydney in 1997, and spent five years in research at the Universities of Sydney, Cambridge and Surrey, and at Philips Research Laboratories in Redhill. 讲座主要内容:So, you've discovered something extraordinary and you want to tell the world about it. And so you want to publish your discovery in a Nature journal. But which one should you choose? Indeed, why has Nature spawned so many new titles? What is Nature Communications, and what is it trying to do that other Nature journal don't do already? And what is Open Access? In this talk I'll try to answer these and any other questions you have about getting published in a Nature journal. I'll also cover: what we look for in the papers that we consider for publication; the mechanics of how submissions are handled; how to decide if your paper could be for us; how to prepare a submission; and what to do when you think we (or our referees) have got a decision wrong. And, of course, what are we looking for in China? PS: 英文讲解。参与讲座的研究人员若有兴趣的话,印格致先生非常高兴和他们在讲座开始前或结束后讨论一些相关研究。 (三) 讲座题目:Taylor & Francis–在学术期刊上发表论文:助您成功的窍门 讲座时间:2014年5月28日 14:30开始 地点:四牌楼吴健雄纪念馆报告厅 主讲简介:Lyndsey Dixon–亚太区期刊编辑总监 Lyndsey Dixon 近几年在新加坡负责亚太区期刊编辑工作,在此之前在T&F英国牛津总部负责环境和农业系列期刊的出版,在出版行业的九年间,在图书和期刊领域担任过多种职能,与来自全球的学术学协会、编辑与作者协同工作。 背景及主要内容 : 期刊每年收到的稿件数量一直在增长,出版领域的竞争也日趋激烈。因此,编辑流程的重要性日益增强。了解投稿相关事宜以及同行评审过程、编辑们对优秀稿件的关注点,将助您驾驭论文发表的过程并提高论文发表的机率。 本次研讨会论题包括:如何为您的论文选择最适合的期刊、如何组织文章结构、如何提高论文的引用率、编辑对优秀稿件的关注点、标题醒目摘要清晰的重要性、常见错误、同行评审过程、如何应对评审意见、出版操守、以及在论文发表以后如何来最大化文章引用率和能见度。 主题: –论文发表前的准备工作 –作者的职责 –怎样提高文章的引用 –问答 PS: 英文讲解。 主办单位:东南大学图书馆,东南大学研究生院 承办单位:东南大学研究生学报编辑部,Elsevier、Taylor&Francis、Nature等出版社 |