"Elsevier Author Workshop" 讲座
发布时间:2012-03-28   浏览次数:1051

Elsevier Author Workshop


Speaker: Karen Scrivener, Editor in Chief of Cement and Concrete Research, Elsevier;

Time: 201258, 15:00-17:00

Venue: 东南大学榴园宾馆新华厅

Topic: How to get published in Scholarly Journals: writing, reviewing and ethical issues in journal publishing


The aim of Elsevier Author Workshop would be to present a guide to publishing research for MSc and PhD students. This Author Workshop will advise, provide tips to authors to improve the quality of their manuscripts and thus increase their chances of their papers being accepted for publication in reputable, international, ISI listed journals.

Contact person: 东南大学材料学院 张亚梅,电话:13815873805