


最近,我们在之前工作的基础上(ACS Applied Energy Materials, 2019, 2, 705-714.)通过静电自组装的方法制备一种中空核壳结构的MNR@HPC修饰MXene组装的三维多级结构复合材料(MCT),并作为硫正极宿主材料提高了硫正极的导电性和结构稳定性以及硫利用率;多级结构的物理限域协同化学吸附的双重作用有效缓解了多硫化物的穿梭,使电极表现出优异的倍率性能和循环稳定性。


文章全文链接:https://doi.org/10.1039/D0NR06151D (点击跳转到文章页)


图1. 不同硫载体对多硫化物穿梭抑制示意图:(a) 中空多孔碳, (b) 极性金属氧化物, (c) 多孔碳包覆金属氧化物及(d) MXene基多层级结构
图1. 不同硫载体对多硫化物穿梭抑制示意图:(a) 中空多孔碳, (b) 极性金属氧化物, (c) 多孔碳包覆金属氧化物及(d) MXene基多层级结构

图2. 复合硫正极表现出的电化学性能:(a) 交流阻抗谱, (b) 循环伏安曲线, (c-f) 倍率性能, (g) 恒流充放电曲线和(h) 长循环性能
图2. 复合硫正极表现出的电化学性能:(a) 交流阻抗谱, (b) 循环伏安曲线, (c-f) 倍率性能, (g) 恒流充放电曲线和(h) 长循环性能

图3. MCT对充放电过程中多硫化物的吸附和转化机制示意图
图3. MCT对充放电过程中多硫化物的吸附和转化机制示意图

Although the lithium-sulfur (Li–S) batteries have high energy-density, the insulative nature of elemental S, the shuttling of intermediate lithium polysulfides (LiPSs) and volume expansion of the S cathodes, resulting in capacity fading and Coulombic efficiency decrease, hinder their practical application.

Recently, we reported a multifunctional polysulfide mediator (MCT), fabricated by self-assembling 1D core–shell MnO2 nanorods@hollow porous carbon (MNR@HPC) and 2D MXene based on our previous work (ACS Applied Energy Materials, 2019, 2, 705-714.). The hierarchical structural 3D MCT, served as S host, enhanced the conductivity, structure stability and S utilization of the S cathode. The MCT/S cathode delivered an excellent rate capability and cyclic stability owing to the synergistic physical confinement and chemisorption of MCT for mitigating polysulfide shutting.

More details you can refer to: https://doi.org/10.1039/D0NR06151D.

Brief introduction:

Figure 1 Schematic illustration for LiPS confinement in (a) nonpolar HPC, (b) PMO, (c) PMO@HPC, and (d) PMO@HPC@MXene
Figure 1 Schematic illustration for LiPS confinement in (a) nonpolar HPC, (b) PMO, (c) PMO@HPC, and (d) PMO@HPC@MXene

Figure 2 Electrochemical performance of S cathodes:(a) Nyquist plots, (b) CV profiles, (c-f) rate capability, (g) GCD profiles, and (h) long-term cycling performance
Figure 2 Electrochemical performance of S cathodes: (a) Nyquist plots, (b) CV profiles, (c-f) rate capability, (g) GCD profiles, and (h) long-term cycling performance

Figure 3 Schematic illustration for the LiPS adsorption/conversion of MCT
Figure 3 Schematic illustration for the LiPS adsorption/conversion of MCT