


Structural hybridization of ternary (0D, 1D and 2D) composites as anodes for high-performance Li-ion batteries

过渡金属氧化物(TMOs) 因其具有理论比容量高(500~1000 mAh g-1)、成本低、资源丰富等优点,被认为是最有前景的阳极材料。然而,过渡金属氧化物(TMOs) 的低电导率和锂离子扩散速率降低了电化学性能。此外,在充放电循环期间剧烈的体积变化(> 200%)使得电极在充电/放电粉化,从而导致容量快速衰减和循环寿命恶化。

Transition metal oxides (TMOs) are considered as one of the most promising candidates of the next-generation electrode materials owing to their high theoretical specific capacity (500~1000 mAh g-1), low cost and resources abundance. Unfortunately, the electrochemical performance of TMOs is hindered by their low electronic conductivity and slow diffusion of lithium ions . Moreover, large volume expansion (200%) during charging/discharging leads to serious electrode pulverization, and then fast capacity and cycle life deterioration.


Different strategies have been adopted to overcome these intrinsic limitations of TMOs, such as doping with exterior elements, composition with different materials, and fabrication of favorable structures. Among these, materials with low-dimensional architectures including zero dimension (0D) particles, one dimension (1D) wires/rods  and two dimension (2D) sheets have demonstrated their effectiveness to improve the electrochemical properties of TMOs. However, the single nanostructure is still flawed, such as the structures with only particles tend to be aggregated, reducing the surface contact between electrolyte and electrode and hindering the electrolyte penetration in the electrode material.


Recently, Sun and Chen group in Southeast University reported a novel structural hybridization strategy of a ternary composite (Fe,Co)3O4/Co3O4/rGO using a facile one-pot hydrothermal method. The novel architecture of the hybrid composites exhibits a combination of the merits. The volume expansion of (Fe,Co)3O4, Co3O4 during charging/discharging and their direct exposure to the electrolyte have been effectively alleviated by the spatially confining effects of rGO nano-sheets. On the other hand, the intrinsic wrinkle morphology of graphene nano-sheets was alleviated by the nano-rods support, leading to enhanced transportation mobility of electrons and ions. Furthermore, the formed hierarchical pores effectively increase the reaction sites and kinetics. As an anode for LIBs, the as-built electrode of the ternary composite shows remarkably cycling stability and rate capability.

该文章发表于Energy Storage Materials上,文章的第一作者为东南大学材料学院硕士研究生王丹,通讯作者为陈坚教授与孙正明教授。。

These findings have been published in the Energy Storage Materials. The first author is Dan Wang (a Master Candidate in Southeast University) , Prof. CHEN Jian and Prof. SUN ZhengMing as corresponding authors.




Figure 1.TEM images along with corresponding cartoon illustrations of samples: (a1, a2) FG composite; (b1, b2) CG composite; (c1, c2) FC composite. (d1, d2) FCG-1 composite; (e1, e2) FCG-2 composite; (f1, f2) FCG-3 composite.


The ternary composites contain Fe3O4 sub-micro particles, Co3O4 nano-rods and rGO nano-sheets. the addition of rGO can alleviate the particle agglomeration. The diameter of Fe3O4 particles increased and the length of Co3O4 nano-rods decreased with the addition of rGO.

 图2.aFC (0D/1D), FG(0D/2D), CG (1D/2D) FCG-2 (0D/1D/2D)复合材料在电流密度为1 A g-1下的循环性能;(b) rGO, FCG复合材料在电流密度为1 A g-1下的循环性能;(cFCG复合材料的倍率性能;(drGO, FCG复合材料的阻抗谱。

Figure 2.(a) The galvanostatic cycle performance at 1 A g-1 for FC (0D/1D), FG(0D/2D), CG (1D/2D) and FCG-2 (0D/1D/2D) composites; (b) Discharge capacities versus cycle number of rGO, FCG composites at the current density of 1A g-1; (c) Rate performance from 0.1 A g-1to 10 A g-1of FCG composites. (d) Nyquist plots for rGO and FCG composites.

当被用作锂离子电池负极时,(Fe,Co)3O4/Co3O4/rGO低维复合材料具有高的容量:1.0A/g的电流密度下,首次循环放电比容量高达1668.5 mAh/g;优异的循环稳定性(500次循环后容量保持率为80.97%);以及卓越的倍率性能(在5.010.0 A/g的电流密度下可逆容量696.5341.6 mAh/g)。其在能源应用领域有巨大的潜力。

The as-built electrode by (Fe,Co)3O4/Co3O4/rGO low-dimensional hybrid composites shows high specific capacity of 1668.5 mAh g-1 (1A g-1), robust cycling stability (80.97% capacity retention after 500 cycles at 1A g-1) and extraordinary rate capability (696.5 mAh g−1 at 5 A g−1; 341.6 mAh g−1 at 10 A g−1), which shows great potentials in energy storage applications.
