


Title: Interfacial Interactions in Magnetic Nano-Hetero Structures

Lecturer: Prof. Ji Shi

School of Materials and Chemical Technology

Tokyo Institute of Technology東京工業大学

Time: April 14,  2017, 15:00 17:00

LocR601,Material Building A

    Nano-hetero structures generally incorporate two or more components of different natures, such as metals, ceramics, and semiconductors. Many of them have already been practically applied in electronic devices, which are generally accompanied by an outstanding innovation of the devices.

    In this talk, recent results related to the design, fabrication and characterization of several magnetic nano-hetero structures will be presented. Especially, the interactions between different components in such structures will be discussed.

    Prof. Shi is a professor at Tokyo Institute of Technology. He holds a B.S. from Dalian Institute of Technology, a M.S. from Harbin Institute of Technology and a Ph.D. from Tokyo Institute of Technology. Prof. Shi’s research currently focuses on physical properties of metals, thin film technology, nano-hetero structures and magnetic thin films. He is a member of Japan Institute of Metals and Japan Society of Applied Physics, and has published more than 100 papers.