

发布时间:2024年08月30日 02时56分

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 个 人 简 介

陈宇,博士,副研究员,东南大学张亚梅教授课题组成员。近五年,承担并完成国际合作科研项目1项,出版英文专著1部(排1),在Cement and Concrete ResearchCement and Concrete CompositesSCI期刊发表论文29篇,谷歌学术总引用1200余次,国际会议特邀报告2次,任RILEM week 2023 PhD课程Additive Manufacturing and 3D Concrete Printing主讲人之一、中国硅酸盐协会固废分会3D打印委员会秘书长、RILEM混凝土增材制造委员会委员、Cement and Concrete Composites执行编辑。




2021.10-2023.10 荷兰代尔夫特理工大学,土木工程学院,博士后研究员

2017.03-2021.07 荷兰代尔夫特理工大学,土木工程学院,博士 (Promotor: Prof. Erik Schlangen)



1.        Chen, Y., Figueiredo, S. C., Li, Z., Chang, Z., Jansen, K., Çopuroğlu, O., & Schlangen, E. (2020). Improving printability of limestone-calcined clay-based cementitious materials by using viscosity-modifying admixture. Cement and Concrete Research, 132, 106040.

2.        Chen, Y., He, S., Zhang, Y., Wan, Z., Çopuroğlu, O., & Schlangen, E. (2021). 3D printing of calcined clay-limestone-based cementitious materials. Cement and Concrete Research, 149, 106553.

3.        Chen, Y., Rodriguez, C. R., Li, Z., Chen, B., Çopuroğlu, O., & Schlangen, E. (2020). Effect of different grade levels of calcined clays on fresh and hardened properties of ternary-blended cementitious materials for 3D printing. Cement and Concrete Composites, 114, 103708.

4.        Chen, Y., Rahmani, H., Schlangen, E., & Çopuroğlu, O. (2024). An approach to develop set-on-demand 3D printable limestone-calcined clay-based cementitious materials using calcium nitrate. Cement and Concrete Composites, 145, 105373.

5.        Chen, Y., Zhang, Y., Šavija, B., & Çopuroğlu, O. (2023). Fresh properties of limestone-calcined clay-slag cement pastes. Cement and Concrete Composites, 138, 104962.

6.        Chen, Y., Jansen, K., Zhang, H., Rodriguez, C. R., Gan, Y., Çopuroğlu, O., & Schlangen, E. (2020). Effect of printing parameters on interlayer bond strength of 3D printed limestone-calcined clay-based cementitious materials: An experimental and numerical study. Construction and Building Materials, 262, 120094.

7.        Chen, Y., Çopuroğlu, O., Rodriguez, C. R., de Mendonca Filho, F. F., & Schlangen, E. (2021). Characterization of air-void systems in 3D printed cementitious materials using optical image scanning and X-ray computed tomography. Materials Characterization, 173, 110948.

8.        Chen, Y., Toosumran, N., Chehab, N., Spanjers, H., & Çopuroğlu, O. (2022). Feasibility study of using desalination brine to control the stiffness and early-age hydration of 3D printable cementitious materials. Journal of Cleaner Production, 378, 134522.

9.        Chen, Y., Zhang, Y., He, S., Liang, X., Schlangen, E., & Çopuroğlu, O. (2023). Improving structural build-up of limestone-calcined clay-cement pastes by using inorganic additives. Construction and Building Materials, 392, 131959.

10.     Chen, Y., Liang, M., Zhang, Y., Li, Z., Šavija, B., Schlangen, E., & Çopuroğlu, O. (2023). Can superabsorbent polymers be used as rheology modifiers for cementitious materials in the context of 3D concrete printing?. Construction and Building Materials, 371, 130777.

11.     Chen, Y., Chang, Z., He, S., Çopuroğlu, O., Šavija, B., & Schlangen, E. (2022). Effect of curing methods during a long time gap between two printing sessions on the interlayer bonding of 3D printed cementitious materials. Construction and Building Materials, 332, 127394.

12.     Bhattacherjee, S., Basavaraj, A. S., Rahul, A. V., Santhanam, M., Gettu, R., Panda, B., Schlangen, E., Chen, Y., Çopuroğlu, O., Ma, G., Wang, L., Beigh, M., & Mechtcherine, V. (2021). Sustainable materials for 3D concrete printing. Cement and Concrete Composites, 122, 104156.


Name: Yu Chen

Gender: Male

Title: Associate Professor

Address: Material building A607

Email: y_chen@seu.edu.cn


Research interests:

3D concrete printing

Rheology of cementitious materials

Low CO2 binding materials

Sea water & sea sand concrete

Self-healing concrete

Utilization of solid wastes in construction materials


Dr Yu CHEN, Associate Professor, is a member of Professor Zhang Yamei's research group at Southeast University. In the past five years, he has undertaken and completed one international collaborative research project, published one English monograph (ranked 1st), and 29 papers in SCI journals such as Cement and Concrete Research, and Cement and Concrete Composites, with a total of over 1200 citations on Google Scholar. He has been invited to give presentation at international conferences twice, served as one of the main tutors for the PhD course on Additive Manufacturing and 3D Concrete Printing at RILEM Week 2023, and held positions as Secretary-General of the 3D Printing Committee of the Solid Waste Branch of the China Silicate Association, committee member of the RILEM TC 303-PFC, 304-ADC and ACP, and managing editor of Cement and Concrete Composites.


Education and work experience:

2023.10 – now: Associate Professor, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Southeast University, China

2021.10 – 2023.10: Postdoctoral Researcher, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands

2017.03 – 2021.07: Ph.D., Faculty of Civil Engineering, Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands (Promotor: Prof. Erik Schlangen)


Representative publications:

1.    Chen, Y., Figueiredo, S. C., Li, Z., Chang, Z., Jansen, K., Çopuroğlu, O., & Schlangen, E. (2020). Improving printability of limestone-calcined clay-based cementitious materials by using viscosity-modifying admixture. Cement and Concrete Research, 132, 106040.

2.    Chen, Y., He, S., Zhang, Y., Wan, Z., Çopuroğlu, O., & Schlangen, E. (2021). 3D printing of calcined clay-limestone-based cementitious materials. Cement and Concrete Research, 149, 106553.

3.    Chen, Y., Rodriguez, C. R., Li, Z., Chen, B., Çopuroğlu, O., & Schlangen, E. (2020). Effect of different grade levels of calcined clays on fresh and hardened properties of ternary-blended cementitious materials for 3D printing. Cement and Concrete Composites, 114, 103708.

4.    Chen, Y., Rahmani, H., Schlangen, E., & Çopuroğlu, O. (2024). An approach to develop set-on-demand 3D printable limestone-calcined clay-based cementitious materials using calcium nitrate. Cement and Concrete Composites, 145, 105373.

5.    Chen, Y., Zhang, Y., Šavija, B., & Çopuroğlu, O. (2023). Fresh properties of limestone-calcined clay-slag cement pastes. Cement and Concrete Composites, 138, 104962.

6.    Chen, Y., Jansen, K., Zhang, H., Rodriguez, C. R., Gan, Y., Çopuroğlu, O., & Schlangen, E. (2020). Effect of printing parameters on interlayer bond strength of 3D printed limestone-calcined clay-based cementitious materials: An experimental and numerical study. Construction and Building Materials, 262, 120094.

7.    Chen, Y., Çopuroğlu, O., Rodriguez, C. R., de Mendonca Filho, F. F., & Schlangen, E. (2021). Characterization of air-void systems in 3D printed cementitious materials using optical image scanning and X-ray computed tomography. Materials Characterization, 173, 110948.

8.    Chen, Y., Toosumran, N., Chehab, N., Spanjers, H., & Çopuroğlu, O. (2022). Feasibility study of using desalination brine to control the stiffness and early-age hydration of 3D printable cementitious materials. Journal of Cleaner Production, 378, 134522.

9.    Chen, Y., Zhang, Y., He, S., Liang, X., Schlangen, E., & Çopuroğlu, O. (2023). Improving structural build-up of limestone-calcined clay-cement pastes by using inorganic additives. Construction and Building Materials, 392, 131959.

10.  Chen, Y., Liang, M., Zhang, Y., Li, Z., Šavija, B., Schlangen, E., & Çopuroğlu, O. (2023). Can superabsorbent polymers be used as rheology modifiers for cementitious materials in the context of 3D concrete printing?. Construction and Building Materials, 371, 130777.

11.   Chen, Y., Chang, Z., He, S., Çopuroğlu, O., Šavija, B., & Schlangen, E. (2022). Effect of curing methods during a long time gap between two printing sessions on the interlayer bonding of 3D printed cementitious materials. Construction and Building Materials, 332, 127394.

12.  Bhattacherjee, S., Basavaraj, A. S., Rahul, A. V., Santhanam, M., Gettu, R., Panda, B., Schlangen, E., Chen, Y., Çopuroğlu, O., Ma, G., Wang, L., Beigh, M., & Mechtcherine, V. (2021). Sustainable materials for 3D concrete printing. Cement and Concrete Composites, 122, 104156.