基 本 信 息 | ||
![]() | 姓名:孙文文 性别:女 党派: 职称:教授、博导 联系方式:江苏省南京市江宁区东南大学九 龙湖校区材料A楼556室 | 研究方向: ●中锰先进高强度钢的强韧化研究 ●钢铁及高熵合金表面析出相研究 ●高熵合金的合金设计、强韧化和耐磨研究 ● 铝合金室温动态循环强化的研究 |
个 人 简 介 | ||
工作经历 东南大学,材料科学与工程学院,南京,中国 ● 2019.09至今 教授,国家级青年人才,东南大学青年首席教授,江苏省“双创人才” Monash 大学,材料科学与工程学院,墨尔本,澳大利亚 ● 2015.02至2019.09 博士后
教育背景 Monash 大学,材料科学与工程学院,墨尔本,澳大利亚 ● 博士, 材料科学与工程(2015) Monash 大学,材料科学与工程学院,墨尔本,澳大利亚 ● 本科, 材料科学与工程(1st Class Honors) (2011) 中南大学,材料科学与工程学院,长沙 ● 本科, 材料科学与工程(2011) 研究方向 ● 开发超低碳低合金超高强度马氏体钢 (Arcelor-Mittal) ● 利用“化学图案法”开发第三代中锰先进高强钢 ● 铁金、铁钼、铁钨二元系合金的表面析出相研究 ● 铝合金室温动态循环强化的研究 ● 铝合金的表面析出相及其对腐蚀性能的影响 主持项目 ● 南京市留学人员科技创新项目 2020-2021 ● 江苏省自然科学基金(青年项目)2021-2023 ● 国家自然科学基金(青年项目) 2021-2023 参与项目 ● 2011-2015开发超低碳低合金超高强度马氏体钢 (Arcelor-Mittal) ● 2015-2017第三代中锰钢的退火渗碳体的研究(Arcelor-Mittal) ● 2018 硅基太阳能电池中无铅焊锡层在热疲劳后的失效分析 ● 2018澳洲国防舰艇船体失效分析及合金改进 已发表的论文 1. X.L. An, Z.D. Liu, L.T. Zhang, Y. Zou, X.J. Xu, C.L. Chu, W. Wei, W.W. Sun*, “A new strong pearlitic multi-principal element alloy to withstand wear at elevated temperatures.” Acta Materialia, 227 (2022), 117700. (金属材料领域顶级期刊Top1) 2. X.L. An, R.M. Zhang, Y.X. Wu, Y. Zou, L.T. Zhang, K. Zhang, L.Y. Wang, Y.S. Li, C.R. Hutchinson, W.W. Sun*, “The role of retained austenite on the stress-strain behaviour of chemically patterned steels.” Materials Science and Engineering A, 831 (2022) 142286. 3. W.W. Sun, Y.M. Zhu, R.K.W. Marceau, L.Y. Wang, Q. Zhang, X. Gao, C.R. Hutchinson*. “Precipitation strengthening of aluminum alloys by room-temperature cyclic plasticity.” Science, 363(2019): 972-975.(国际顶级综合期刊) 4. W.W. Sun, Y.X. Wu, S.C. Yang, C.R. Hutchinson*, “Advanced high strength steel (AHSS) development through chemical patterning of austenite.” Scripta Materialia, 146 (2018), 60-63. (金属材料领域顶级期刊Top2) 5. W.W. Sun, H. Fang, N. H. van Dijk, S. van der Zwaag, and C. R. Hutchinson*. Linking Surface Precipitation in Fe-Au Alloys to Its Self-healing Potential During Creep Loading. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: 48.5 (2017): 2109-2114. 6. W.W. Sun, H.S. Zurob and C.R. Hutchinson*. “Coupled solute drag and transformation stasis during ferrite formation in Fe-C-Mn-Mo.”, Acta Materialia, 139 (2017): 62-74. 7. W.W. Sun, R.K.W. Marceau, M.J. Styles, D. Barbier, C.R. Hutchinson*. “G phase precipitation and strengthening in ultra-high strength ferritic steels: towards lean ‘maraging’ metallurgy.” Acta Materialia, 130 (2017): 28-46. 8. L.Y. Wang, Y.X. Wu, W.W. Sun, Y. Bréchet, L. Brassart, A. Arlazarov, C.R. Hutchinson*, “Transitions in the strain hardening behaviour of tempered martensite.” Acta Materialia 221 (2021) 117397. 9. L.Y. Wang, Y.X. Wu, W.W. Sun, Y. Bréchet, L. Brassart, A. Arlazarov, C.R. Hutchinson*, “Strain hardening behaviour of as-quenched and tempered martensite.” Acta Materialia 199 (2020) 613–632. 10. Y.X. Wu, L.Y. Wang, W.W. Sun, M.J. Styles, A.J. Studer, Y. Bréchet, A. Arlazarov, C.R. Hutchinson*, “Austenite formation kinetics from multicomponent cementite-ferrite aggregates.” Acta Materialia 196 (2020) 470–487. 11. L.Y. Wang, Y.X. Wu, W.W. Sun, Y. Bréchet, L. Brassart, A. Arlazarov, C.R. Hutchinson*, “Thermal and athermal contributions to the flow stress of martensite.” Materialia. 11 (2020) 100719. 12. Y.X. Wu, W.W. Sun, X. Gao, M.J. Styles, A. Arlazarov, C.R. Hutchinson*, “The effect of alloying elements on cementite coarsening during martensite tempering.” Acta Materialia, 183(2020): 418–437. 13. H. Zhang*, T. Hu, W.W. Sun, M.M. Hu, R.F. Cheng, X.H. Wang*. “Atomic Repartition in MXene by Electron Probe.” Chemistry of Materials, 31 (2019): 4385-4391. 14. Y.X. Wu, W.W. Sun, M.J. Styles, A. Arlazarov, C.R. Hutchinson*, “Cementite coarsening during the tempering of Fe-C-Mn martensite.” Acta Materialia, 159 (2018), 209-224. 15. Dinh. T. Vu, W.W. Sun, Y. Yue, Y. Wu, C.R. Hutchinson, S. Thomas*. “On the miniaturised sacrificial protection achieved by surface precipitation in aluminium alloys.” Corrosion Science, 145 (2018): 67-79. (金属材料腐蚀顶级期刊) 16. M.J. Styles, W.W. Sun, D. R. East, J. A. Kimpton, M. A. Gibson, and C. R. Hutchinson*. On the competition in phase formation during the crystallisation of Al-Ni-Y metallic glasses. Acta Materialia 117 (2016): 170-187. |