基 本 信 息 | ||
姓名:冉千平 性别:男 党派:民建会员 职称:教授、博导 联系方式:rqp@cnjsjk.cn | 研究方向: 1.先进工程功能材料 2.建筑高分子功能材料 3.有机/无机复合功能材料 4.先进高分子涂层 | |
个 人 简 介 | ||
冉千平,东南大学首席教授、博士生导师、高性能土木工程材料国家重点实验室首席科学家,国家杰出青年基金获得者、国家“万人计划”科技创新领军人才、享受国务院政府特殊津贴专家。立足化学、材料和建筑等多学科交叉,围绕先进工程功能材料开展研究,累计主持或参与完成包括国家杰青、国家重点研发计划、973计划在内项目20余项,发表研究论文200余篇,以第一发明人获授权发明专利80余件。研究成果获国家技术发明二等奖1项(排2)、国家科技进步二等奖1项(排3),部省级科技进步一等奖5项(排1、1、1、2、5),中国专利银奖1项、优秀奖4项。个人获求是杰出青年成果转化奖、中国青年科技奖、国家有突出贡献中青年专家、全国建设系统劳动模范、江苏省专利发明人奖、江苏省创新争先奖章、首届江苏省十大青年科技之星、南京市科技功臣等多项个人荣誉。 主持的代表性科研项目 1. 国家重点研发计划课题,海底隧道高耐久、高韧性、智能感知关键材料制备及协同应用技术(2021YFB2600801),2021.12-2024.11 2. 国家杰出青年科学基金,水泥基材料高性能化(51825203),2019/01-2023/12; 3. 国家重点研发计划项目,高抗裂预拌混凝土关键材料及制备技术(2017YFB0310100),2017/07-2021/06; 4. 江苏省成果转化资金,新一代膦酸基聚合物功能材料关键技术研发及产业化(BA2017038),2017/04-2020/03; 5. 国家面上基金,基于选择性吸附的两性接枝共聚物构效关系及混凝土超早强作用机制(51278232),2013/01-2016/12; 6. 江苏省杰出青年基金,高性能混凝土化学外加剂分子构建及性能调控关键科学问题(BK20130048),2013/01-2015/12; 7. 江苏省科技支撑计划,高性能有机防护材料关键技术突破及其在海工混凝土防护中的应用(BE2014019),2014/06-2017/05; 8. 江苏省成果转化资金,特种高活性高分子聚醚关键技术研发及产业化(BA2012027),2012/09-2015-08; 9. 国家973计划前期研究专项项目,复合材料功能化技术基础(2012CB724600),2011/12-2014/05。 欢迎加盟 欢迎化学、高分子、土木工程材料等专业背景的学生报考硕士生、博士生。欢迎以上专业的博士毕业生以博士后的身份加盟课题组。欢迎有博士后经历的年轻学者加盟,申报各类人才项目。 代表性学术论文: (1)Qiao, M., Chen, J., Yu, C., Wu, S., Gao, N., & Ran, Q*. (2017). Gemini surfactants as novel air entraining agents for concrete. Cement and Concrete Research, 100, 40-46. (2)Chen, J., Shan, G., Wu, J., Qiao, M., Gao, N., & Ran, Q*. (2022). Branched alkyl polyethers as novel defoamers for concrete. Cement and Concrete Research, 157, 106821. (3)Han, K., Guo, T., Shu, X., Ran, Q.*, Guo, Y., & Shi, J. (2024). Insight into the role of early C3A hydration in structural build-up of cement paste. Cement and Concrete Research, 175, 107354. (4)Huang, Z., Yang, Y., Ran, Q.*, & Liu, J. (2018). Preparing hyperbranched polycarboxylate superplasticizers possessing excellent viscosity-reducing performance through in situ redox initialized polymerization method. Cement and Concrete Composites, 93, 323-330. (5)Wu, Y., Shu, X., Yang, Y., She, W., Dong, L., & Ran, Q*. (2023). Fabrication of robust and room-temperature curable superhydrophobic composite coatings with breathable and anti-icing performance. Chemical Engineering Journal, 463, 142444. (6)Liu, X., Li, S., Wu, Y., Guo, T., Xie, J., Tao, J., ... & Ran, Q*. (2023). Robust All-Waterborne Superhydrophobic Coating with Photothermal Deicing and Passive Anti-icing Properties. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 15(37), 44305-44313. (7)Zhao, H., Wang, Y., Yang, Y., Shu, X., Yan, H., & Ran, Q*. (2017). Effect of hydrophobic groups on the adsorption conformation of modified polycarboxylate superplasticizer investigated by molecular dynamics simulation. Applied Surface Science, 407, 8-15. (8)Wu, Y., Dong, L., Shu, X., Yang, Y., She, W., & Ran, Q*. (2022). A review on recent advances in the fabrication and evaluation of superhydrophobic concrete. Composites Part B: Engineering, 237, 109867. (9)Guo, T., Qiao, M., Shu, X., Dong, L., Shan, G., Liu, X., ... & Ran, Q*. (2022). Characteristic analysis of air bubbles on the rheological properties of cement mortar. Construction and Building Materials, 316, 125812. (10)Guo, T., Han, K., Guo, Y., Shu, X., Qiao, M., & Ran, Q*. (2024). Effect of non-deformable and deformable bubbles on static yield stress of cement mortar. Construction and Building Materials, 411, 134192. (11)Ran, Q.*, Somasundaran, P., Miao, C., Liu, J., Wu, S., & Shen, J. (2009). Effect of the length of the side chains of comb-like copolymer dispersants on dispersion and rheological properties of concentrated cement suspensions. Journal of colloid and interface science, 336(2), 624-633. (12)Zhang, Q., Shu, X., Yu, X., Yang, Y., & Ran, Q*. (2020). Toward the viscosity reducing of cement paste: Optimization of the molecular weight of polycarboxylate superplasticizers. Construction and Building Materials, 242, 117984. (13)Qiao, M., Shan, G., Chen, J., Wu, S., Gao, N., Ran, Q.*, & Liu, J. (2020). Effects of salts and adsorption on the performance of air entraining agent with different charge type in solution and cement mortar. Construction and Building Materials, 242, 118188. (14)Zheng, S., Qiao, W., Ma, J., Li, Y., Xu, S., & Ran, Q*. (2022). Synthesis of a novel poly-TA-Si nanohybrid with dynamic covalent SS bonds and its effect on the mechanical strength of cement paste. Construction and Building Materials, 356, 129293. (15)Ma, J., Shang, Y., Peng, C., Liu, H., Zheng, S., Zhao, H., ... & Ran, Q*. (2020). Synthesis, characterization, and performance of novel phosphate-modified polymers as air-entraining agents. Construction and Building Materials, 232, 117231. |