基 本 信 息 | ||
![]() | 姓名:陶立 性别:男 党派: 职称:教授,博导,青年国家级人才 联系方式:02552091046, | 研究方向: * 二维纳米拓扑材料的微纳制备、表征及带隙调控 * 可穿戴多功能微电、光电、热电器件的微纳集成 * 基于精细微纳结构的大健康和物联网多功能器件 |
个 人 简 介 | ||
陶立,国家四青人才。面向集成电路、量子信息等科技前沿领域,主要研究方向包括:CMOS兼容的低维半导体材料与器件精准构筑以及面向物联网和大健康应用的可穿戴感通显融合技术研究。发表SCI论文70篇,包括一作及通讯Nature Nanotechnology(他引>1300次)、Chemical Society Reviews、Angewandte Chemie Intl. Ed.、Advanced Functional Materials、ACS Nano(10篇)、IEEE TAP&TED等。IEEE、MRS、APS等国际会议邀请报告10余次(主旨报告两次)。主编教育部“十四五”战略性新兴领域规划教材,授权发明专利5项(其中美国发明专利1项)。 近五年主持了国家重点研发计划课题、国家海外高层次引进人才青年项目、国自然重大培育等项目与课题,国自然创新研究群体骨干(排5),量子材料与信息器件教育部重点实验室骨干。获得IEEE NTC Distinguished Lecturer等国际学术荣誉及奖励3项,IEEE NMDC 2020及2022两届大会主席,IEEE NTC Chapter 中国区唯一联络员;国际三束及纳米制造技术会议(EIPBN)常务委员,Science第一个合作期刊Research编委及副主编,Microelectronics Engineering副主编,中国材料学会青委会理事。
BIOGRAPHY Prof. Li Tao is a young chief professor at Southeast University, Nanjing, China. His research interests focus on 0-2D materials and their flexible/wearable devices, microsystem and nanoengineering platforms for internet of things and health care. He is a co-inventor of the silicene transistor, 12’’ wafer-scale graphene on evaporated Cu for GHz flexible RF electronics, featured by TIME blog, Nature News and 100+ media. He has 70+ publications, including Nature Nanotechnology (citations>1300), Chemical Society Reviews, Angewandte Chemie Intl. Ed., Advanced Functional Materials, ACS Nano, Infomat, IEEE TAP&TED etc as first-author or corresponding author. He is the principle investigator for 7 core research projects funded by MoST and NSF of China as well as Jiangsu Province. He has delivered 10+ invited talks in IEEE, MRS and APS, and serves as a committee member for EIPBN (3-beam) conference. He is a senior member of IEEE, general chair for NMDC 2020&2022, NTC Chapter Coordinator (R10 other) and NTC Distinguished Lecturer (2023 &2024). He serves as a Deputy Editor for Research (Science partner journal) and Microelectronics Engineering, co-chair of IEEE NTC TC3 and MRS China young scientist branch. 研究方向及代表成果新型二维X烯材料及其固态器件 1.首个硅烯场效应晶体管工作被《时代周刊》博客等50多家媒体报道, Discover 2015年100项科学新闻第33名,美国发明专利授权1项 Nature Nanotechnology, 2015, 10, 227; Chem Soc Rev., 2018, 47, 6370; Advanced Functional Materials 2020 (just accepted);ACS Nano 2017,11,3376; IEEE, MRS, APS, ECS国际行业学会特邀报告10余次 2.二维半导体材料及其电子器件的制备及构筑 Nano Letters 2016,16,6931; Nano Letters 2018, 18,434; J Semiconductors 2020 EIPBN, MRS-China, LDMAS等国内外学术会议特邀报告5次 柔性可穿戴电子器件的新材料及集成技术 1.CMOS兼容的晶圆级优质单层石墨烯及其柔性电子器件 Semiconductor Today Aixtron® Nanoinstruments Black Magic CVD设备中石墨烯制备标准工艺 ACS Nano, 2012, 6 (3), 2319; Small 2014, 10(4), 694; APL 2013,103,183115 ACS Nano,2017,11,7634; ACS Nano 2016, 10, 1404; ACS Nano 2014,8,10471 Taylor Francis 邀请书稿章节2015,IEEE-IEDM, IEEE-nano, MRS, EIPBN等特邀报告8次 2.基于X烯的柔性可穿戴电子器件:Research 1046329, 2019; Nano Lett. 2015; ICMEM, LDMO等国内外学术会议特邀报告3次
微系统及纳米技术在大健康和物联网技术上的革新应用 1. 多功能形状可控纳米载药颗粒的制备、表征及传感: Exp. Biol. Med. 2011, 236, 20; 2. 面向物联网感通融合的多功能器件:Elsevier主编专著 2020
Publications(D-3622-2012, 3000 citations, h-index 23)[40+ SCI articles, 5 ESI highly cited articles] Representative Journal Articles(#1st or *corresponding authors)1. A. Molle, C. Grazianetti, L. Tao*et al., “Silicene, silicene derivatives, and their device applications”, Chem Soc Rev., 2018, 47, 6370-6387.[Invited Review] 2. L. Tao, E. Cinquanta, D. Chappe, A. Molle, D. Akinwande, “Silicene Field-Effect Transistors at Room Temperature”, Nature Nanotechnology, 10, 227-231, 2015 [Citation 900, ESI highly cited] 3. W. Zhou; J. Chen, P. Bai, S. Guo, S. Zhang*, X. Song, L. Tao*, H. Zeng*, “Two-Dimensional Pnictogen for Field-Effect Transistors”, Research, 1046329, 2019 4. X. Wang,#L. Tao,#et al., “Direct Delamination of Graphene for High-Performance Plastic Electronics”, Small 10 (4),694-609, 2014 5. L. Tao, et al., “Synthesis of high quality monolayer graphene at reduced temperature on hydrogen enriched Cu(111) films” ACS Nano,6 (3), 2319, 2012
Invited Book & ChaptersI. (Edited Book) L. Tao and D. Akinwande, “Emerging 2D Materials for Internet of Things-Information, Sensing and Energy Applications” Micro &Nano Tech Series, Elsevier, 2020 II. Chapter 15 “Wafer-scale chemical vapor deposition of high-quality graphene on evaporated Cu film” in Graphene Science Handbook, Vol.1, 2016, CRC press, Taylor & Francis Group. III. Chapter 12 “Encapsulated silicene for field-effect transistor devices”, Book of Silicene, 2018 Springer Invited Talks in past 5 years(1) “2D Xenes for Innovative (Opto-) Electronic Devices” 2nd International Symposium on Low Dimensional Materials for optoelectronic (LDMO), Shenzhen, China, Dec.2019 (2) “Intriguing Prospects of 2D Atomic Sheets for Flexible Nanoelectronics” IEEE-Integrated Circuits, Technologies and Applications (ICTA), Chengdu, China, Nov.2019 (3) “Emerging 2D Atomic Sheets for Innovative Electronics” 2nd International Conference on Material Engineering and Manufacturing, Nangjing, China, May 2019 (4) “Emerging 2D Xenes Transistors for Internet of Things” International Conference on Intelligent Chip Design and Semiconductor Circuit (ISDSC), Sanya, China, Jan. 2019 (5) “Emerging 2D Atomic Sheets for Flexible Micro-Nano Electronics” (Young Scientist Award speech), NPG Microsystems &Nanoengineering Forum, July 2018 (6) “2D Atomic Sheets for Intriguing Flexible/Wearable Nanoelectronics” International Forum on Advanced Materials, Excellent Young Scientist Session, Xi’an, China, November 2017 (7) “Intriguing Prospects of 2D Atomic Sheets for innovative Nanoelectronics” EIPBN (3-beam) conference, Orlando, FL, June 2017 (8) “2D Atomic Sheets for Flexible/Wearable Nanoeletronics” IEEE-International Semiconductor Device Symposium (ISDRS), Bethesda, MD, December 2016 (9) “2D Devices for flexible and topological nanoelectronics.” American Vacuum Society (AVS) 63rd International Symposium & Exhibition, Nashville, TN, November 2016 (10) “Phosphorene and Silicene: Complexity and Opportunity in Buckled Atomic Sheets”, MRS Fall Meeting, EE11.01, Boston, MA, December 2015 |