基 本 信 息 | ||
![]() | 姓名:于金 性别:女 职称:教授、博导 手机、微信:13382090703 Email:yujin@seu.edu.cn 工作地点:材料楼A-548 通讯地址:江苏省南京市江宁区东南大学材料学院,211189 | 研究方向: 1. 计算材料学—第一性原理计算 2. 计算材料学—机器学习 3. 金属材料、电子材料 |
个 人 简 介 | ||
山东临沂人 1992年-现在,留校任教。 1988-1992年,东南大学材料系,博士。 1985-1988年,上海工业大学(现上海大学)冶金系,硕士。 1981-1985年,浙江大学材料系,学士。 —————————————— 课程教学: 1.研究生课程《计算材料学-第一性原理计算》 2.研究生课程《学术信息检索》 3.本科生课程《计算材料学基础-第一性原理计算》 4.本科生课程《材料信息学-机器学习》 5.本科生课程《金属冶炼原理和技术》
* 于金的科学网博文 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/yujin64 * 于金的微信公众号 * 于金的哔哩哔哩 https://b23.tv/WGZgIgg —————————————— 出版论著: *于金,吴三械,王家佳著. 《第一性原理计算—Heusler合金》(M). 北京:科学出版社,2016 *参加编写:张厚生主编.《信息检索》(M)(修订版). 南京:东南大学出版社,2002 *参加编写:潘卫主编.《网络学术信息资源及其检索》(M). 南京:东南大学出版社.2001 —————————————— 发表论文: 最新发表论文链接new! https://docs.qq.com/doc/DTUhUb3BkVWlYVk14 1. Li, SH; Sun, WW; Zhu, TW; Wang, SW; Zhang, J; Yu, J; Zheng, W; Ying, GB; Sun, LT; Geng, HY. Top-down design of high-performance V-based MBene anode for Li/Na-ion batteries. PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 2024,26, 6396-6409. 2. Z Yang, W Sun, Z Sun, M Zhang, J Yu, Y Wen. Explainable predictions of multi-component oxides enabled by attention-based neural networks[J]. SCRIPTA MATERIALIA, Volume 240, 2024, 115847. 3. S Li, Z Yang, R Khaledialidusti, S Lin, J Yu, M Khazaei, J Zhang, L Sun, X Li, W Sun. High-throughput study and machine learning on MAX and MAB phases: new materials and fingerprints of superior lattice thermal conductivities[J]. 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K Ren, H Shu, W Huo, Z Cui, J Yu, Y Xu. Mechanical, electronic and optical properties of a novel B2P6 monolayer: ultrahigh carrier mobility and strong optical absorption[J]. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2021, 23(43): 24915-24921. 13. Y Luo, C Ren, Y Xu, J Yu, S Wang, M Sun. A first principles investigation on the structural, mechanical, electronic, and catalytic properties of biphenylene[J]. Scientific reports, 2021, 11(1): 19008. 14. Ren K, Zheng R, Xu P, et al. Electronic and optical properties of atomic-scale heterostructure based on MXene and MN (M= Al, Ga): a DFT investigation[J]. Nanomaterials, 2021, 11(9): 2236. 15. Z Zhu, K Ren, H Shu, Z Cui, Z Huang, J Yu, Y Xu. First-Principles Study of Electronic and Optical Properties of Two-Dimensional WSSe/BSe van der Waals Heterostructure with High Solar-to-Hydrogen Efficiency[J]. Catalysts, 2021, 11(8): 991. 16. Z Cui, Y Luo, J Yu, Y Xu. 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ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES , 2020, 12(15):17818-17826 21. Xiong S; Li X; Wu X; Yu J; Gorbatov, OI; Di Marco, I; Kent, PRC; Sun, WW. A joint density functional theory and machine learning study of Ti-X alloys (X=Nb, Zr): stability and Young's modulus[J]. COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS SCIENCE, 2020(184) 22. Ren, Kai; Yu, Jin; Tang, Wencheng. Two-dimensional ZnO/BSe van der waals heterostructure used as a promising photocatalyst for water splitting: A DFT study[J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2020, 812: 152049. 23. Ren, K; Ren, CD; Luo, Y; Xu, YJ; Yu, J; Tang, WC; Sun, ML. Using van der Waals heterostructures based on two-dimensional blue phosphorus and XC (X= Ge, Si) for water-splitting photocatalysis: A first-principles study[J]. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2019, 21(19): 9949-9956. 24. Wang, SK; Xu, YJ; Sun, ML. Wang S, Chou J P, Ren C, et al. Tunable Schottky barrier in graphene/graphene-like germanium carbide van der Waals heterostructure[J]. 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