Tel: 025-52090630。Email: fangfeng@seu.edu.cn
《Materials Science and Engineering A》编辑
《Journal of Iron and Steel Research, International》、《钢铁研究学报》编委
其中:2005. 8~2008.2 东南大学、江阴兴澄特钢有限公司,博士后
2008. 8~2009.9美国University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign访问学者
2011. 9~2011.10澳大利亚Edith Cowen University访问学者
其中:2013. 7~2013. 8 澳大利亚University of Adelaide 访问教授
其中:2016. 8~2016. 9 澳University of Adelaide访问教授
1) 国家自然科学基金面上项目“珠光体钢丝超大形变中‘新型马氏体’的形成与强化机理研究”(2022~2025)
2) 江苏省科技成果转化资金专项“深海深地无中继超高强光电一体化传感电缆研发及产业化”(2022~2025)(东南大学负责人)
3) 校企合作项目“新一代超高强度金刚线及母线的制备工艺研究”(2021~2025)
4) 校企合作项目“新一代高性能不锈钢丝绳的研制”(2020~2025)
5) 江苏省“333工程”资助项目“超大应变珠光体钢丝的形变机理研究”(2019~2020)
6) 江苏省产学研合作项目“高速大应变超高强度钢丝的关键制备技术研究”(2018~2020)
7) 江苏省科技成果转化资金专项“新一代桥梁缆索镀锌钢丝用盘条的研发与产业化”(2017~2020)(东南大学负责人)
8) 江苏省产学研前瞻性研究项目“超高强度钢丝的制备及形变机理研究”(2016~2018)
9) 江苏省重点研发计划“新一代超高强度精细钢丝成套技术研发”(2015~2018)(东南大学负责人)
10) 国家自然科学基金面上项目“超大形变珠光体中的“位错贫乏”现象及影响机制研究”(2014~2017)
11) 江苏省科技成果转化资金专项“新型螺旋式超高强度金刚线(绳)的研发及产业化”(2014~2017)(东南大学负责人)
12) 江苏省科技企业创新资金“砷快速检测试剂的开发与应用”(2014~2017)(东南大学负责人)
13) 江苏省自然科学基金“超高强度珠光体钢丝强化机理研究”(2011~2014)
14) 江苏省产学研前瞻性研究项目“高强度镀锌钢丝用盘条的成分与性能研究”(2011~2014)
15) 教育部留学人员回国科研启动基金“非均匀应力下双相材料大变形的组织演变与力学性能研究”(2011~2013)
1) S.Q. Wang, B.L. Xu, W.Y. Huo*, H.C. Feng, X.F. Zhou, F. Fang*, Z.H. Xie, J.K. Shang, J.Q. Jiang. Efficient FeCoNiCuPd thin-film electrocatalyst for alkaline oxygen and hydrogen evolution reactions.Appl. Catal. B-Environ, 2022, 313: 121472
2) S.Q. Wang, W.Y. Huo*, H.C. Feng, X.F. Zhou, F. Fang*, Z.H. Xie, J.K. Shang, J.Q. Jiang. Controlled Self-Assembly of Hollow Core-Shell FeMn/CoNi Prussian Blue Analogs with Boosted Electrocatalytic Activity. Small, 2022, 18: 2203713
3) F. Yang, L.M. Dong*, L.C. Zhou, N. Zhang, X.F. Zhou, X.D. Zhang, F. Fang*. Excellent strength and electrical conductivity achieved by optimizing the dual-phase structure in Cu-Fe wires. Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 2022, 849: 143484
4) L. Zhou, F. Fang*, M. Kumagai, Ed Pickering, T.B. Yu, X.D. Zhang. Structure restoration and coarsening of nanocrystalline cementite in cold drawn pearlitic wire induced by low temperature annealing. Scr. Mater., 2022, 215: 114696
5) S.Q. Wang, W.Y. Huo*, F. Fang*, Z.H. Xie, J.K. Shang, J.Q. Jiang. High entropy alloy/C nanoparticles derived from polymetallic MOF as promising electrocatalysts for alkaline oxygen evolution reaction. Chem. Eng. J., 2022, 429: 132410
6) H.C. Feng, L. Cai, L.F. Wang, X.D. Zhang*, F. Fang*. Microstructure and strength in ultrastrong cold-drawn medium carbon steel. J. Mater. Sci. Technol., 2022, 97: 89–100
7) L.C. Zhou, F. Fang*, M. Kumagai, Ed Pickering, X.D. Zhang. A modified pearlite microstructure to overcome the strength-plasticity trade-off of heavily drawn pearlitic wire. Scr. Mater., 2022, 206: 114236
8) D.S. Wei, L.F. Wang, X.J. Hu, X.Y. Mao, Z.H. Xie, F. Fang*. Effect of drawing strain rate on microstructure and mechanical properties of cold-drawn pearlitic steel wires. J. Mater. Sci., 2022, 57: 8924-8939
9) S.Q. Wang, Z.L. Zhang, W.Y. Huo, X.H. Zhang, F. Fang*, Z.H. Xie, J.Q. Jiang. Single-crystal-like black Zr-TiO2 nanotube array film: An efficient photocatalyst for fast reduction of Cr (VI). Chem. Eng. J., 2021, 403: 126331
10) H.C. Feng, L.F. Wang, S.Y. Cui, N. Hansen, F. Fang*, X.D. Zhang. Microstructure and strengthening mechanisms of nanolamellar structures in ultrastrong drawn iron wires. Scr. Mater., 2021, 200: 113906
11) F. Yang, L.M. Dong, L. Cai, L.F. Wang, Z.H. Xie, F. Fang*.Effect of cold drawing strain on the microstructure, mechanical properties and electrical conductivity of low-oxygen copper wires. Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 2021, 818: 141348
12) F. Yang, L.M. Dong, L. Cai, X.J. Hu, F. Fang*. Mechanical properties of FeMnCoCr high entropy alloy alloyed with C/Si at low temperatures. J. Alloy. Compd., 2021, 859:157876
13) D.S. Wei, Q.N. Han, L. Cai, X.G. Min, Z.H. Xie, F. Fang*. Strengthening iron wires through gradient grain structure.Mater. Charact., 2021,171: 110821
14) H.C. Feng, F. Fang*, X.F. Zhou, X.D. Zhang, Z.H. Xie, J.Q. Jiang. Heavily cold drawn iron wires: Role of nano-lamellae in enhancing the tensile strength. Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 2020, 796: 140017
15) D. Wei, X.G. Min, X.J. Hu, Z.H. Xie, F. Fang*. Microstructure and mechanical properties of cold drawn pearlitic steel wires: Effects of drawing-induced heating. Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 2020, 784: 139341
16) S.Q. Wang, Z.L. Zhang, W.Y. Huo, K. Zhu, X.H. Zhang, X.F. Zhou, F. Fang*, Z.H. Xie, J.Q. Jiang. Preferentially oriented Ag-TiO2 nanotube array film: An efficient visible light-driven photocatalyst. J. Hazard. Mater.,2020, 399: 123016
17) L.C. Zhou, F. Fang*, J. Zhou, Z.H. Xie, J.Q. Jiang. Strain-induced coarsening of ferrite lamella in cold drawn pearlitic steel wire. Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 2020, 771: 138602
18) F. Yang, L.M. Dong, X.J. Hu, X.F. Zhou, Z.H. Xie, F. Fang*. Effect of solution treatment temperature upon the microstructure and mechanical properties of hot rolled Inconel 625 alloy.J.Mater. Sci., 2020, 55: 5613-5626
19) D.S. Wei, L. Li, X.G. Min, F. Fang*, Z.H. Xie, J.Q. Jiang. Microstructure and mechanical properties of heavily cold drawn pearlitic steel wires: Effects of low temperature annealing. Mater. Charact., 2019, 153: 108-114
20) W.Y. Huo, F. Fang*, X.D. Liu, S.Y. Tan, Z.H. Xie, J.Q. Jiang. Remarkable strain-rate sensitivity of nanotwinned CoCrFeNi alloys. Appl. Phys. Lett, 2019,114: 101904
21) L.C. Zhou, F. Fang*, L.P. Wang, X.J. Hu, Z.H. Xie, J.Q. Jiang.Torsion performance of pearlitic steel wires: Effects of morphology and crystallinity of cementite. Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 2019, 743: 425~435
22) W.Y. Huo, F. Fang*, X.D. Liu, S.Y. Tan, Z.H. Xie, J.Q. Jiang. Fatigue resistance of nano-twinned high-entropy alloy films. Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 2019, 739: 26~30
23) 冯汉臣, 闵学刚, 魏大圣, 周立初, 崔世云, 方峰*. 低温回火对超大形变冷拔珠光体钢丝显微组织和力学性能的影响[J]. 金属学报, 2019, 55: 585-592
24) L.C. Zhou, F. Fang*, L.F. Wang, H.Q. Chen, Z.H. Xie, J.Q. Jiang. Torsion delamination and recrystallized cementite of heavy drawing pearlite wires after low temperature annealing. Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 2018, 713: 52~60
25) W.Y. Huo, H. Zhou, F. Fang*, X.F. Zhou, Z.H. Xie, J.Q. Jiang. Microstructure and properties of novel CoCrFeNiTax eutectic high-entropy alloys, J. Alloy. Compd., 2018, 735: 897~904
26) W.Y. Huo, X.D. Liu, S.Y. Tan, F. Fang*, Z.H. Xie, J.K. Shang, J.Q. Jiang. Ultrahigh hardness and high electrical resistivity in nano-twinned, nanocrystalline high-entropy alloy films. Appl. Surf. Sci., 2018, 439: 222~225
27) 季培蓓, 周立初, 周雪峰, 方峰*, 蒋建清. 冷拉拔珠光体钢丝的力学性能各向异性研究[J]. 金属学报, 2018, 54: 494-500
28) W.Y. Huo, F. Fang*, H. Zhou, Z.H. Xie, J.K. Shang, J.Q. Jiang. Remarkable strength of CoCrFeNi high-entropy alloy wires at cryogenic and elevated temperatures, Scr. Mater., 2017, 141: 125~128
29) W.Y. Huo, H. Zhou, F. Fang*, X.F. Zhou, Z.H. Xie, J.Q. Jiang. Microstructure and mechanical properties of CoCrFeNiZrx eutectic high-entropy alloys, Mater. Des., 2017, 134: 226~233
30) W.Y. Huo, H. Zhou, F. Fang*, X.J. Hu, Z.H. Xie, J.Q. Jiang. Strain-rate effect upon the tensile behavior of CoCrFeNi high-entropy alloys. Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 2017, 689: 366~369
31) L.C. Zhou, F. Fang*, X. Zhou, Y. Tu, Z.H. Xie, J. Jiang. Cementite nano-crystallization in cold drawn pearlitic wires instigated by low temperature annealing. Scr. Mater., 2016, 120: 5-8
32) F. Fang*, L. Zhou, X. Hu, X. Zhou, Y. Tu, Z. Xie, J. Jiang. Microstructure and mechanical properties of cold-drawn pearlitic wires affect by inherited texture. Mater. Des., 2015,79: 60-67
33) F. Fang*, Y.Y. Zhang, X.Q. Wu, Q.Y. Shao, Z.H. Xie. Electrical and optical properties of nitrogen doped SnO2 thin films deposited on flexible substrates by magnetron sputtering. Mater. Res. Bull., 2015, 68: 240-244
34) 周立初, 胡显军,马驰, 周雪峰, 蒋建清, 方峰*. 珠光体层片取向对冷拔珠光体钢丝形变的影响[J]. 金属学报, 2015, 51(8): 897-903
35) F. Fang*, Y.F. Zhao, L.C. Zhou, X.J. Hu, Z.H. Xie, J.Q. Jiang. Texture inheritance of cold drawn pearlite steel wires after austenitization. Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 2014, 618: 505-510
36) F. Fang*, Y.F. Zhao, P.P. Liu, L.C. Zhou, X.J. Hu, Z.H. Xie. Deformation of Cementite in Cold Drawn Pearlitic Steel Wire. Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 2014, 608: 11-15
37) F. Fang*, X.J. Hu, B.M. Zhang, Z.H. Xie, J.Q. Jiang. Deformation of dual-structure medium carbon steel in cold drawing. Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 2013, 583: 78-83
38) X. H. Ding, F. Fang*, J.Q. Jiang. Electrical and optical properties of N-doped SnO2 thin films prepared by magnetron sputtering.Surf. Coat. Tech., 2013, 231: 67-70
39) X.J. Hu, L. Wang, F. Fang*, Z.Q. Ma, Z.H. Xie, J.Q. Jiang. Origin and mechanism of torsion fracture in cold-drawn pearlitic steel wires. J. Mater. Sci., 2013, 48: 5528-5535
40) Z. Li, M. Paul, Z. T. Jiang, X. L. Zhao, J. Xu, J.Q. Jiang, F. Fang*, Z. Xie*. Designing superhard, self-toughening CrAlN coatings through grain boundary engineering. Acta Mater., 2012, 60: 5735-5744
41) F. Fang*, X.J. Hu, S. H. Chen, Z. H. Xie, J. Q. Jiang. Revealing microstructural and mechanical characteristics of cold-drawn pearlitic steel wires undergoing simulated galvanization treatment. Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 2012, 547(6): 51-54
42) F. Fang*, Q. Li, J. K. Shang. Enhanced visible-light absorption from Ag2O nanoparticles in nitrogen-doped TiO2 thin films. Surf. Coat. Tech., 2011, 205: 2919-2923
43) F. Fang*, J. H. Jiang, S. Y. Tan, A. B. Ma, J. Q. Jiang. Characteristics of a fast low-temperature zinc phosphating coating accelerated by an ECO-friendly hydroxylamine sulfate. Surf. Coat. Tech., 2010, 204: 2381-2385
获奖人:方峰, 蒋建清, 闵学刚, 盛荣生, 周立初, 张年春, 周雪峰, 胡东辉, 崔世云
获奖单位:东南大学, 江苏宝钢精密钢丝有限公司,
盛利维尔(中国)新材料技术股份有限公司, 南京信息工程大学
获奖人:范家骅, 方峰, 刘文兵, 邵起越, 郭涛, 张长平, 金兰英, 周雪峰, 杨桂芳, 刘素公
获奖单位:南京金美镓业有限公司, 东南大学
获奖人:朱旺龙, 方峰, 周雪峰, 徐辉霞, 蒋建清, 吴建忠, 朱儒燕
获奖单位:江苏天工工具有限公司, 东南大学
获奖人:朱小坤, 方峰, 马党参, 周雪峰, 蒋建清, 朱旺龙, 迟宏宵
获奖单位:江苏天工工具有限公司, 东南大学, 钢铁研究总院
6)2003年江苏省科技进步一等奖“1860MPa级PC 钢绞线用小方坯连铸连轧盘条的产业化研究”
1) ZL201810139571.7 方峰, 曾一平,蒋建清,季培蓓,周立初, 周雪峰. 一种测量线材微小试样抗拉强度的装置及试验方法 [P]. 2020.9.29
2) ZL201810711099.4 方峰,刘晓东,霍文燚,张旭海,胡显军. 一种高电阻率合金薄膜材料及其制备方法[P]. 2020-07-07
3) ZL201811276432.X 方峰, 蒋建清, 赵新委, 徐巍, 周立初, 周雪峰. 一种热镀锌铝镁合金镀层及其制备方法和应用[P]. 2020-06-12
4) ZL201810178171.1 方峰, 徐正超, 骆凯翔, 王世琦, 刘晓东. FTO导电材料的溶剂热合成方法[P]. 2020-04-21
5) ZL 201810341605.5 方峰, 周立初, 蒋建清, 王林烽, 闵学刚, 陈华青. 一种高碳钢丝的生产方法[P]. 2020.1.17
6) ZL201810178143.X 方峰, 徐正超, 骆凯翔, 刘阳, 马聪. 一种锡基多孔电吸附除砷材料及其制备方法和应用[P]. 2020-01-03
7) ZL 201610151358.3方峰, 周立初, 季培蓓, 王凌烽, 陈华青, 蒋建清. 一种提高大桥缆索用镀锌钢丝扭转性能的方法[P]. 2018.5.15
8) ZL201610151195.9 方峰, 张夜雨, 陈海洋, 张旭海, 周雪峰, 蒋建清. 一种铜修饰氮掺杂二氧化钛薄膜的制备方法[P]. 2018.5.15
9) ZL 201410023769.5 方峰,蒋建清,周雪峰,周立初,赵宇飞. 一种低缺陷高强度钢丝的生产方法[P]. 2016.1.13