周立初, 博士,副研究员。2013年本科毕业于东南大学材料科学与工程学院,获学士学位;2020年于东南大学获工学博士学位,期间前往英国曼彻斯特大学亨利罗伊斯研究所访学;后前往丹麦技术大学机械工程系M4D Group从事博士后研究。2022年11月加入东南大学材料科学与工程学院,主要从事高性能金属线材、高性能钢铁材料的研究工作。参加完成国家自然基金项目一项,省部级自然基金一项、省部级科技项目三项。在Scripta,MSEA等期刊上发表SCI、EI论文20余篇,其中第一作者11篇,获得授权专利5项,关于通过冷拉拔变形与热处理制备高性能珠光体钢丝的研究成果已在相关领域中实现大规模应用,相关成果获江苏省科学技术奖一等奖一项。
1. 超高强度金属材料(抗拉强度>1.5%弹性模量)的制备技术与表征
2. 高性能珠光体钢丝及相关基础性问题
3. 孪晶与相变强化钢铁材料
1. Title: Structure restoration and coarsening of nanocrystalline cementite in cold drawn pearlitic wire induced by low temperature annealing
Authors: L. C. Zhou, F. Fang, M. Kumagai, E. Pickering, T. Yu, X. D. Zhang
Journal, Year, Volume, Issue, Pages:Scr. Mater., 2022, 215, 114696
2. Title: A modified pearlite microstructure to overcome the strength-plasticity trade-off of heavily drawn pearlitic wire
Author(s): L. C. Zhou, F. Fang, M. Kumagai, E. Pickering, X. D. Zhang
Journal, Year, Volume, Issue, Pages: Scr. Mater., 2022, 206, 114236
3. Title: Strain-induced coarsening of ferrite lamella in cold drawn pearlitic steel wire
Author(s): L. C. Zhou, F. Fang, J. Zhou, Z. H. Xie, J. Q. Jiang
Journal, Year, Volume, Issue, Pages: Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 2020, 771, 138602
4. Title: Torsion performance of pearlitic steel wires: Effects of morphology and crystallinity of cementite
Author(s):L. C. Zhou, F. Fang, L. P. Wang, X. J. Hu, Z. H. Xie, J. Q. Jiang
Journal, Year, Volume, Issue, Pages: Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 2019, 743, 425-435
5. Title: Torsion delamination and recrystallized cementite of heavy drawing pearlitic wires after low temperature annealing
Author(s): L. C. Zhou, F. Fang, L. F. Wang, H. Q. Chen, Z. H. Xie, J. Q. Jiang
Journal, Year, Volume, Issue, Pages: Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 2018,713, 52-60
6. Title: Cementite nano-crystallization in cold drawn pearlitic wires instigated by low temperature annealing
Author(s):L.C. Zhou, F. Fang, X. Zhou, Y. Tu, Z.H. Xie, J. Jiang
Journal, Year, Volume, Issue, Pages: Scr. Mater., 2016, 120: 5-8
7. Title: Effects of chromium additions upon microstructure and mechanical properties of cold drawn pearlitic steel wires
Author(s): L. C. Zhou, L. F. Wang, H. Q. Chen, Z. H. Xie, F Fang
Journal, Year, Volume, Issue, Pages: J. Mater. Eng. Perform., 2018, 27: 3619-3628
8. Title: Effect of pearlitic lamella orientation on deformation of pearlite steel wire during cold drawing
Author(s): L. C. Zhou, X. J. Hu, C. Ma, F. Fang, J. Q. Jiang
Journal, Year, Volume, Issue, Pages: Acta Metall. Sin., 2015, 51 (8), 897-903
9. Title:Microstructure and mechanical properties of low carbon steel wires with serial and reverse-direction cold drawing
Author(s): L. C. Zhou, M. Y. Xia, X. G. Min, F. Fang,
Journal, Year, Volume, Issue, Pages: J. Iron Steel Res. Int. 2019, 26, 1249-1256