Sun Zhengming
发布时间:2018-10-07   浏览次数:68884
 基 本 信 息

Name: ZhengMing SUN





Research Area

1.    Novel energy storage materials

2.    Nanolayered materials and their composites

3.    Spontaneous metal whisker growth

 个 人 简 介


Dr. ZhengMing SUN currently serves as a Chair Professor at Southeast University. He obtained his undergraduate degree from Southeast University, and master's degree from the Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Subsequently, he completed a joint doctoral program at the Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the University of Vienna. He has conducted research on composite materials, intermetallic compounds, and advanced ceramics at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, University of Vienna (as a postdoctoral researcher), Toyohashi University of Technology in Japan (as a JSPS fellow), and Drexel University in the United States.

Before returning to China, he served as a Senior Researcher and Assistant Director of the International Department at the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) in Japan. Upon his return, he has held positions such as the chairman of the Academic Committee and Dean of the School of Materials Science and Engineering at Southeast University. In recent years, he has made significant progress in the fundamental and applied research of metallic ceramic MAX phase materials, two-dimensional MXene materials, and their applications in the energy and environmental fields. His research has been supported by major national and local research projects, including the National Key R&D Program, National Natural Science Foundation Key and General Projects, Jiangsu Double Innovation Team, and Talent Projects. He has published over 300 academic papers in journals such as Nat Commun, Chem, Adv Mater, Angew Chem, Adv Energy Mater, Energy Environ Sci, Adv Funct Mater, and Acta Mater, and holds more than 40 authorized patents. He is actively involved in various professional organizations, such as council member of the Chinese Materials Research Society, Executive Director of the Chinese Society for Composite Materials, Vice President of the Jiangsu Materials Research Society, and Vice President of the Southeast University Alumni Association in Europe and America. He has received awards such as the China Overseas Chinese Contribution (Innovative Talent) Award, Jiangsu Science and Technology Award, and the Science and Technology Award from the Chinese Society for Composite Materials.


Research Projects

1.    High-performance aqueous zinc-ion battery cathode materials based on MXene: National Natural Science Foundation of China Joint Key Project, Project Leader: ZhengMing SUN, Jan 2024 - Dec 2027;

2.    Development of new high-performance CICC superconductors for high-field applications: Subproject 3: Key issues in the research of high-temperature high-strength structures and high-performance insulation materials, National Key R&D Program, subproject Leader: ZhengMing SUN, Jan 2018 - Dec 2022;

3.    Basic research on MAX/MXene and related two-dimensional materials and their applications in environmental energy field: Jiangsu Double Innovation Team, Project Leader: ZhengMing SUN, Jan 2018 - Dec 2020;

4.    Research and development of new silver-based electrical contact materials based on MAX phase: Jiangsu Double Innovation Talent Project, Project Leader: ZhengMing SUN, Jan 2018 - Dec 2020;

5.    Basic research on the spontaneous growth mechanism of metal whiskers and their applications in microelectronics and new materials fields: National Natural Science Foundation Key Project, Project Leader: ZhengMing SUN, Jan 2018 - Dec 2022 (independently undertaken by the School of Materials Science and Engineering, Southeast University);

6.    Preparation and performance study of Ag-MAX electrical contact materials: National Natural Science Foundation General Project, Project Leader: ZhengMing SUN, Jan 2017 - Dec 2020;

7.    Research on the spontaneous growth rules and mechanisms of element A whiskers on MAX phase surfaces: National Natural Science Foundation General Project, Project Leader: ZhengMing SUN, Jan 2013 - Dec 2016;

8.    Research and industrialization of static hydraulic expansion composite process for large diameter (≥7.500mm) corrosion-resistant high-strength bimetallic composite pipes: Huai'an City Science and Technology Achievement Transformation Special Fund Project, Technical Leader: ZhengMing SUN (project leader is the legal person of the cooperating enterprise), Jan 2016 - Dec 2018;

9.    Development of solvent-free epoxy basalt flake anticorrosive coatings: Cooperation project between Jiangsu Xinpeng Co., Ltd. and the academy, Project Leader: ZhengMing SUN, Jul 2015 - Jul 2018.


My Team

Our research group is led by Professor ZhengMing SUN, along with Associate Professor Xuesi WANG, Associate Professor Peigen ZHANG, Associate Professor Wei ZHANG, Associate Professor Wei HE, Associate Professor Long PAN, Associate Professor Tao SHUI, and Lecturer Qiushi RUAN. Additionally, we have dedicated postdoctoral researchers, doctoral students, and master's students. Since 2016, our group has been offering the undergraduate foundational course Fundamentals of Materials Science (taught entirely in English). Many teachers in our team have gained valuable overseas study experiences, which have endowed them with an international perspective, solid English proficiency, profound research accumulation, and rich teaching experience. Currently, our research group comprises 28 doctoral students and 32 master's students.


Join Us

Welcome students with backgrounds in materials science and engineering, applied physics, chemical engineering, materials simulation, as well as students from fundamental disciplines interested in materials research and development, such as physics, chemistry, etc., to apply for master's and doctoral programs.

After several years of academic training and cultivation, graduate students will have the ability to independently undertake research projects and possess the skills of communication and writing in English, becoming talents with an international perspective. Upon graduation, they will have a wide range of career options, including university faculty (for doctoral graduates), researchers in scientific research institutes (primarily for doctoral graduates), as well as roles in manufacturing, energy, environmental-related industries, etc.

We welcome doctoral graduates in the aforementioned fields to join our research group as postdoctoral researchers.

Young scholars with postdoctoral experience are also welcome to join and apply for various talent programs.



1.   Z. H. Bao, C. J. Lu, Q. Liu, F. Ye, W. H. Li, Y. Zhou, L. Pan, L. B. Duan, H. J. Tang, Y. P. Wu, L. F. Hu*, Z. M. Sun*, An acetate electrolyte for enhanced pseudocapacitve capacity in aqueous ammonium ion batteries. Nature Communication, 2024, 15, 1934.

2.   W. Zha, Q. Ruan*, L. Ma, M. Liu, H. Lin, L. Sun, Z. M. Sun*, L. Tao*, Highly Stable Photo-Assisted Zinc-Ion Batteries via Regulated Photo-Induced Proton Transfer, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2024,

3.   L. Ma, Q.S. Ruan, W. W. Zha, L. Q. Kong, Z. M. Sun*, Irradiation Spillover Effect in Photo-Assisted Ion Batteries: Overcoming Size Limits for Solar Utilization. Advanced Energy Materials, 2024, 2303586.

4.   F. Y. Hu, H. F. Tang, F. S. Wu, P. Ding, P. G. Zhang*, W. W. Sun, L. Z. Cai, B. B. Fan, R. Zhang, Z. M. Sun*, Sn Whiskers from Ti2SnC Max Phase: Bridging Dual-Functionality in Electromagnetic Attenuation. Small Methods, 2024, 2301476.

5.   Y. Zhang, Z. H. Bao, R. Wang, Y. F. Su, Y. P. Wang*, X. Cao, R. X. Hu, D. W. Sha, L. Pan*, Z. M. Sun*, Simultaneous derivatization and exfoliation of multilayered Ti3C2Tx MXene into amorphous TiO2 nanosheets for stable K-ion storage. Nanoscale, 2024, 16(4), 1751–1757.

6.   Y. J. Zhang, M. K. Han, R. X. Hu, P. G. Zhang, L. Pan*, Z. M. Sun*, Sandwiched MXene/polyimide composite foams for multiscale microwave absorption. Science China-Materials, 2024, 67(1), 272–278.

7.   Y. P. Wang, P. C. Yuan, Z. Y. Xu, X. X. Liu, S. F. Feng, M. F. Cao, C. Cao, X. Q. Wang*, L. Pan*, Z. M. Sun*, Ti3C2Tx MXene in-situ transformed Li2TiO3 interface layer enabling4.5 V-LiCoO2/sulfide all-solid-state lithium batteries with superior rate capability and cyclability. Chinese Chemical Letters, 2023,108776.

8.   Y. J. Zhang, R. X. Hu, P. G. Zhang, L. Pan*, Z. M. Sun*, Gravity-induced single-layer gradient structure of Ni@Ti3C2Tx/PVA for enhanced microwave absorption. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2023, 11, 58735882.

9.   Q. S. Ruan*, X. F. Xi, B. Z. Yan, L. Q. Kong, C. R. Jiang*, J. W. Tang, Z. M. Sun*, Stored photoelectrons in a faradaic junction for decoupled solar hydrogen production in the dark. Chem 2023, 9(7), 1850–1864.

10. D. W. Sha, Y. R. You, R. X. Hu, X. Cao, Y. C. Wei, H. Zhang, L. Pan*, Z. M. Sun*, Revealing the evolution of doping anions and their impact on K-Ion storage: A case study of Se-doped In2S3. Energy Storage Materials, 2023, 58, 165.

11. D. W. Sha, Y. R. You, R. X. Hu, X. Cao, Y. C Wei, H. Zhang, L. Pan*, Z. M. Sun*, Comprehensively Understanding the Role of Anion Vacancies on K-Ion Storage: A Case Study of Se Vacancy Engineered VSe2. Advanced Materials, 2023, 35(15), 2211311.

12. P. Y. Hu, J. Wang, P. G. Zhang*, F. S. Wu, Y. Y. Cheng, J. Wang*, Z. M. Sun*, Hyperelastic Kevlar Nanofiber Aerogels as Robust Thermal Switches for Smart Thermal Management. Advanced Materials, 2023, 35, 2207638.

13. Q. C. Chen, C. J. Lu, Z. M. Sun, Y. J. Zhang,Q. S. Ruan*, L. Tao*, A hydroxyl-induced carbon nitride homojunction with functional surface for efficient photocatalytic production of H2O2. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2023, 324, 122216.

14. Z. H. Tian, X. Q. Xu, J. W. Tang, Q. Q. Zhang, F. S. Wu, P. G. Zhang*, J. Liu, Z. M. Sun*, Large-scale preparation of nano-sized carbides and metal whiskers via mechanochemical decomposition of MAX phases. International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology, 2023, 20, 823-832.

15. L. Yang, W. Zheng, J. Halim, J. Rosen*, Z. M. Sun*, M. W. Barsoum*, A highly reversible aqueous ammonium-ion battery based on α-MoO3/Ti3C2Tz anodes and (NH4)xMnO2/CNTs cathodes. Batteries & Supercaps,2023, e202200432.

16. X. Q. Xu, D. W. Sha, Z. H. Tian, F. S. Wu, W. Zheng*, L. Yang, S. Y. Xie, P. G. Zhang*, Z. M. Sun, Lithium storage performance and mechanism of nano-sized Ti2InC MAX phase. Nanoscale Horizons, 2023, 8, 331–337.

17. L. Pan, R. X. Hu, Y. Zhang, D. W. Sha, X. Cao, Z. R. Li, Y. G. Zhao, J. X. Ding, Y. P. Wang*, Z. M. Sun*, Built-in electric field-driven ultrahigh-rate K-ion storage via heterostructure engineering of dual tellurides integrated with Ti3C2Tx MXene. Nano-Micro Letters,2023, 15, 225.

18. L. Q. Kong, Q. S. Ruan*, J. Y. Qiao, P. Y. Chen, B. Z. Yan, W. He, W. Zhang, C. R. Jiang, C. J. Lu*, Z. M. Sun*, Realizing Unassisted Photo‐Charging of Zinc–Air Batteries by Anisotropic Charge Separation in Photoelectrodes. Advanced Materials, 2023, 35(46), 2304669.

19. H. Xia, G. Xu, X. Cao, C. Y. Miao*, H. N. Zhang, P. Y. Chen, Y. Zhou*, W. Zhang*, Z. M. Sun*, Single-Ion-Conducting Hydrogel Electrolytes Based on Slide-Ring Pseudo-Polyrotaxane for Ultralong-Cycling Flexible Zinc-Ion Batteries. Advanced Materials, 2023, 35, 2301996.

20. Q. Xie, C. J. Yi, H. N. Zhang, H. Xia, G. Xu, C. Y. Miao*, L. Yang, T. Shui, W. Zhang*, Z. M. Sun*, Stretchable Zn-Ion Hybrid Capacitor with Hydrogel Encapsulated 3D Interdigital Structure. Advanced Energy Materials, 2023, 2303592.

21. J. Y. Qiao, D. D. Dong, Q. Y. Lin, L. Q. Kong, W. J. Jiang, W. He*, Z. M. Sun*, Zr and Ir Codoped Perovskite Nanosheets for Efficient and Stable Oxygen Evolution. ACS Appl.Energy Mater, 2023, 6, 10593−10599.

22. X. Cao, Y. Y. You, D. W. Sha, H. Xia, H. Wang, J. Zhang, R. X. Hu, Y. C. Wei, Z. H. Bao, Y. Xu, L. Pan, C. J. Lu*, W. He*, M. Zhou*, Z. M. Sun*, Ultralong Cycle Life for Deep Potassium Storage Enabled by BiOCl/MXene van der Waals Heterostructures. Adv. Funct. Mater,2023, 33, 2303275.

23. J. Y. Qiao, Z. H. Bao, L. Q. Kong, X. Y. Liu, C. J. Lu, M. Ni, W. He*, M. Zhou*, Z. M. Sun*, MOF-derived heterostructure CoNi/CoNiP anchored on MXene framework as a superior bifunctional electrocatalyst for zinc-air batteries. Chinese Chemical Letters, 2023, 34, 108318.

24. J. C. Qian, Y. R. You, Z. X. Fan, X. Y. Liu, J. Tang, W. He*, Z. M. Sun*, Mn pre-intercalated hydrated vanadium pentoxide activated by nitrogen plasma for enhanced zinc ion storage. Journal of Energy Storage, 2023, 63, 106988.

25. Y. S. Liu*, C. J. Lu*, Y. Chen, M. Y. Huang, Y. Liu, R. Wang, H. Y. Yao, Z. M. Sun, Mitigation of metal whisker growth from MAX phases by A-site alloying strategy. Applied Surface Science, 2023, 632, 157486.

26. Z. H. TianB. Z. YanF. S. WuJ. W. TangX. Q. XuJ. LiuP. G. Zhang*Z. M. Sun*, Synthesis of Ti2(In Al1-x)C (x=0–1) solid solutions with high-purity and their properties. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2023, 43(14), 5915-24.

27. F. S. Wu, P. Y. Hu, F. Y. Hu, Z. H. Tian, J. W. Tang, P. G. Zhang*, L. Pan, Michel W. B., L. Z. Cai, Z. M. Sun*, Multifunctional MXene/C Aerogels for Enhanced Microwave Absorption and Thermal Insulation. Nano-Micro Letters, 2023, 15(1), 194.

28. P. Y. Hu, F. S. Wu, B. J. Ma, J. Luo, P. G. Zhang*, Z. H. Tian, J. Wang*, Z. M. Sun*, Robust and Flame-Retardant Zylon Aerogel Fibers for Wearable Thermal Insulation and Sensing in Harsh Environment. Advanced Materials, 2023, 36, 2310023.

29. F. Y. Hu, P. G. Zhang*, F. S. Wu, Z. H. Tian, H. F. Tang, B. B. Fan, R. Zhang, W. W. Sun, L. Z. Cai, Z. M. Sun*, One-dimensional core-sheath Sn/SnOx derived from MAX phase for microwave absorption. Journal of Materiomics, 2023,

30. S. Y. Xie, H. N. Zhang, F. S. Wu, X. Q. Xu, Z. H. Tian, P. G. Zhang*, W. Zheng, L. Yang, J. Liu, W. Zhang, Z. M. Sun*, Fabrication of Nano-sized Cr2GaC with a Bottom-Up Approach for Lithium Storage. ACS Applied Nano Materials, 2023, 6(21), 20269-77.

31. J. W. Tang, H. F. Tang, Z. H. Tian, F. S. Wu, P. G. Zhang*, Z. M. Sun*, Indium (In) whisker growth from MAB phase Ti2InB2. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 2023, 34(16), 1303.

32. Y. N. Ren, Z. H. Tian, Y. Zhang, F. S. Wu, H. Xie, Q. Q. Zhang, P. G. Zhang*, Z. M. Sun*, In-Situ Growth of ZnO Whiskers on Ti2ZnC MAX Phases. Materials, 2023, 16, 3610.

33. X. D. Yin, W. Zheng*, H. F. Tang, P. G. Zhang*, Z. M. Sun*, Novel 2D/2D 1T-MoS2/Ti3C2Tz heterostructures for high-voltage symmetric supercapacitors. Nanoscale, 2023, 15, 10437.

34. R. X. Hu, D. W. Sha, X. Cao, C. J. Lu, Y. C. Wei, L. Pan*, Z. M. Sun*, Anchoring MOF-Derived ZnTe@C onto Elastic Ti3C2Tx MXene with 0D/2D Dual Confinement for Ultrastable Potassium-Ion Storage. Advanced Energy Materials, 2022, 12, 22031.

35. H. N. Zhang, P. Y. Chen, H. Xia, G. Xu, Y. P. Wang, T. F. Zhang*, W. W. Sun, M. Turgunov, W. Zhang*, Z. M. Sun*, An Integrated Self-healing Anode Assembled via Dynamic Encapsulation of Liquid Metal with 3D Ti3C2Tx Network for Enhanced Lithium Storage. Energy & Environmental Science, 2022, 15, 5240–5250.

36. P. Y. Chen, Q. S. Ruan, Rasool Nasseri, H. N. Zhang, X. F. Xi, H. Xia, G. Xu, Q. Xie, C. J. Yi, Z. M. Sun*, H. Shahsavan*, W. Zhang*. Light-Fueled Hydrogel Actuators with Controlled Deformation and Photocatalytic Activity. Advanced Science, 2022, 9, 220473.

37. W. He, Z. X. Fan, Z. Q. Huang, X. Y. Liu, J. C. Qian, M. Ni, P. G. Zhang, L. F. Hu*, Z. M. Sun*, A Li+ and PANI co-intercalation strategy for hydrated V2O5 to enhance zinc ion storage performance. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2022, 10, 18962-18971.

38. L. Pan, S. Sun, G. X. Yu, X. X. Liu, S. F. Feng, W. Zhang, M. A. Turgunov, Y. P. Wang*, Z. M. Sun, Stabilizing solid electrolyte/Li interface via polymer-in-salt artificial protection layer for high-rate and stable lithium metal batteries.Chemical Engineering Journal,2022, 449, 137682.

39. L. Q. Kong, J. Y. Qiao, Q. S. Ruan*, H. Wang, X. F. Xi, W. W. Zha, Z. H. Zhou, W. He, W. Zhang, Z. M. Sun*, A very low charge potential for zinc-air battery promoted by photochemical effect of triazine-based conjugated polymer nanolayer coated TiO2.Journal of Power Sources,2022, 536, 231507.

40. W. W. Zha, Q. S. Ruan*, L. Q. Kong, X. F. Xi, M. A. Turgunov, W. Zhang*, K. Chang, Z. M. Sun*, A suspension-mimicking hydrogel-based n-type polymer photocathode for solar-driven water splitting. Cell Reports Physical Science,2022, 3, 100863.

41. Q. S. Ruan*, J. L. Wen, L. Q. Kong, Z. H. Zhou, W. He, Z. M. Sun*, Charge Trapping in Terminal States in Polymeric Carbon Nitride for Photocatalytic Reduction Reaction. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2022, 126, 2430-2436.

42. Y. J. Zhang, L. Pan*, P. G. Zhang, Z. M. Sun*, Gradient Multilayer Design of Ti3C2Tx MXene Nanocomposite for Strong and Broadband Microwave Absorption. Small Science,2022, 2, 22000.

43. F. S. Wu, Z. H. Tian, P. Y. Hu, J. W. Tang, X. Q. Xu, L. Pan, J. Liu, P. G. Zhang*, Z. M. Sun*, Lightweight and flexible PAN@PPy/MXene films with outstanding electromagnetic interference shielding and Joule heating performance. Nanoscale,2022,14, 18133-18142.

44. Z. H. Tian, P. G. Zhang*, Y. Zhang, J. W. Tang, Y. S. Liu, J. Liu, Z. M. Sun*, Tin whisker growth from titanium-tin intermetallic and the mechanism. Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2022,129, 79–86.

45. Q. Q. Zhang, J. W. Tang, H. F. Tang, Z. H. Tian, P. G. Zhang*, Y. Zhang, J. Liu, Z. M. Sun*, Method for inhibiting Sn whisker growth on Ti2SnC. Journal of Materials Science, 2022, 57, 20462-20471.

46. Y. Y. You, X. Cao, X. W. Zhai, L. Wu, W. He, M. Zhou*, Z. M. Sun*,Ultrathin bismuth oxychloride nanosheet for enhanced potassium storage. Materials Letters,2022, 318, 132226.

47. Z. X. Fan, X. Y. Liu, J. C. Qian, J. Tang, J. Yu, W. He*, Z. M. Sun*, Graphene Oxide Wrapped ZnMnO3 Nanorod as Advanced Cathode for Aqueous Zinc-Ion Batteries. Energy Technology,2022,10, 2200390.

48. G. X. Yu, L. Pan*, H. Zhang, Y. P. Wang, K. Li, D. M. Chen, J. Chen*, Z. M. Sun*, Thin Yet Strong Composite Polymer Electrolyte Reinforced by Nanofibrous Membrane for Flexible Dendrite-Free Solid-State Lithium Metal Batteries. Advanced Energy and Sustainability Research, 2022,3, 2100193.

49. L. M. Chen*, J. Zhou, L. Z. Xu, J. X. Ding, Z. M. Sun, Q. H. Bao*, X. H. Hao*, Achieving ultra-short discharge time and high energy density in lead-based antiferroelectric ceramics by A-site substitution. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 447, 137367.

50. C. Zhang, Z. C. Deng, C. Chen, Y. M. Zhang*, V. Mechtcherine*, Z. M. Sun, Predicting the static yield stress of 3D printable concrete based on flowability of paste and thickness of excess paste layer. Cement and Concrete Composites, 2022, 129, 104494.

51. Q. Q. Zhang, Z. H. Tian, P. G. Zhang*, Y. Zhang, Y. S. Liu, W. He, L. Pan, Y. Liu, Z. M. Sun*, Rapid and massive growth of tin whisker on mechanochemically decomposed Ti2SnC. Materials Today Communications, 2022, 31, 103466.

52. Y. Zhang, C. J. Lu*, Y. Dong, M. Zhou, J. D. Liu, H. J. Zhang, B. J. Ye*, Z. M. Sun*, Insights into the dual-roles of alloying elements in the growth of Sn whiskers. Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2022, 117, 65-71.

53. Y. Zhang, C. J. Lu*, P. G. Zhang*, Z. H. Tian, Q. Q. Zhang, Y. N. Ren, Z. M. Sun, Growth kinetics of tin whiskers in Ti2SnC phase. Applied Surface Science, 2022, 589, 152906.

54. D. W. Sha, C. J. Lu, W. He, J. X. Ding, H. Zhang, Z. H. Bao, X. Cao, J. C. Fan, Y. Dou, L. Pan*, Z. M. Sun*, Surface Selenization Strategy for V2CTx MXene toward Superior Zn-Ion Storage. ACS Nano, 2022, 16(2), 2711–2720.

55. G. X. Yu, Y. P. Wang, K. Li, S. Sun, S. Q. Sun, J. Chen*, L. Pan*, Z. M. Sun*, Plasma optimized Li7La3Zr2O12 with vertically aligned ion diffusion pathways in composite polymer electrolyte for stable solid-state lithium metal batteries. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 430, 132874.

56. K. K. Ding, K. G. Zhang, J. X. Ding*, X. Zhang, X. X. Xia, L. M. Chen, S. L. Ran, C. J. Ma, L. Yang, P. G. Zhang, Z. M. Sun*, Effect of Al atomic layer on the wetting behavior, interface structure and electrical contact properties of silver reinforced by Ti3AlC2 ceramic. Ceramics International, 2022, 48(1), 190-198.

57. Z. H. Tian, F. S. Wu, P. Y. Hu, J. X. Ding, Y. Zhang, P. G. Zhang*, Z. M. Sun, Synthesis of Ti3(SnxAl1−x)C2 solid solutions over the whole composition range. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2022, 894, 162429-162435.

58. 田志华; 张培根*; 刘玉爽; 陆成杰; 丁健翔; 孙正明* MAX相表面金属晶须自发生长现象的研究现状与展望. 金属学报, 2022, 58(3), 295.

59. G. Xu, H. Xia, P. Y. Chen, W. She*, H. N. Zhang, J. Ma, Q. S. Ruan, W. Zhang*, Z. M. Sun*, Thermochromic Hydrogels with Dynamic Solar Modulation and Regulatable Critical Response Temperature for Energy-Saving Smart Windows. Advanced Functional Material, 2022, 32, 2109597.

60. G. X. Yu, Y. P. Wang, K. Li, D. M. Chen, L. G. Qin, H. Xu, J. Chen*, W. Zhang, P. G. Zhang, Z. M. Sun*, Solution-processable Li10GeP2S12 solid electrolyte for a composite electrode in all-solid-state lithium batteries. Sustainable Energy & Fuels, 2021, 5(4), 1211-1221.

61. Z. H. Bao, C. J. Lu, X. Cao, P. G. Zhang, L. Yang, H. Zhang, D. W. Sha, W. He, W. Zhang, L. Pan*, Z. M. Sun*, Role of MXene surface terminations in electrochemical energy storage: A review. Chinese Chemical Letters, 2021, 32(9), 2648-2658.

62. D. D. Wang, W. B. Tian*, C. J. Lu, J. X. Ding, Y. F. Zhu, M. Zhang, P. G. Zhang, Z. M. Sun*, Comparison of the interfacial reactions and properties between Ag/Ti3AlC2 and Ag/Ti3SiC2 electrical contact materials. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2021, 857, 157588.

63. Y. S. Liu, C. J. Lu, Y. Zhang, S. Li, P. G Zhang*, Z. M. Sun*, Effect of Cultivation Conditions on Tin Whisker Growth on Ti2SnC. Journal of Electronic Materials, 2021, 50(3), 1083-1089.

64. C. J. Lu, Y. S. Liu, J. Fang, Y. Zhang, P. G. Zhang, Z. M. Sun*, Isotope study reveals atomic motion mechanism for the formation of metal whiskers in MAX phase. Acta Materialia, 2021, 203, 116475.

65. S. Li, Y. S. Liu, Y. Zhang, L. X Wang, P. G. Zhang*, L. Pan, W. He, W. B. Tian, Z, M, Sun*, The formation mechanism of Ti2InC by pressureless sintering and optimization of synthesis parameters. Journal of the Australian Ceramic Society, 2021, 57(3), 911-917.

66. H. Zhang, L. Yang, P. G. Zhang, C. J. Lu, D. W. Sha, B. Z. Yan, W. He, M. Zhou, W. Zhang, L. Pan*, Z. M. Sun*, MXene‐Derived TinO2n1Quantum Dots Distributed on Porous Carbon Nanosheets for Stable and Long‐Life Li–S Batteries: Enhanced Polysulfide Mediation via Defect Engineering. Advanced Materials, 2021, 33(21), 2008447.

67. S. Tian, Y. S. Liu, P. G. Zhang, J. Zhou*, F. Xue, Z. M. Sun*, Tin whiskers prefer to grow from the [001] grains in a tin coating on aluminum substrate. Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2021, 80, 191-202.

68. S. Tian, Y. S. Liu, Q. Ma, P. G. Zhang, J. Zhou*, F. Xue, Z. M. Sun*, Intermetallics-induced directional growth of Sn whiskers in Sn-3.5Ag coating on Al substrate. Applied Surface Science, 2021, 539, 148135.

69. S. Tian, R. H. Cao, Q. Z. Fan, X. X. Zhou, Y. Q. Jia, J. Zhou*, F. Xue, Z. M. Sun*, Mitigation of whisker growth by improving the creep properties of Sn coating with bismuth. Journal of Materials Science, 2021, 56(30), 17131-17145.

70. S. Tian, R. H. Cao, J. Zhou*, F. Xue, Y. S. Liu, P. G. Zhang, Z. M. Sun*, A comparative study on the growth behaviors of Sn whiskers and hillocks in a Sn-Al alloy coating under different environments. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2021, 853, 157101.

71. J. Y. Qiao, L. Q. Kong, S. K. Xu, K. X. Lin, W. He*, M. Ni, Q. S. Ruan, P. G. Zhang*, Y. Liu, W. Zhang, L. Pan, Z. M. Sun*, Research progress of MXene-based catalysts for electrochemical water-splitting and metal-air batteries. Energy Storage Materials, 2021, 43, 509–530.

72. S. Li, Y. S. Liu, P. G. Zhang*, Y. Zhang, C. J. Lu, L. Pan, J. X. Ding, Z. M. Sun*, Interface energy-driven indium whisker growth on ceramic substrates. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 2021, 32(12), 16881-16888.

73. L. F. Hu*, Z. Y. Wu, C. J. Lu, F. Ye, Q. Liu, Z. M. Sun, Principles of interlayer-spacing regulation of layered vanadium phosphates for superior zinc-ion batteries. Energy & Environmental Science, 2021, 14(7), 4095–4106.

74. Z. Y. Wu, C. J. Lu, F. Ye, L. Zhang, L. Jiang, Q. Liu, H. L. Dong, Z. M. Sun, L. F. Hu*, Bilayered VOPO4‧2H2O Nanosheets with High-Concentration Oxygen Vacancies for High-Performance Aqueous Zinc-Ion Batteries. Advanced Functional Materials, 2021, 31, 2106816.

75. W. Zheng, Joseph Halim, Z. M. Sun, J. Rosen*, M. W. Barsoum*, MXene-manganese oxides aqueous asymmetric supercapacitors with high mass loadings, high cell voltages and slow self-discharge. Energy Storage Materials, 2021, 38, 438–446.

76. L. Zhang, C. J. Lu, F. Ye, Z. Y. Wu, Y. N. Wang, L. Jiang, L. Zhang*, C. Cheng, Z. M. Sun, L. F. Hu*, Vacancies boosting strategy enabling enhanced oxygen evolution activity in a library of novel amorphous selenite electrocatalysts. Applied Catalysis B-environmental, 2021, 284, 119758.

77. L, M, Chen, J. Zhou, X. Zhang, K. K. Ding, J. X. Ding*, Z. M. Sun, X. F. Wang*, Low-Temperature Tunneling Electroresistance in Ferromagnetic Metal/Ferroelectric/Semiconductor Tunnel Junctions. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2021, 13(19), 23282–23288.

78. L. Zhang, C. J. Lu, F. Ye, R. L. J. Pang, Y. Liu, Z. Y. Wu, Z. P. Shao*, Z. M. Sun, L. F. Hu*, Selenic Acid Etching Assisted Vacancy Engineering for Designing Highly Active Electrocatalysts toward the Oxygen Evolution Reaction. Advanced Materials, 2021, 33(14), 2007523.

79. Y. C. Jiang, Z. Y. Wu, F. Ye, R. L. J. Pang, L. Zhang, Q. Liu, X. T. Chang, S. B.  Sun*, Z. M. Sun, L. F. Hu*, Spontaneous knitting behavior of 6.7-nm thin (NH4)0.38V2O5 nano-ribbons for binder-free zinc-ion batteries. Energy Storage Materials, 2021, 42, 286–294.

80. Z. X. Fan, W. He*, M. Ni, P. G. Zhang, W. B. Tian, W. Zhang, L. Pan, Z. M. Sun*, Recent developments of pre-intercalated cathodes for rechargeable aqueous Zn-ion batteries. Energy Technology, 2021, 9, 2000829.

81. D. D. Wang, W. B. Tian*, C. J. Lu, J. X. Ding, Y. F. Zhu, M. Zhang, P. G. Zhang, Z. M. Sun*, Comparison of the interfacial reactions and properties between Ag/Ti3AlC2 and Ag/Ti3SiC2 electrical contact materials. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2021, 857, 157588.

82. Y. Zhang, P. G. Zhang*, W. He, Z. M. Sun*, Tin whisker growth on immiscible Al–Sn alloy. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 2020, 31(2), 1328-1334.

83. Q. Qi, H. Zhang, P. G. Zhang, Z. H. Bao, W. Zheng, W. B. Tian, W. Zhang, M. Zhou, Z. M. Sun, Self-assembled sandwich hollow porous carbon sphere @ MXene composites as superior Li-S battery cathode hosts. 2D materials, 2020, 7(2), 25049.

84. J. W. Tang, P. G. Zhang*, Y. S. Liu, C. J. Lu, Y. Zhang, W. He, W. B. Tian, W. Zhang, Z. M. Sun*, Selective growth of tin whiskers from its alloys on Ti2SnC. Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2020, 54, 206-210.

85. B. Z. Yan, C. J. Lu, P. G. Zhang*, J. Chen, W. He, W. B. Tian, W. Zhang, Z. M. Sun*, Oxygen/sulfur decorated 2D MXene V2C for promising lithium ion battery anodes. Materials Today Communications, 2020, 22, 100713.

86. Y. S. Liu, C. J. Lu, P. G. Zhang*, J. Yu, Y. M. Zhang, Z. M. Sun*, Mechanisms behind the spontaneous growth of Tin whiskers on the Ti2SnC ceramics. Acta Materialia, 2020, 185, 433–440.

87. P. G. Zhang, J. X. Ding, Y. S. Liu, L. Yang, W. B. Tian*, J. Ouyang, Y. M. Zhang, Z. M. Sun*, Mechanism and mitigation of spontaneous Ga whisker growth on Cr2GaC. Science China Technological Sciences, 2020, 63(3), 440–445.

88. P. Feng, S. X. Ye, R. X. Wang, W. She, J. P. Liu*, Z. M. Sun*, Wei Zhang*,Hydrogel Networks as Underwater Contact Adhesives for Diverse Surfaces. Materials Horizons, 2020, 7, 2063–2070.

89. W. Zhang*, R. X. Wang, Z. M. Sun*, X. W. Zhu, Q. Zhao*, T. F. Zhang, A. Cholewinski, F. Yang, B. X. Zhao*, R. Pinnaratip, P. K. Forooshanie, B. P. Lee*, Catechol-functionalized hydrogels: biomimetic design, adhesion mechanism, and biomedical applications. Chemical Society Reviews, 2020, 49, 433–464.

90. W. Zhang*, J. Ma, W. J. Zhang, P. G. Zhang, W. He, J. Chen, Z. M. Sun*, A multidimensional nanostructural design towards electrochemically stable and mechanically strong hydrogel electrodes. Nanoscale, 2020, 12, 6637–6643.

91. C. J. Lu, L. Yang, B. Z. Yan, L. B. Sun, P. G. Zhang, W. Zhang*, Z. M. Sun*, Nitrogen-Doped Ti3C2 MXene: Mechanism Investigation and Electrochemical Analysis. Advanced Functional Materials, 2020, 30, 2000852.

92. L. Pan*, Y. C. Wei, Z. M. Sun*, M. Niederberger, Layered hydrotalcites derived holey porous cobalt oxide nanosheets coated by nitrogen-doped carbon for high-mass-loading Li-ion storage. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2020, 8, 26150–26157.

93. H. Zhang,P. G. Zhang, L. Pan*, W. He, Q. Qi, Z. H. Bao, L. Yang, W. Zhang, M. W. Barsoum, Z. M. Sun*, Ti3C2Tx nanosheet wrapped core-shell MnO2 nanorods @ hollow porous carbon as a multifunctional polysulfide mediator for improved Li–S battery. Nanoscale, 2020, 12, 24196–24205.

94. D. D. Wang, W. B. Tian *, J. X. Ding, Y. F. Zhu, P. G. Zhang, Y. Zhang, W. He, Z. M. Sun*, The beauty and the deed of silver during arc erosion of Ag/Ti3AlC2 contacts. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2020, 820, 153136.

95. D. D. Wang, W. B. Tian *, J. X. Ding, A. B. Ma, P. G. Zhang, W. He, Z. M. Sun *, Ag/Ti3AlC2 composites prepared by equal channel angular pressing followed by heat treatment. Journal of Inorganic Materials, 2020, 35, 46.

96. D. D. Wang, W. B. Tian *, A. B. Ma, P. G. Zhang, W. He, Z. M. Sun *, Anisotropic arc erosion resistance of Ag/Ti3AlC2 composites induced by the alignment of Ti3AlC2. Corrosion Science, 2020, 171, 108633.

97. J. X. Ding, P. Y. Huang, Y. H. Zha, D. D. Wang, P. G. Zhang, W. B. Tian*, Z. M. Sun*, High-purity Ti2AlC Powder: Preparation and Application in Ag-based Electrical Contact Materials. Journal of Inorganic Materials, 2020, 35, 729-734.

98. P. G. Zhang, J. X. Ding, Y. S. Liu, L. Yang, W. B. Tian*, J. Ouyang, Y. M. Zhang, Z. M. Sun*, Mechanism and mitigation of spontaneous Ga whisker growth on Cr2GaC. Science China-Technological Sciences, 2020, 63, 440-445.

99. P. G. Zhang, J. W. Tang, Q. Tang, M. Z. Zhang, L. W. Shen, W. B. Tian*, Y. M. Zhang, Z. M. Sun*, Shell powder as a novel bio-filler for thermal insulation coatings. ChineseJournal of Chemical Engineering, 2019, 27(2), 452-458.

100. Y. Wang, W. Zheng, P. G. Zhang*, W. B. Tian, J. Chen, Z. M. Sun*, Preparation of (Vx, Ti1−x)2C MXenes and their performance as anode materials for LIBs. Journal of Materials Science, 2019, 54(18), 11991-11999.

101. C. Chen, Y. C. Liu, Q. Tang, P. G. Zhang*, Y. M. Zhang, Z. M. Sun, Preparation and Properties of Wall Coatings with Calcined Shell Powder as Fillers. Materials, 2019, 12(14), 2213.

102. W. Zheng, P. G. Zhang*, J. Chen, W. B. Tian, Y. M. Zhang, Z. M. Sun*, Microwave-assisted synthesis of three-dimensional MXene derived metal oxide/carbon nanotube/iron hybrids for enhanced lithium-ions storage.Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 2019, 835, 205-211.

103. Y. S. Liu, P. G. Zhang*, J. Yu, Chen J, Y. M. Zhang, Z. M. Sun*, Confining effect of oxide film on tin whisker growth. Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2019, 35(8), 1735-1739.

104. W. Zhang*, F. Pan, J. Chen*, Z. M. Sun*, B. X. Zhao, Electrically conductive hydrogels for flexible energy storage systems. Progress in Polymer Science, 2019, 88, 220-240.

105. W. He, J. C. Fan, H. Zhang, M. N. Chen, Z. M. Sun*, M. Ni*. Zr doped BaFeO3-δ as a robust electrode for symmetrical solid oxide fuel cells. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2019, 44, 32164-32169.

106. L. Yang, W. Zheng, P. Zhang*, J. Chen, W. Zhang, W. B. Tian, Z. M. Sun*,Freestanding nitrogen-doped d-Ti3C2/reduced graphene oxide hybrid films for high performance supercapacitors. Electrochimica Acta, 2019, 300, 349-356.

107. L. Yang, W. Zheng, P. Zhang*, J. Chen, W. Zhang, W. B. Tian, Z. M. Sun*, Freestanding nitrogen-doped d-Ti3C2/reduced graphene oxide hybrid films for high performance supercapacitors. Electrochimica Acta, 2019, 300, 349-56.

108. W. Zheng, P. G. Zhang*, J. Chen, W. B. Tian, Y. M. Zhang, Z. M. Sun*, Microwave-assisted synthesis of three-dimensional MXene derived metal oxide/carbon nanotube/iron hybrids for enhanced lithium-ions storage. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 2019, 835, 205-11.

109. Y. S. Liu, P. G. Zhang*, J. Yu, J. Chen, Y. M. Zhang, Z. M. Sun*, Confining effect of oxide film on tin whisker growth. Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2019, 35(8), 1735-1739.

110. J. X. Ding, W. B. Tian*, P. G. Zhang, M. Zhang, J. Chen, Y. M. Zhang, Z. M. Sun, Preparation and arc erosion properties of Ag/Ti2SnC composites under electric arc discharging. Journal of Advanced Ceramics, 2019, 8, 12.

111. D. D. Wang, W. B. Tian*, J. X. Ding, A. B. Ma, Y. F. Zhu, P. G. Zhang, W. He, Z. M. Sun*, Anisotropic properties of Ag/Ti3AlC2 electrical contact materials prepared by equal channel angular pressing. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2019, 784, 431-8.

112. Y. Wang, W. Zheng, P. G. Zhang*, W. B. Tian, J. Chen, Z. M. Sun*, Preparation of (Vx, Ti1−x)2C MXenes and their performance as anode materials for LIBs. Journal of Materials Science. 2019, 54, 11991-9.

113. J. X. Ding, W. B. Tian*, D. D. Wang, P. G. Zhang, J. Chen, Y. M. Zhang, Z. M. Sun*, Microstructure evolution, oxidation behavior and corrosion mechanism of Ag/Ti2SnC composite during dynamic electric arc discharging. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2019, 785, 1086-96.

114. 丁健翔孙正明*张培根田无边张亚梅. Ag基触头材料的研究现状与展望材料导报, 2018, 32, 58-66.

115. D. Wang, Y. Zhang, J. Chen, H. Xu, L. Qin, Y. Li, W. Zhang, P. Zhang, W. Tian, X. Guo, Z. M. Sun*, Structural hybridization of ternary (0D, 1D and 2D) composites as anodes for high-performance Li-ion batteries. Energy Storage Materials, 2018, 13, 293-302.

116. W. Zheng#, P. Zhang#, J. Chen*, W. B. Tian., Y. M. Zhang, Z. M. Sun*, In-situ synthesis of CNTs@Ti3C2 hybrid structures by microwave irradiation for high-performance anodes in lithium ion batteries. Journal of Material Chemistry A, 2018, 6, 3543-3551.

117. L. Yang, P. Zhang*, J. Shi, J. Liang, W.B. Tian, Y.M. Zhang, Z. M. Sun*, Dual electrolytic plasma processing for steel surface cleaning and passivation. Journalof Materials Engineering and Performance, 2017, 26, 5009.

118. J. Ding, W. B. Tian, P. Zhang, M. Zhang, Y. M. Zhang, Z. M. Sun*, Arc erosion behavior of Ag/Ti3AlC2 electrical contact materials. Journal of Alloys and Compounds,2018, 740, 669-676.

119. H. Xu, J. Chen, D. Wang, Z. M. Sun*, P. Zhang, Y. Zhang, X. Guo, Hierarchically porous carbon-coated SnO2@graphene foams as anodes for lithium ion storage. Carbon, 2017, 124, 565-575.

120. W. Zheng, P. Zhang*, W. B. Tian, Y. Wang, Y. M. Zhang, J. Chen, Z. M. Sun*, Microwave-assisted synthesis of SnO2-Ti3C2 nanocomposite for enhanced supercapacitive performance. Materials Letters, 2017, 209, 122-125.

121. 郑伟孙正明*张培根田无边王英张亚梅二维纳米材料MXene的研究进展材料导报, 2017, 31, 1-14.

122. S. Wang, Y. Du, W. Liao, Z. M. Sun*. Hydrogen adsorption, dissociation and diffusion on two-dimensional Ti2C monolayer. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2017, 42, 27214-27219.

123. X. Qin, P. Zhang, S. Wang, Y. Du, Y. Zhang, Z. M. Sun*, The influence of N content on structure, phase stability, elastic and electronic properties in Ti3AlC2−xNx (x=0–2), Physica Status Solidi (b), 2017, 254(7), 1700009.

124. Y. Liu, P. Zhang*, C. Ling, J. Ding, W.B. Tian, Y.M. Zhang, Z.M. Sun*, Spontaneous Sn whisker formation on Ti2SnC, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 2017, 28(8), 5788-5795.

125. J. Ding, P. Zhang, W. B. Tian, J. Shi, Y. M. Zhang, Z. M. Sun*, The effects of Sn content on the microstructure and the formation mechanism of Ti2SnC powder by pressureless synthesis, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2017, 695, 2850-2856.

126. Y. Liu, P. Zhang*, Y. M. Zhang, J. Ding, J. Shi, Z. M. Sun*, Spontaneous growth of Sn whiskers and a new formation mechanism, Materials Letters, 2016,178, 111-114.

127. P. Zhang, Y. Zhang, & Z. M. Sun*, Spontaneous growth of metal whiskers on surfaces of solids, a review, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2015, 31, 675-698.

128. P. Zhang, Shen L. W., Ouyang J., Zhang Y., Wu S., Z. M. Sun*, Room temperature mushrooming of gallium wires and its growth mechanism, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2015, 619, 488-497.

129. P. Zhang, Liu Y., Ding J., Y. M. Zhang, Yan J. L., An B., Iijima T., Z. M. Sun*, Controllable growth of Ga wires from Cr2GaC-Ga and its mechanism, Physica B, Condensed Matter 2015, 475, 90-98.

130. Z. M. Sun*, M. W. Barsoum, Y. M. Zhang, H. Hashimoto, On equilibrium Ga intergranular films in Cr2GaC, Materials. Research Letters, 2013, 1(2), 109-113.

131. Z. M. Sun*, Progress in research and development on MAX phases: a family of layered ternary compounds, International Materials Reviews, 2011, 56(3), 143-166.

132. Z. M. Sun*, H. Hashimoto, W. B. Tian, Y. Zou, Synthesis of the MAX phases by pulse discharge sintering, International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology, 2010, 7(6), 704-718.

133. Y. Zou, Z. M. Sun*, H. Hashimoto, L. Chen, Reaction mechanism in Ti-SiC-C powder mixture during pulse discharge sintering, Ceramics International, 2010, 36(3), 1027-1031.

134. Y. L. Du, Z. M. Sun*, H. Hashimoto, First-principles study on phase stability and compression behavior of Ti2SC and Ti2AlC, Physica B: Condensed Matter, 2010, 405(2), 720-723.

135. W. B. Tian, Z. M. Sun*, H. Hashimoto, Y. L. Du, Microstructural evolution and mechanical properties of Ti3SiC2-TiC composites, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2010, 502, 49-53.

136. Y. L. Du, Z. M. Sun*, H. Hashimoto, M. W. Barsoum, Theoretical investigations on the elastic and thermodynamic properties of Ti2AlC0.5N0.5 solid solution, Physics Letters A, 2009, 374, 78-82.

137. W. B. Tian, Z. M. Sun*, H. Hashimoto, Y. Du, Synthesis, microstructure and mechanical properties of Ti3SiC2-TiC composites pulse discharge sintered from Ti/Si/TiC powder mixture, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2009, 526, 16-21.

138. W. B. Tian, Z. M. Sun*, H. Hashimoto, Y. L. Du, Synthesis, microstructure and properties of (Cr1-xVx)2AlC solid solutions, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2009, 484(1-2), 130-133.

139. Y. L. Du, Z. M. Sun*, H. Hashimoto, W. B. Tian, First-Principles Study on Thermodynamic Properties of Ti2AlC and Ti2SC, Materials Transactions, 2009, 50(9), 2173-2176.

140. Y. L. Du, Z. M. Sun*, H. Hashimoto, W. B. Tian, Bonding properties and bulk modulus of M4AlC3 (M = V, Nb, and Ta) studied by first-principles calculations, Physica Status Solidi (b), 2009, 246(5), 1039-1043.

141. Y. Zou, Z. M. Sun*, H. Hashimoto, L. Cheng, Synthesis reactions for Ti3AlC2 through pulse discharge sintering TiH2/Al/C powder mixture, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2009, 468(1-2), 217-221.

142. W. B. Tian, Z. M. Sun*, H. Hashimoto, Y. L. Du, Compressive deformation behavior of ternary compound Cr2AlC. Journal of Materials Science, 2009, 44 (1), 102-107.

143. W. B. Tian, Z. M. Sun*, Y. L. Du, H. Hashimoto, Mechanical properties of pulse discharge sintered Cr2AlC at 25-1000 oC, Materials Letters, 2009, 63(8), 670-672.

144. Y. L. Du, Z. M. Sun*, H. Hashimoto, W. B. Tian, Elastic properties of Ta4AlC3 studied by first-principles calculations, Solid State Communications, 2008, 147(7-8), 246-249.

145. Y. L. Du, Z. M. Sun*, H. Hashimoto, W. B. Tian, First-principles study on electronic structure and elastic properties of Ti2SC, Physics Letters A, 2008, 372(31), 5220-5223.

146. Y. L. Du, Z. M. Sun*, H. Hashimoto, W. B. Tian, First-Principles Study of Carbon Vacancy in Ta4AlC3Materials Transactions, 2008, 49(9), 1934-1936.

147. W. Tian, Z.M. Sun*, Y. Du, H. Hashimoto, Synthesis reactions of Cr2AlC from Cr-Al4C3-C by pulse discharge sintering, Materials Letters, 2008, 62(23), 3852-3855.

148. Y. Zou, Z.M. Sun*, H. Hashimoto, S. Tada, Synthesis of high-purity polycrystalline Ti3AlC2 through pulse discharge sintering Ti/Al/TiC powders, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2008, 456, 456-460.

149. Y. Zou, Z. M. Sun*, S. Tada, H. Hashimoto, Effect of Al addition on low temperature synthesis of Ti3SiC2 powder, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2008, 461(1-2), 579-584.

150. Y. Zou, Z. M. Sun*, S. Tada, H. Hashimoto, Effect of liquid reaction on the synthesis of Ti3SiCpowder, Ceramics International, 2008, 34, 119-123.

151. Y. L. Du, Z. M. Sun*, H. Hashimoto, W. B. Tian, First-principles study of polymorphism in Ta4AlC3Solid State Communications, 2008, 145, 461-464.

152. Y. Zou, Z. M. Sun*, H. Hashimoto, S. Tada, Low temperature synthesis of single-phase Ti3AlC2 through reactive sintering Ti/Al/C powders, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2008, 473, 90-95.

153. Y. Zou, Z. M. Sun*, S. Tada, H. Hashimoto, Synthesis reactions for Ti3SiC2 through pulse discharge sintering TiH2/Si/TiC powder mixture, Materials Research Bulletin, 2008, 43, 968-975.

154. S. Yang, Z. M. Sun*, Q. Yang, H. Hashimoto, Effect of Al addition on the synthesis of Ti3SiC2 bulk material by pulse discharge sintering process, Journal of the European Ceramic Society 2007, 27, 4807-4812.

155. Y. Zou, Z. M. Sun*, H. Hashimoto, S. Tada, Mechanical Behavior of Ti3AlC2 Prepared by Pulse Discharge Sintering Method, Materials Transactions, 2007, 48, 2432-2435.

156. Z. M. Sun*, H. Hashimoto, M.W. Barsoum, On the effect of environment on spontaneous growth of lead whiskers from commercial brasses at room temperature, Acta Materialia, 2007, 55(10), 3387-96.

157. Z. M. Sun*, S. L. Yang, H. Hashimoto, Effect of Al on the synthesis of Ti3SiC2 by reactively sintering Ti-SiC-C powder mixtures, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2007, 439, 321-325.

158. Y. Zou, Z. M. Sun*, H. Hashimoto, S. Tada, Rapid synthesis of single-phase Ti3AlCthrough pulse discharge sintering a TiH2/Al/TiC powder mixture, Scripta Materialia, 2007, 56, 725-728.

159. Y. Zou, Z. M. Sun*, S. Tada, H. Hashimoto, Synthesis of high-purity Ti3SiC2 through pulse discharge sintering of TiH2/SiC/C powder mixture, Materials Transactions, 2007, 48, 133-138.

160. Y. Zou, Z. M. Sun*, H. Hashimoto, S. Tada, Synthesis of single-phase Ti3SiCwith the assistance of liquid phase formation, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2007, 441, 192-196.

161. Y. Zou, Z. M. Sun*, H. Hashimoto, S. Tada, Liquid reaction during synthesis of Ti3SiCthrough pulse discharge Sintering Ti/Si/TiC mixed powders, Materials Transactions, 2006, 47, 2987-2990.

162. Z. M. Sun*, M.W. Barsoum, Alternate mechanism for the spontaneous freestanding Ga nanoribbons formation on Cr2GaC surfaces, Journal of Materials Research, 2006, 21, 1629-1631.

163. Z. M. Sun*, Y. Zou, H. Hashimoto, S. Tada, Effect of Al addition on pressureless reactive sintering of Ti3SiC2Scripta Materialia, 2006, 55, 1011-1014.

164. Y. Zou, Z. M. Sun*, H. Hashimoto, S. Tada, Synthesis of Ti3SiCthrough pulse discharge sintering powder mixture containing coarse Ti, Materials Transactions, 2006, 47, 1910-1913.

165. Y. Zou, Z. M. Sun*, H. Hashimoto, S. Tada, Synthesis reactions for Ti3AlC2 through pulse discharge sintering Ti/Al4C3/TiC powder mixture, Scripta Materialia, 2006, 55, 767-770.

166. Z. M. Sun*, H. Hashimoto, Z. F. Zhang, S. L. Yang, S. Tada, Synthesis and characterization of a metallic ceramic material -Ti3SiC2Materials Transactions, 2006, 47, 170-174.

167. Z. M. Sun*, T. J. Zhen, M. W. Barsoum, Creep rupture induced silica-based nanofibers formed on fracture surfaces of Ti3SiC2Journal of Materials Research, 2005, 20, 2895-2897.

168. Z.F. Zhang, Z. M. Sun*, Shear fracture behavior of Ti3SiC2 induced by compression at temperatures below 1000ºC, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2005, 408, 64-71.

169. Z. M. Sun*, S. Gupta, H. Ye & M. Barsoum, Spontaneous growth of freestanding Ga nanoribbons from Cr2GaC surfaces, Journal of Materials Research, 2005, 20, 2618-2621.

170. Z. M. Sun*, A. Murugaiah, M. W. Barsoum, T. Zhen, A. Zhou, Microstructure and mechanical properties of porous Ti3SiC2, Acta Materialia, 2005, 53, 4359-4366.

171. Z. M. Sun*, & M. Barsoum, Spontaneous room temperature extrusion of Pb nano-whiskers from leaded brass surfaces, Journal of Materials Research, 2005, 20, 1087-1089.

172. N. Keawprak, Z. M. Sun*, H. Hashimoto, M. W. Barsoum, Effect of sintering temperature on the thermoelectric properties of pulse discharge sintered (Bi0.24Sb0.76)2Te3 Alloy, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2005, 397, 236-244.

173. Z. M. Sun*, H. Hashimoto, N. Keawprak, A. B. Ma, L. F. Li, M. W. Barsoum, Effect of rotary-die equal channel angular pressing (ECAP) on the thermoelectric properties of a (Bi,Sb)2Te3 alloy, Journal of Materials Research, 2005, 20, 895-903.

174. Z. M. Sun*, S. L. Yang, H. Hashimoto, Ti3SiC2 powder synthesis, Ceramics International, 2004, 30, 1873-1877.

175. Z. M. Sun*, S. L. Yang, H. Hashimoto, S. Tada, T. Abe, Synthesis and consolidation of ternary compound Ti3SiC2 from green compact of mixed powders, Materials Transactions, 2004, 45, 373-375.

176. Z. F. Zhang, Z. M. Sun*, H. Zhang, H. Hashimoto, Micro-scale deformation and damage mechanisms of Ti3SiC2 crystals induced by indentation, Advanced Engineering Materials, 2004, 6, 980-982.

177. Z. F. Zhang, Z. M. Sun*, H. Hashimoto, Low temperature synthesis of Ti3SiC2 from Ti/SiC/C powders, Materials Science and Technology, 2004, 20, 1252-1256.

178. Z. M. Sun*, H. Hashimoto, Fabrication of TiAl alloys by MA-PDS Process and the Mechanical Properties, Intermetallics, 2003, 11, 825-834.

179. Z. M. Sun*, B. Weiss, Influence of measurement location on local crack opening displacement, Materials Transactions, 2003, 44, 115-117.

180. Z. M. Sun*, Qian Wang, H. Hashimoto, S. Tada, T. Abe, Synthesis and consolidation of TiAl by MA-PDS process from sponge-Ti and chip-Al, Intermetallics 2003, 11, 63-69.

181. Z. F. Zhang, Z. M. Sun*, H. Hashimoto, Deformation and fracture behavior of ternary compound Ti3SiC2 at 25-1300 oC, Materials Letters, 2003, 57, 1295-1299.

182. S. L. Yang, Z. M. Sun*, H. Hashimoto, Ti3SiC2 powder synthesis from Ti/Si/TiC powder mixtures, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2003, 358, 168-172.

183. S. L. Yang, Z. M. Sun*, H. Hashimoto, Synthesis of single-phase Ti3SiC2 powder, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2003, 23, 3147-3152.

184. Z. F. Zhang, Z. M. Sun*, H. Hashimoto, T. Abe, Effects of sintering temperature and Si content on the purity of Ti3SiC2 synthesized by Ti/Si/TiC powders, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2003, 352, 283-289.

185. Z. F. Zhang, Z. M. Sun*, H. Hashimoto, Y. H. Park, T. Abe, Fabrication and microstructure characterization of Ti3SiC2 synthesized by Ti/Si/2TiC powders through pulse discharge sintering (PDS) technique, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2003, 86, 431-436.

186. Z. M. Sun*, Z. F. Zhang, H. Hashimoto, T. Abe, Ternary compound Ti3SiC2, part I. synthesis by using pulse discharge sintering technique, Materials Transactions, 2002, 43, 428-431.

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