Zhang Faming
发布时间:2014-12-09   浏览次数:2152

Name:Faming Zhang

Academic rank: Associate Professor

Tel: 86-25-52091091

Email: fmzhang@seu.edu.cn,fames.zhang@hotmail.com

Curriculum Vitae

Assoc.Prof. Dr.-Ing habil. Faming Zhang

Chair of Field Assisted Processing of Functional Materials,

Department of Materials Science,

School of Materials Science and Engineering,

Southeast University,

Jiangning District, Nanjing 211189, China

Tel: 86-25-52091091, Fax: Tel:86-25-52091091

Email: fmzhang@seu.edu.cn, fames.zhang@hotmail.com

Website: http://www.researcherid.com/rid/G-2804-2013


Dr.-Ing.habil.,Habilitation,Werkstofftechnik (MaterialsTechnique), Oct., 2013, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Marine Technology, University of Rostock, D-18059 Rostock, Germany

Ph.D., Materials Engineering, Sept., 2005, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT), 150001 Harbin, China.

M.E., Materials Engineering, Jul., 2002, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT), 150001 Harbin, China.

B.E., Foundry Engineering, Jul., 2000, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Hebei University of Science and Technology (HBUST), 050054 Shijiazhuang, China.


Since Jan., 2014, Associate Professor

School of Materials Science and Engineering, Southeast University, Nanjing, China.

Oct., 2012 - Oct., 2013 Habilitation degree, Doktor-Ingenieur habilitatus (Dr.-Ing.Habil)

Werkstofftechnik (MaterialsTechnique), in Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Marine Technology, University of Rostock, Germany.

Dec., 2007– July, 2013 Faculty staff, scientific co-worker (WissenschaftlicherMitarbeiter)

Institute for Physics, University of Rostock, D-18055 Rostock, Germany

July, 2013– Nov., 2013 Visiting scientist

Materials Physicsand Technology, Hamburg University of Technology (TU Hamburg), 21073 Hamburg, Germany

Oct., 2005- Nov., 2007 Post-doctoral research fellow

Biomaterials and Tissue EngineeringResearch Center, Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, Chinese Academy of Sciences(CAS), Shanghai, China

Aug. 2002- Sept. 2005

Research Associate, Harbin Institute of Technology, China


● Nanomaterials: nanocarbon, diamond, nanocomposites, nanostructured rare metals;

Functional porous materials : porous cellular solids, boneand teeth repair materials, environmental materials ;

Field assisted processing technique andtheory (spark plasma sintering, electron beam sintering);

Structural stability and phase transformation by Synchrotron-X rays.

Industrial, biomedical, environmental andsustainable development applications.


PI, Key project of State Key laboratory of PowderMetallurgy, Central South University, Preparation of Nanoporpous Titanium andtheir interface structures.

PI, TheFundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, Fabrication ofNanoporous titanium by spark plasma sintering. Grant No. 3212004101

PI, Start Funding of Southeast University, Threedimensional nanoporous grapheme by spark plasma sintering, Grant No. 3212004205


Materials Advanced Analysis Technology,(WS2014-2015, in English)

Professional Affiliation

Editor boardin ‘Chemical and Materials Engineering’ (http://www.hrpub.org/journals/jour_editorialboard.php?id=55),

EditorialBoard, Journal of Nanoscience. (http://www.hindawi.com/journals/nanoscience/editors/)

Leadguest editor in special issue ‘Nanomaterials processed by spark plasmasintering’ of Journal of Nanomaterials. http://www.hindawi.com/journals/jnm/si/853959/cfp/

Mitglieds-Nr. 167578,Deutsche Gesellschaft für Materialkunde, DGM

ASM International Member, No.704555, ASM Society, USA.

Member, No. 484040, The Minerals Metals & Materials Society (TMS), USA

Member, No.064642, The American Ceramic Society (ACerS),USA

Member,No.6165315, VDE Verband der Elektrotechnik, Germany

Permanent Member, No.E493111321L, ChineseMaterials Research Society (C-MRS), China.

Member, Chinese Society for Biomaterials (CCB), China.

Reviewerand Referee of : “Advanced Materials”, “Advanced Functional Materials”,“Advanced Engineering Materials”, “Expert Review of Medical Devices”, “ChemicalEngineering and Technology”, “Materials Science and Engineering B”,“Materials Letters” “Materials” “Journal of Nanomaterials” “Materials andDesign”,“ModernPhysics Letters B”,“SurfaceReview and Letters”, “Journal of Central South University of China” etc.


Venture Cup Winnerin Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany. (Jan. 2012)

Leadguest editor in special issue (Nanomaterials processed by spark plasmasintering) of Journal of Nanomaterials. 2012-2013.

Invitedproject referee for MATETPRO 2011 program of the French National ResearchAgency, France. 2011

Invited project referee for 2012 Council ofthe National Fund for Scientific & Technological Development (FONDECYT),Chile.2012

Theexcellent Ph.D thesis of Harbin Institute of Technology. (July, 2007).

The Postdoctoral key Project Gainer of Shanghai government (Thefirst Postdoctoral key Project of Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, CAS).(July,2006)

The China Postdoctoral Science Foundation Gainer. (Oct., 2006)

The 10 best postgraduates of HIT in 2005(June, 2005).

Excellent Scientific Research Paper of HIT(Nov., 2004).

A “Three Good” Student of HIT (Sep.,2004,).

Guanghua Scholarship (Taiwan, China) of HIT(Sep., 2003).

The Best Graduated Postgraduates of HIT(Jul., 2002).

Chairman of Students Union in HBUST(1998-2000)



[1]Faming Zhang, Eberhard Burkel.Chapter 9: Novel titanium manganese alloys and their macroporous foams forbiomedical applications prepared by field assisted sintering. In the book of“Biomedical Engineering, Trends, Researches and Technologies” ISBN978-953-7619. Edited by Anthony N. Laskovski, Published by InTech. 02.2011.

[2]Faming Zhang, Eberhard Burkel.Chapter 2: Synthesis of diamond using spark plasma sintering. In the book of“Sintering of ceramics-new emerging techniques”. ISBN 978-953-308-4-8.Published by InTech. Book edited by Dr. Arunachalam Lakshmanan. 02.2012.

[3]F. Zhang, Y. Quan. R. Reich, O. Kessler, E. Burkel. Chapter11: Sintering and heat treatment of titanium alloys by pulsed electric currentsintering. In the Book'Sintering Applications'. ISBN 978-953-51-0974-7, Edited by: Burcu Ertuğ, Published by InTech.02.2013.

[4]Rott,G. A., Zhang, F., Haba, Y., Kruger, W. and Burkel E. Chapter 10. (2011)Dielectric Properties of Porous Calcium Titanate (CaTiO3), in BiomaterialsScience-Processing, Properties, and Applications, Volume 228 (eds R. Narayan,A. Bandyopadhyay and S. Bose), John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, NJ, USA.doi: 10.1002/9781118144565.ch10.


[1]F. Zhang, F. Essenhut, E.Burkel Pulsed direct current fieldinduced phase transformation in graphene nanoplatelets. Applied PhysicsLetters. 104, 253108 (2014).

[2]Y. Quan, P. Drescher, F. Zhang*, E. Burkel, H. Seitz. Selective beam melting of carbonnanotube structured titanium foams. Rapid Prototyping Journal. Rapid PrototypingJournal, 2014, 20(6): 541 – 550.

[3]F. Zhang, M. Reich, Y. Quan. O. Kessler, E.Burkel. Potential of rapid cooling spark plasma sintering for metallicmaterials. Materials Today. 2013, 16(5): 192-195.

[4]Zhang,Faming; Basu, Bikramjit; Wang, Lianjun; Izabel Fernanda Machado; and ClaudeEstournès. Editorial: Nanomaterials Processed bySpark Plasma Sintering. Journal of Nanomaterials, Article ID 346952, 1 pages,2013. doi:10.1155/2013/346952.

[5]Faming Zhang, FurqanAhmed, Jozef Bednarcik, and Eberhard Burkel. Diamond  synthesisthrough the generation of plasma during spark plasma sintering. Phys. StatusSolidi A No. 11, 2241–2246 (2012)

[6]Faming Zhang, FurqanAhmed, Gerd Holzhuter, Eberhard Burkel. Growth of diamond fromfullerene C60 by spark plasma sintering. Journal of Crystal Growth. 340 (2012)1–5.

[7]Quan Y, Zhang F.*, Rebl H.,Nebe B. Kessler O., Burkel E.Ti6Al4V foams fabricated by spark plasma sinteringwith post heat treatment. Materials Science & Engineering A. vol. 565, pp. 118–125, 2013.

[8]F. Zhang, C. Mihoc, F. Ahmed, C.Latte, E. Burkel. Thermal stability of carbon nanotubes, fullerene and graphiteunder spark plasma sintering. Chemical Physics Letters 510 (2011) 109-114

[9]Ahmed IbrahimFaming Zhang*,Eileen Otterstein, Eberhard Burkel. Processing of Porous Ti and Ti5Mn Foams by Spark Plasma sintering.Materials and Design. 2011, 32: 146-153.

[10]Faming Zhang, Martin Adam,Eileen Otterstein, Eberhard Burkel. Pulsed Electric Field InducedDiamond Synthesis from Carbon Nanotubes with Solvent Catalysts. Diamond andrelated Materials. 20 (2011) 853-858.

[11]Faming Zhang, ArneWeidmann, J. Barbara Nebe, Ulrich Beck, Eberhard Burkel. Preparation,Microstructures, Mechanical Properties and Cytocompatibility of TiMn Alloys forBiomedical Applications. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research B. 201094B:406-413.

[12]Faming Zhang, EileenOtterstein, Eberhard Burkel. Spark plasma sintering,microstructures and mechanical properties of macroporous titanium foams.Advanced Engineering Materials. 2010, 12 (9): 863-872.

[13]F. Zhang, A. Weidmann, J. B. Nebe, E. Burkel. Cell Response to Surface Modified Carbon Nanotubes.Materials Science and Engineering: C Volume 32, Issue5, 1 July 2012, Pages 1057–1061.

[14]F. Zhang, J. Chang, E. Burkel. DissolutionProcess and Mechanisms of Poly (Vinyl Alcohol) Modified Carbon Nanotubes. NewCarbon Materials. 2010, 25(4): 1-7. Carbon, 49(2011)352-355.

[15]F. Zhang , A. Weidmann, B. J. Nebe, E. Burkel. Preparation of TiMn alloy by mechanical alloying andspark plasma sintering for biomedical applications. Journal of Physics: Con.Series 144 (2009) 012007.

[16]FamingZhang, Jiang Chang, Jianxi Lu and CongqinNing, Surface Modification ofBeta-tricalcium Phosphate Scaffolds with Topological Nanoapatite Coatings.Materials Science and Engineering: C. 2009,Volume 28, Issue 8,1 December 2008, Pages 1330-1339

[17]FamingZhang, Jiang Chang, Kaili Lin and Jianxi Lu; Preparation, mechanical properties and in vitro degradability ofwollastonite/tricalcium phosphate macroporous scaffolds from nanocompositepowders, Journal of Materials Science: Materials inMedicine 2008,19(1): 167-173.

[18]FamingZhang, Kaili Lin, Jiang Chang, Jianxi Lu and CongqinNing; Spark plasmasintering of macroporous calcium phosphate scaffolds from nanocrystallinepowders. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, Volume 28, Issue 3, 2008,Pages 539-545

[19]Lihua Long, Faming Zhang, Lei Chen, Lidong Chen, Jiang Chang.Preparation and properties of β-CaSiO3/ZrO2 (3Y) nanocomposites. Journal of theEuropean Ceramic Society, Volume 28, Issue 15, November 2008, Pages 2883-2887.

[20]FamingZhang, Jiang Chang, Jianxi Lu, Kaili Lin and CongqinNing, Bioinspired structureof bioceramics for bone regeneration in load-bearing sites, Acta Biomaterialia,Volume 3, Issue 6, November 2007, Pages 896-904.

[21]Faming Zhang, Jun Shen, Jianfei Sun, D.G. McCartney. DirectSynthesis of Diamond from Low Purity Carbon Nanotubes. Carbon. 44 (2006)3136-3138.

[22]J Shen, F M Zhang, J F Sun, Y Q Zhu and G. McCartney. Spark plasma sintering assisted Diamond Formation from Carbon Nanotubes at very LowPressure. Nanotechnology. 17 (2006)2187-2191.

[23]Shen Jun, Zhang Fa-ming, Sun Jian-fei. Preparation, properties and toughing mechanismsof carbon nanotubes reinforced ceramic matrix composites. Materials Science and Technology. 2006.14(2):165-169.

[24]Faming Zhang, Jun Shen, Jianfei Sun, Yan Qiu Zhu, Gang Wangand G. McCartney. Conversion of CarbonNanotubes to Diamond by a spark plasma sintering, Carbon. 2005, 43 (6):1254-1258.

[25]Faming Zhang, Jianfei Sun, Jun Shen. Effects of Carbon NanotubesIncorporation on the Grain growth of Nanocrystalline WC-Co cermets. MaterialScience Forum. 475-479 (2005): 989-992.

[26]Jun Shen, Faming Zhang, Jianfei Sun. Processing and MechanicalProperties of Spark Plasma Sintered WC-Co-Al2O3Nanocomposites.Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China. 2005.1:102-109.

[27]Faming Zhang, Jun Shen, Jianfei Sun. Processing and Properties ofCarbon Nanotubes-Nano-WC-Co composites. Materials Science &Engnieering A.381(2004)91-96.

[28]Faming Zhang, Jun Shen, Jianfei Sun. The Effect of Phosphorusadditions on Densification, Grain growth and Properties of nanocrystallineWC/Co composites. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2004, 385(1-2): 96-103.

[29]Jun SHEN, Jianfei SUN and Faming ZHANG.Synthesis and Characterizations of NanocrystallineWC-Co Composite Powders by a Unique Ball Milling Process. Journal of MaterialsScience and Technology. 2004, 20(1): 7-10.

[30]Jianfei Sun, Faming Zhang, Jun Shen. Characterization of ball-millednanocrystalline WC-Co composite powders and subsequently rapid hot pressingsintered cermets. Materials Letters, 57(2003)3140-3148.


[1]Faming Zhang,Eberhard Burkel, Gunnar Rott. Verfahren zur Synthese von Diamanten. Deutsches Patent, DE 10 2011 014 204 A1.

[2]Jun Shen, Faming Zhang, Jianfei Sun andGang Wang. Low pressure synthesis of diamonds from carbon nanotubes by a newprocess. China Patent. ZL200410044157.0.(Authorized).

[3]Jun Shen, Jianfei Sun, Faming Zhang. A new way to regulatethe carbon contents in WC cemented carbides by incorporation of carbonnanotubes. China Patent. ZL200510009618.5(Authorized).

[4]Zhang Faming, Chang Jiang, LuJianxi. A new method to preparemacroporous bioceramics with high interconnectivity. China Patent.CN200710047210.6.

[5]Lu Jianxi,Chang Jiang, Lin Kaili, Zhang Faming.A bioinspiredBioceramics for Load bearing applications. China Patent. CN 200610026058.9. (Authorized).

[6]Lu Jianxi,Chang Jiang, Lin Kaili, Zhang Faming.A bioinspiredBioceramics for Load bearing applications. International PCT Patent: PCT/CN2007/001124(Authorized).