

 基 本 信 息

姓名:陈惠苏 CHEN Huisu









Email:chenhs@seu.edu.cn, chenhuisu@hotmail.com




1. 胶凝材料水化、改性、侵蚀热力学及动力学建模

2. 水泥基复合材料水化、微结构与耐久性多尺度建模

3. 粒子堆积/裂纹自愈合建模

4. 微结构统计定量表征

5. 湿度缓冲/保温墙体材料

6. 纤维/织物增强水泥基复合材料

7. 固废再生利用/矿山回填料/快速修补材料

 个 人 简 介

Curriculum Vitae

(Last modified on Feb. 22, 2024)







2007年3月至今: 东南大学材料学院教授



20073月至今: 东南大学材料学院教授







Visiting Professor,

Physics and Mechanics of Porous Media, Navier Research Unit,



Visiting Scholar

Microlab, Department of Mechanics, Materials and Structures,

Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands


1.    《硅酸盐学报》第七/八届编委会委员; Associated Editor: Journal of Kind Saud University- Engineering Sciences(2014-至今), Frontiers in Materials : Structural Materials section (2015-至今); Editor for Materials: Construction and Building Materials Section (2019-至今);

2.   RILEM senior member (2014-) (TC247-DTATC244-NUM)中国电子显微镜学会非金属建筑材料微观测试技术专业委员会副主任委员2015-),中国建筑学会建筑材料分会第十届理事会理事(2015.11-),中国硅酸盐学会固废专业委员会委员(2016-),中国硅酸盐学会水泥分会第五届理事会理事(2016.11-), 中国建筑学会建筑材料分会大体积混凝土应用技术专业委员会委员(2016.10-

3.     King Saud University 土木工程方向职称外评专家(external referee);Proposal Reviewer for Czech Science Foundation, Proposal Reviewer for Research Foundation – Flanders (Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek - Vlaanderen, FWO, Belgium)Nanyang Technological University Proposal Referee,香港纳米及先进材料研发院有限公司项目外评专家.

4.    Cement and Concrete Research, Cement and Concrete Composites, Composites Part B: Engineering, Composites Science and Technologoy, Materials and Structures, Computational Materials Science, Construction and Building Materials, Powder Technology, Composite Structures 40余国际期刊审稿人.  


1.   2024-  ConCreep12, 2024.06.05-07@Delft, The Netherlands(Scientific Committee member)

2.   2023- 第三届先进胶凝材料研究与应用学术会议,2023.04.28-05.01@长沙(学术委员会委员)

3.   2022- 第一届全国镁资源利用学术会议, 2022.08.21-23@鞍山(学术委员会委员)

4.   2021- 第四届中国固废处理与生态材料学术与技术交流会, 2021.10.15-17 @武汉(学术委员会委员)

5.   2021- The fourth International Conference on Microstructure Related Durability of Cementitious Composites, April 28-30, 2021, The Hague, The Netherlands (Scientific Committee member and Organizing Committee Member)

6.   2020-第二届“固体废弃物的建材资源化利用——建筑材料行业发展及技术创新论坛”,2020.10.23-25@成都(学术委员会委员)

7.   2020-  第二届先进胶凝材料研究与应用学术会议, 2020.10.16-18@西安(学术委员会委员)

8.   2018-  第三届“现代混凝土的微观测试与分析”学术研讨会,2018.12.07-09@深圳(学术委员会委员)

9.   2018- RILEM International Symposium on Concrete Modelling (ConMOD2018), 2018.08.27-29@Delft. (Scientific Committee Member)

10. 2018- 第三届中国固废处理与生态材料学术与技术交流会, 2018.08.10-12@西安(学术委员会委员)

11. 2018-  International Conference on Alkali Activated Materials and Geopolymers: Versatile Materials Offering High Performance and Low Emissions, 2018.05.27-06.01@Tomar, Portugal. (Scientific Committee Member)

12. 2017- 第二届“现代混凝土的微观测试与分析”学术研讨会,2017.12.08-10@福州(学术委员会委员)

13. 2017- REMINE International Conference & Brokerage Event (RICON17), Oct.25-27 2017, Covilhã, Portugal. (Scientific and Technical Committee Member)

14. 2017- 第一届先进胶凝材料研究与应用学术会议, 2017.09.22-24重庆(学术委员会委员)

15. 2017- 第十二届全国高性能混凝土应用技术研讨会,2017.08.02-04成都(学术委员会委员)

16. 2016- The Third International Conference on Microstructure Related Durability of Cementitious Composites, Oct. 24-26, 2016 Nanjing, China.(科学委员会委员,组织委员会委员)

17. 2016-  第一届全国非金属建筑材料微观测试技术与分析学术研讨会,2016.03.26-27(学术委员会委员

18. 2015-中国硅酸盐学会混凝土与水泥制品分会第九届理事会暨第十一届全国高性能混凝土学术研讨会, 2018.08.22-23,哈尔滨(学术委员会委员)

19. 2014-The Third International Conference on Service Life Design for Infrastructures, Oct. 15-17, 2014, Zhuhai, China. (科学委员会委员)

20. 2013-The Seventh International Conference on Concrete under Severe Conditions - Environment and Loading (CONSEC13), Sept. 23-25, 2013, Nanjing, China.(科学委员会委员,组织委员会委员)

21. 2013- The second International Conference on Civil Engineering, Architecture and Sustainable Infrastructure, July 13-15, 2013, Zhengzhou, China (科学委员会委员)

22. 2012- The second International Conference on Sustainable Construction Materials: Design, Performance and Application, Oct. 18-22, 2012, Wuhan, China (SusCoM2012, 组织委员会委员)

23. 2012- SEU-TUDelft-SBT-CSIC-RILEM Doctoral Course: Multi-Scale Modelling Course for Concrete, Oct.8-12, 2012, Nanjing, China(组织委员会委员)

24. 2012- The Second International Conference on Microstructure Related Durability of Cementitious Composites, April 11-13, 2012, Amsterdam, The Netherlands(科学委员会委员/组织委员会委员)

25. 2010-第十三届纤维混凝土学术会议暨第二届海峡两岸三地混凝土技术研讨会,201010月,南京。(科学委员会委员)

26. 2010- International Conference on Sustainable Construction Materials: Design, Performance and Application, Aug 10-12, 2010, Wuhan, China(科学委员会委员)

27. 2010- The 4th International Forum on Advances in Structural Engineering(IFASE2010), Oct.21-23, 2010, Nanjing, China(组织委员会委员)

28. 2009- 6th Asia Symposium on Polymers in Concrete, Oct. 29-30, 2009, Shanghai, China(科学委员会委员/组织委员会委员)

29. 2009- SEU-TUDelft-SBT-CSIC-RILEM Doctoral Course: Multi-Scale Modelling Course for Concrete, Oct.12-17, 2009, Nanjing, China(组织委员会委员)

30. 2008- The First International Conference on Microstructure Related Durability of Cementitious Composites, Oct 13-15, 2008, Nanjing, China(科学委员会委员/组织委员会委员)

31. 2008- SEU-SBT-RILEM Doctoral Course: Shrinkage and Cracking of Early-age Concrete: Measurement, Mechanisms and Mitigation, Oct 16-20, 2008, Nanjing, China. (组织委员会委员)


●   大宗固体废弃物在高速铁路混凝土中绿色资源化利用关键技术, 2019年中国交通运输协会科技进步奖,一等奖,(排名7/15: 赵国堂,李化建,易忠来,魏强,谢永江,胡所亭,陈惠苏,张建斌,章国辉,杨斌,赵健,杨怀志,黄法礼,王睿)

●   水泥基复合材料组成-结构-性能一体化关联的多尺度研究, 2019年度中国建筑材料联合会·中国硅酸盐学会 建筑材料科学技术奖 基础研究类二等奖(排名2/8, 许文祥、陈惠苏、蒋亚清、雷冬、刘琳、朱志刚、呂忠、苏祥龙)

●   高速铁路高性能混凝土成套技术与工程应用, 2019年国家科技进步二等奖,(排名7/10何华武,谢永江,谢友均,王玲,李化建,王召祜,陈惠苏,龙广成,王立军,仲新华

●   CRTS II型板式无砟轨道水泥沥青砂浆制备、耐久性与施工技术, 2015年江苏省科学技术二等奖,(排名3/9: 孙伟,刘加平,陈惠苏,洪锦祥,朱晓斌,陈香,万赟,蒋金洋,黄冲)

●   超高性能混凝土抗爆材料成套制备技术、结构设计及其应用, 2014年国家科技进步二等奖(排名第10/10: 孙伟,方秦,刘加平,张云升,刘建忠,戎志丹,吴昊,周华新,秦鸿根,陈惠苏

●   超高性能混凝土抗爆材料与结构的理论及应用, 2012年江苏省科技进步一等奖(排名第11/11: 孙伟,方秦,刘加平,张云升,刘建忠,戎志丹,龚自明,缪昌文,秦鸿根,吴昊,陈惠苏

●   生态型高与超高性能结构混凝土材料的研究与应用,2007年国家科技进步奖二等奖,(排名第8/10: 孙伟,缪昌文,翟建平,余红发,刘加平,张云升,周伟玲,陈惠苏,慕儒,田倩)

●   高性能水泥基建筑材料的性能和失效机理研究, 2006年江苏省科技进步奖一等奖(排名第8/10: 孙伟,缪昌文,翟建平,余红发,刘加平,张云升,周伟玲,陈惠苏,慕儒,田倩)

●   高性能水泥基材料的制备、性能与基本理论研究,2002年教育部提名自然科学二等奖(排名第6/8: 孙伟张亚梅潘钢华秦鸿根罗欣陈惠苏严焊东  


● 土木工程材料双语课(土木系本科生):2007-

● 体视学及其应用(研究生):2008-



1.   镁质胶凝材料水化、改性与劣化的热力学和动力学机理研究(国家自然科学基金面上项目No. 52278246, 2023.01-2026.12, 54万元)

2.   固井水泥石性能检测(2022.09-2024.10,合同编号:F2022237;中国石油集团工程技术研究院有限公司,58.75万元)

3.   基于非球形颗粒堆积结构的非饱和水泥基复合材料反应传输性能建模(国家自然科学基金面上项目No. 51878152, 2019.01-2022.12, 61万元

4.   ****(2019.07-2020.12, 50万元)

5.   生态低碳高耐久碱激发混凝土科学设计方法与应用基础研究(Rational design of low-CO2 alkali-activated concretes for eco-efficiency and durability国家自然科学基金委中英国际(地区)合作与交流项目No.51461135001, 2015.01-2017.12, 300万元)

6.  “严酷环境下混凝土材料与结构长寿命的基础研究”第二课题“严酷环境下混凝土材料损伤演变与性能劣化(2015CB655102)”第二子课题负责人( 2015.01-2019.12, 中国科技部973项目)

7.   环境友好现代混凝土的基础研究第三课题“现代混凝土在多重因素作用下的化学-力学耦合损伤失效机理(No.2009CB623203)”第一子题负责人,参加第三课题第二子题(2009.01-2013.12, 中国科技部973项目, 53万元)

8.   磨细高炉水渣矿山回填料的开发研究(横向项目:2012.11-)

9.   三维间隔织物增强无机复合材料布开发与应用技术研究(横向项目:2011.09-2014.12)

10. 超薄真空防火保温材料开发(横向项目:2012.09-2013.09.)

11. 在环境因素作用下CA砂浆的体积稳定性和耐久性(高性能土木工程材料国家重点实验室开放基金课题, No.2010CEM001, 2011.01-2012.12, 10万元)

12. 水泥基复合材料界面过渡区微观结构与性能的定量表征(国家自然科学基金委青年基金项目No. 50708018, 2008.01-2010.12, 20万元)

13. 水泥基复合材料含界面过渡区浆体微观结构的定量表征技术(教育部高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金(新教师基金)No.20070286018, 2008.01-2010.12, 3.6万元)

14. 高速铁路高性能混凝土耐久性技术措施及检测评定技术:多重腐蚀环境作用下混凝土耐久性评价技术研究(铁道部科技司, No.2008G031-N-2, 2008.01-2010.12, 30万元)

15. 京沪高速铁路灰渣-秸秆混凝土材料试验研究:秸秆保温吸声墙体材料试验研究(铁道部科技司, No. 2008G032-6-2, 2008.01-2009.12, 30万元)

16. 城市轨道交通新型整体式声屏障研究与应用(超高性能纤维增强水泥基复合材料课题负责人,南京地下铁道有限公司,2008.07-2009.12 12万元)



1.   干寒盐渍土地区混凝土抗腐蚀性外包防腐材料性能变化机理及施工工艺(中铁21局,2018.05-2020.02, 10万元)

2.   基于可靠度的高速铁路无砟轨道结构全寿命涉及理论与方法研究. (国家自然科学基金委重点项目U1134206/E080704, 2012.01-2015.12, 260万元)

3.   冻融循环作用下饱水度对水泥砂浆微观结构损伤及宏观力学性能影响的研究(江苏省自然科学基金青年基金项目,BK20130837, 2013.07-2016.0620万元)

4.   高速铁路生态型超高性能水泥基复合材料人行道盖板研究(铁道部科技司, 2009-2010,40万)

5.   水泥沥青砂浆形成与伤损劣化机理及施工质量控制技术研究(铁道部科技司,No. 2008G031-F , 2008-2011,118万)

6.   特种应用领域的超高性能水泥基复合材料系列产品的研发与产业化(2008-2011,江苏省科技成果转化专项资金项目, BA2008065, 2009.01-2011.12, 1000万)

7.   跨江海大型桥梁结构混凝土劣化性能与耐久性对策措施(交通部西部交通项目, 200631822302-01, 2006.01-2010.12, 300万)

8.   超高性能纤维增强水泥基复合材料的开发与应用(2007-2012, 东大-创斯达研发中心项目,80万)

9.   掺废木屑得纤维增强氯氧镁水泥挤压成型制品的配方设计与性能研究(2006.03-2007.03,香港科技大学土木系,完成)

10. 水泥基复合材料界面微观结构及其对材料宏观性能影响 (国家自然科学基金重点项目:高性能水泥基建筑材料的性能和失效机理研究(No.59938170, 2000.01-2004.12, 100万元), 中荷国际合作项目: “Technology of Modern Concrete Composites”)

11. 内外墙体保温砂浆的研发与应用 (2000-2001, 2002~2003 企业项目,完成)

12. 高掺量工业废渣对高性能混凝土界面微观结构的影响(1999-2001, 南京长江二桥项目“桥用高性能粉煤灰混凝土制备、性能与机理研究“子题,长江二桥指挥部资助,完成)

13. 掺混合材混凝土在冻融与盐侵蚀双重因素作用下的耐久性研究(1999-2000, “九五国家重点科技攻关项目重点工程混凝土安全性的研究高强混凝土耐久性研究专题,合同编号96-535-2-1-3-1,完成)

14. 纤维增强水泥基复合材料的抗爆性能研究 (1997–1998, 工程兵学院合作项目,完成)

15. 高掺量粉煤灰取代低碱水泥制备GRC的研究 (1996 – 1997, 江苏省建设厅项目:“新型高耐久GRC材料的制备与应用研究”子题,完成)

16. 高掺量钢纤维增强水泥基复合材料(SIFCON)的抗侵彻性能研究(1996 – 1997, 工程兵学院合作项目)



(1)      期刊文章:


1. Han W.W., Chen H.S.*, Song S.M. Phase assemblage of magnesium phosphate cement under carbonation through thermodynamic simulation.  submitted

2. Yuan H., Chen H.S.*, Khan M.I.*, Lv Z., Lin J.J.* Statistical analytical models for the crack-hitting probability and crack healing efficiency of linear capsules in a material with parallelogram crack network. submitted

3. Cao K., Xu Q.F., Li T., Chen H.S.*, Han Y.D., Zhang J. Mixture proportion optimization and durability of three-dimensional textile reinforced cement in terms of thermodynamic modeling and experimental analysis. submitted

4. Han W.W., Chen H.S.*, Song S.M.* Thermodynamic analysis of the phase assemblages of magnesium phosphate cement under chloride attack.submitted

5. Lin J.J.*, Wang S.B., Sun Y., Zhao Q.X.*, Chen H.S., Li M.Q. Fiber orientation effect on the interfacial properties of aligning fibrous materials: critical percolation and effective fraction of soft interfaces. submitted

6. Liu H.T.*, Li T., Zhang J.Y., Xu P., Xia X.J., Yu Y.J., Liu L., Chen H.S.* Thermodynamic mechanisms of performance retrogression and its migration by adding silica flour in oil cement exposed to high temperature. submitted

7. Lv Z.*, Song Y.H., Shi M.Y., Chen D.P., Guo M.L., Xiang T.F., Chen H.S. Effect of capsule shape on geometrical probability of crack interaction with capsules embedded in self-healing materials. submitted

8. Li T., Zheng Y.H., Chen H.S.*, Li X.Y., Liu L. Thermodynamic mechanism on the effects of mix proportion, and type and dosage of chemical modifier on phase assemblage of magnesium oxysulfate cement. revised &feedback@2024.02.19



Accepted for publish


1.         Cao K., Chen H.S.*, Khan M.I.*, Li M.Q.*, Liu L.* Influence of grain’s shape- and size- polydispersities and orientation on tortuosity and permeability of two-dimensional granular media. Particuology, doi: 10.1016/j.partic.2024.01.016

2.        Li T., Chen H.S.*, Zhang T.T.*, Liu L.*, Zheng Y.H. Thermodynamic study on phase composition of hardened Portland cement paste exposed to CaCl2 solution: Effects of temperature, CaCl2 concentration, and type and dosage of supplementary cementitious materials. Cement and Concrete Research, 2024178107437. doi:10.1016/j.cemconres.2024.107437

3.         Yuan H., Chen H.S.*, Sun S.B., Li M.Q.*, Liu Z.Y.*, Liu L.* Numerical modeling of the effects of shape and aspect ratio of 3D curved fiber on the percolation threshold and electrical conductivity of conductive polymer composites. Soft Matter, 2024, 20(8):1746-1759. doi: 10.1039/D3SM01708G

4.         Han W.W.*, Chen H.S.*, Song S.M. Thermodynamic modeling of the effect of temperature on the phase assemblage of magnesium ammonium phosphate cement. Construction and Building Materials, 2024, 416:135178. doi: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2024.135178 

5.         Lin J.J.*, Wang Y., Li M.Q., Chen H.S.*, Cao H.Y., Jin C. Continuum percolation of the realistic nonuniform ITZs in 3D polyphase concrete systems involving the aggregate shape and size differentiation. Science and Engineering of Composite Materials, 2024.31(01):20220237; doi:10.1515/secm-2022-0237

6.         Li M.Q., Qing L.B.*, Chen H.S.*, Lin J.J. Insight into the coupling effect of tortuosity and percolation on the permeability of overlapping ovoidal particle systems. Powder Technology, 2024, 432119120. doi: 10.1016/j.powtec.2023.119120


7.         Yuan H., Chen H.S.*, Li M.Q., Liu L., Liu Z.Y. Percolation threshold and electrical conductivity of conductive polymer composites filled with curved fibers in two-dimensional space. Soft Matter,2023, 19(37):7149-7160. doi:10.1039/D3SM00963G

8.         Han W.W., Chen H.S.*, Song S.M. Thermodynamic analysis of the effects of modifiers and carbonation on the phase assemblages of magnesium oxychloride cement.Cement and Concrete Composites, 2023,143: 105274. doi: 10.1016/j.cemconcomp.2023.105274;

9.        Lin J.J.*, Zhao Q.X., Chen H.S.*, Li M.Q., Yuan L.L.A numerical framework for the ITZ percolation, effective fraction and diffusivity of concrete systems considering the nonuniform ITZ. Journal of Building Engineering,2023, 77:107429; doi:10.1016/j.jobe.2023.107429

10.     Lin J.J.*, Zhao Q.X., Chen H.S.*, Xue C.H.*, Li M.Q. The fraction and percolation of soft interfaces in granular composites containing polyhedral and ovoidal fillers: A theoretical and numerical study. Advanced Powder Technology, 2023, 34(7): 104057 doi:10.1016/j.apt.2023.104057

11.       Lv Z., Shi M.Y, Yuan J.*, Chen D.P., Guo M.L, Xiang T.F. Chen H.S. A probability characteristic of crack intersecting with embedded microcapsules in capsule-based self-healing materials. Science and Engineering of Composite Materials,2023,30(1):20220207. doi: 10.1515/secm-2022-0207.

12.     Lin J.J.*, Zhao Q.X., Chen H.S., Li M.Q., Yuan L.L. A numerical study on the spatial orientation of aligning fibrous particles in composites considering the wall effect. Science and Engineering of Composite Materials, 2023, 30: 20220195. doi:10.1515/secm-2022-0195

13.     Lin J.J.*, Zhao Q.X., Chen H.S.*, Li M.Q., Yuan L.L. A numerical study of ITZ percolation in polyphase concrete systems considering the synergetic effect of aggregate shape and size-diversities. Materials, 2023, 16: 2515. doi: 10.3390/ma16062515

14.     Li M.Q., Qing L.B.*, Chen H.S.*, Xu W.X., Lin J.J. Diffusivity of porous media considering the coupling influence of pore shape- and size-polydispersities on the percolation: Theoretical and numerical studies. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2023, 404:115830. doi: 10.1016/j.cma.2022.115830

15.     Li M.Q., Chen H.S.*, Qing L.B.*, Lin J.J. Generalized implicit solution of ITZ percolation threshold and its effect on the diffusivity of concrete: Influence of aggregate shape- and size-polydispersities. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2023200:123514. doi: 10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2022.123514. publish@2023.01.01


16.     Sun S.B.*, Chen H.S.*, Lin J.J. A universal method for modeling and characterizing non-circular packing systems based on n-point correlation functions. Materials, 2022, 15:5991. doi: 10.3390/ma15175991

17.     Sun S.B.*, Chen H.S.*, Lin J.J. Third-order effective properties for random-packing systems using statistical micromehanics based on a GPU parallel algorithm in fast computing n-point correlation functions. Materials, 2022, 15:5799. doi: 10.3390/ma15165799

18.     Han W.W., Chen H.S.*, Li X.Y.* Thermodynamic modeling of the influence of temperature on the hydrate assemblage of MOC. Construction and Building Materials, 2022,335:127531. doi:10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2022.127531.

19.     Li M.Q., Chen H.S.*, Li X.Y.*, Liu L.*, Lin J.J.* Permeability of granular media considering the effect of grain composition on tortuosity. International Journal of Engineering Science, 2022174103658. doi:10.1016/j.ijengsci.2022.103658

20.     Li M.Q., Chen H.S.*, Liu L.*, Lin J.J.*, Ullah K. Permeability of concrete considering the synergetic effect of crack's shape- and size-polydispersities on the percolation. Construction and Building Materials, 2022, 315: 125684. doi10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2021.125684

21.     Lv Z., Yao J.B., Cui G.J., Chen H.S.*Geometrical probability of a capsule hitting irregular crack networks: Application to capsule-based self-healing materials. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2022, 101406-419. doi:10.1016/j.apm.2021.08.031,

22.     Li H., Zhang W.L, Chen H.S.*, Han Y.D., Zhang J., Han F.Y. Lattice modeling for the influence of geometrical patterns of 3D spacer fabric on tensile behavior of concrete canvas. Journal of Sandwich Structures and Materials, 2022, 24(1):696-719. doi:10.1177/10996362211020430.


23.     Lin J.J.*, Zhao Q.X., Chen H.S.*, Zhu Z.G., Li M.Q., Zhao D.H. Insights into the diffusivity of particulate composites considering percolation of soft interphases around hard fillers: from spherical to polyhedral particles. Powder Technology, 2021, 392:459-472. doi:10.1016/j.powtec.2021.06.047

24.     蔡新光,赵青*陈惠苏.珊瑚混凝土研究现状(Research progress of coral concrete)硅酸盐学报, 2021, 49(8):1753-1764.

25.     Li M.Q., Chen H.S.* Misestimation of the ITZ thickness around non-spherical aggregates. Materials Science Forum, 2021, 1036:432-441.

26.     Li M.Q., Chen H.S.*, Lin J.J.*, Zhang R.L., Liu L. Effects of the pore shape polydispersity on the percolation and transport properties of porous composites: Theoretical and numerical studies. Powder Technology, 2021, 386: 382-393. doi:10.1016/j.powtec.2021.03.055,

27.       Lin J.J.*, Chen H.S.*, Zhao Q.X., Li M.Q. Statistical analysis of the critical percolation of ITZ around polygonal aggregates in three-phase concrete materials. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications, 2021, 572:125878. doi:10.1016/j.physa.2021.125878,

28.     Zhu Z.G., Xu W.X.*, Chen H.S.*, Wang Y., Gou X.F., Liu L., Gu Y.Diffusivity of cement paste via a continuum-based microstructure and hydration model: influence of cement grain shape. Cement and Concrete Composites, 2021, 188: 103920. doi: 10.1016/j.cemconcomp.2020.103920 

29.     Liu L.*, Qin G., Zhou Y., Chen H.S., Wang X.C. Freezing behavior of unsaturated porous materials.Construction and Building Materials, 2021, 274:122112. doi: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2020.122112

30.     吕忠,熊庭倩,陈惠苏*. 球形/球柱形微胶囊自修复水泥基复合材料修复效率数值模拟. 硅酸盐学报, 2021, 49(2):357-364.


31.     Han W.W., Chen H.S.*, Li X.Y.*, Zhang T. Thermodynamic modeling of magnesium ammonium phosphate cement and the stability of its hydration products. Cement and Concrete Research, 2020,138:106223. doi: 10.1016/j.cemconres.2020.106223

32.     Zhang R.L., Liu P., Ma L.N, Yang Z.J., Chen H.S., Zhu H.X. Xiao H.G. Influence mechanisms under different immersion methods and different strengths of concrete in corrosive environments, and verification via long-term field test. Structural Concrete, 2020, 21(5):1853-1864. doi:10.1002/suco.202000084.

33.     Li M.Q., Chen H.S.*, Lin J.J., Lura P. Areal analysis induced bias on interface thickness around ovoidal particles. Construction and Building Materials, 2020262: 120583doi: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2020.120583.

34.       Tang T.T., Yu P.*, Yu S.M., Shan X.W., Chen H.S. Connection between pore-scale and macroscopic flow characteristics of recirculating wake behind a porous cylinder. Physics of Fluids2020 32083606. doi: 10.1063/5.0019262 

35.     Li M.Q., Chen H.S.*, Lin J.J., Lura P., Zhu Z.G. The bias of the interface thickness and diffusivity of concrete comprising Platonic aggregates induced by areal analysis. Powder Technology, 2020, 376209-221. doi: 10.1016/j.powtec.2020.08.024.

36.     Liu L.*, Tao G.H., Chen H.S., Zhu Z.G. Shape effect of cement particles on the ionic diffusivity of hardened cement paste—a three-dimensional numerical investigation. Construction and Building Materials, 2020, 250: 118736. doi: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2020.118736

37.       Zhu Z.G., Xu W.X.*, Chen H.S.*, Tan Z.J. Evolution of microstructures of cement paste via continuous-based hydration model of non-spherical cement particles. Composites Part B, 2020, 185:107795.doi: 10.1016/j.compositesb.2020.107795 

38.       Li M.Q., Chen H.S.*, Lin J.J. Numerical study for the percolation threshold and transport properties of porous composites comprising non-centrosymmetrical superovoidal pores. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2020, 361:112815. doi:10.1016/j.cma.2019.112815

39.     Zhang R.L.*, Liu P., Ma L.N.*, Yang Z.J, Chen H.S., Zhu H.X, Xiao H.J., Li J.  Research on the corrosion/permeability/frost resistance of concrete by experimental and microscopic mechanisms under different water–binder ratios.International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials, 2020, 14:10. doi: 10.1186/s40069-019-0382-8

40.     Lin J.J., Chen H.S.*, Liu L.* Impact of polydispersity of particle shape and size on percolation threshold of 3D particulate media comprised of penetrable superellipsoids. Powder Technology, 2020, 360: 944-955 doi:10.1016/j.powtec.2019.10.054

41.     Li M.Q., Chen H.S.*, Lin J.J. Efficient measurement of the percolation threshold for random systems of congruent overlapping ovoids. Powder Technology, 2020, 360: 598-607. doi:10.1016/j.powtec.2019.10.044

42.     Lin J.J., Chen H.S.*, Liu L.*, Zhang R.L. Impact of particle size ratio on the percolation thresholds of 2D bidisperse granular systems composed of overlapping superellipses.Physica A:Stastistical Mechanics and Its Applications, 2020, 554:123564.doi: 10.1016/j.physa.2019.123564.


43.     Lin J.J., Chen H.S.* Lattice Boltzmann simulation of fluid flow through random packing beds of Platonic particles: Effect of particle characteristics. Particuology, 2019, 47:41-53. doi: 10.1016/j.partic.2018.08.014

44.     Lin J.J., Chen H.S.*, Zhang R.L., Liu L.* Characterization of the wall effect of concrete via random packing of polydispersed superball-shaped aggregates. Materials Characterization, 2019, 154:335-343. doi:10.1016/j.matchar.2019.06.024

45.     Lin J.J., Zhang W.L., Chen H.S.*, Zhang R.L., Liu L.* Effect of pore characteristic on the percolation threshold and diffusivity of porous media comprising overlapping concave-shaped pores. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2019, 138: 1333-1345. doi: 10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2019.04.110

46.     Zhang R.L.*, Ma L.N.*, Wang Q.C., Li J., Wang Y., Chen H.S., Samosvat, V. Experimental studies on properties and micro-structure on the creep of concrete-filled steel tubes. Materials, 2019,12(7):1046(15pages). doi: 10.3390/ma12071046

47.     Lin J.J., Chen H.S.* Measurement of continuum percolation properties of 2D homogeneous and heterogeneous systems consisting of overlapping superellipses. Powder Technology, 2019, 347:17-26 doi: 10.1016/j.powtec.2019.02.036

48.     Tang T.T., Yu P.*, Shan X.W., Chen H.S. The formation mechanism of recirculating wake for steady flow through and around arrays of cylinders. Physics of Fluids , 2019, 31(4):043607 (Editor’s Pick)

49.     Tang T.T., Yu P.*, Shan X.W., Chen H.S., Su J. Investigation of drag properties for flow through and around square arrays of cylinders at low Reynolds numbers. Chemical Engineering Science, 2019, 199:285-301. doi:10.1016/j.ces.2019.01.017 

50.     Li H., Chen H.S.*, Li X.Y., Zhang F.Y. Design and construction application of concrete canvas for slope protection.Powder Technology, 2019, 344:937-946. doi: 10.1016/j.powtec.2018.12.075

51.     Zhu Z.G., Xu W.X.*, Chen H.S.*The fraction of overlapping interphase around 2D and 3D polydisperse non-spherical particles: Theoretical and numerical models. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2019, 345:728-747.


52.     Lin J.J., Chen H.S.* Continuum percolation of porous media via random packing of overlapping cube-like particles.Theoretical & Applied Mechanics Letters, 2018, 8(5):299-303.

53.     Lin J.J., Chen H.S., Xu W.W. Geometrical percolation threshold of congruent cuboidlike particles in overlapping particle systems. Physical Review E, 2018, 98(1):012134(17pages) doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.98.012134

54.     Li H., Mu R., Qing L.B., Chen H.S., Ma Y.F. The Influence of fiber orientation on bleeding of steel fiber reinforced cementitious composites. Cement and Concrete Composites, 2018, 92:125-134.doi: 10.1016/j.cemconcomp.2018.05.018

55.     Chen H.S., Zhu Z.G., Lin J.J., Xu W.X., Liu L. Numerical modeling on the influence on particle shape on ITZ’s microstructure and macro-properties of cementitious composites: A critical review. Journal of Sustainable Cement-Based Materials, 2018, 7(4):248-269. doi: 10.1080/21650373.2018.1473818

56.     Lin J.J., Chen H.S. Effect of particle morphologies on the percolation of particulate porous media: a study of superballs. Powder Technology,2018, 335:388-400.doi:10.1016/j.powtec.2018.05.015

57.     Xu W.X., Sun H.G., Chen W., Chen H.S. Transport properties of concrete-like granular materials interacted by their microstructures and particle components. International Journal of Modern Physics B, 2018, 32(18):1840011(40pages). doi: 10.1142/S0217979218400118

58.     Lin J.J., Chen H.S., Lv Z., Wang Y.J. Analytical solution on dosage of self-healing capsules in materials with two-dimensional multi-shaped crack patterns.Science and Engineering of Composite Materials, 2018, doi: 10.1515/secm-2017-0256.

59.     Liu, L., Wang, X.C., Zhou, J., Chu, H.Q., Shen, D.J., Chen, H.S., Qin, S.N. Investigation of pore structure and mechanical property of cement paste subjected to the coupled action of freezing/thawing and calcium leaching. Cement and Concrete Research, 2018,109, 133-146. doi: 10.1016/j.cemconres.2018.04.015

60.     Zhu Z.G., Provis J.L, Chen H.S. Quantification of the influences of aggregate shape and sampling method on the overestimation of ITZ thickness in cementitious materials. Powder Technology, 2018, 326:168-180. doi:10.1016/j.powtec.2017.12.008


51.   Lv Z., Li S P., Chen H.S. Analytical model for effects of capsule shape on the healing efficiency in self-healing materials.Plos One, 2017, 12(11):e0187299 (15pages). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0187299(sphere & Spherocylinder capsule)

52.   Lv Z., Li S.P., Chen H.S. Analytical model for the probability characteristics of a crack penetrating capsules in capsule-based self-healing cementitious materials. Materials Science - Medziagotyra, 2017, 23(3):285-293pages.doi:10.5755/j01.ms.23.3.16888 (2d Penetrating probability)

53.   Zhang F.Y., Chen H.S., Li X.Y. , Li H., Lv T., Zhang W.L., Yang Y.J. Experimental study of the mechanical behavior of FRP reinforced concrete canvas panels. Composite Structures, 2017, 176:608-616.doi:10.1016/j.compstruct.2017.05.072

54.   Zhang T., Chen H.S., Li X.Y., Zhu Z.G. Hydration behavior of magnesium potassium phosphate cement and stability analysis of its hydration products through thermodynamic modeling. Cement and Concrete Research, 2017, 98:101-110. doi: 10.1016/j.cemconres.2017.03.015

55.   Wang W.R., Chen H.S., Li X.Y., Zhu Z.G. Corrosion behavior of steel bars immersed in simulated pore solutions of alkali-activated slag mortar. Construction and Building Materials, 2017, 143:289-297. doi: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2017.03.132.

56.     Zhu Z.G., Chen H.S. Aggregate shape effect on the overestimation of interface thickness for spheroidal particles.Powder Technology, 2017,313:218-230, doi: 10.1016/j.powtec.2017.03.014,

57.   Zhu Z.G., Chen H.S., Liu L., Li X.Y. Multi-scale modelling for diffusivity based on practical estimation of interfacial properties in cementitious materials. Powder Technology, 2017, 307: 109-118, doi: 10.1016/j.powtec.2016.11.036

58.   Zhu Z.G., Chen H.S. Overestimation of ITZ thickness around regular polygon and ellipse aggregate. Computers & Structures, 2017, 182:205-218. doi: 10.1016/j.compstruc.2016.11.015 

59.   Liu L., Wang X.C., Chen H.S., Wan C.J., Zhang M.Z. Numerical modeling of drying shrinkage deformation of cement-based composites by coupling multiscale structure model with 3D lattice analyses. Computers & Structures, 2017, 178:88-104. doi: 10.1016/j.compstruc.2016.10.005


60.   Liu L., Wang X.C., Chen H.S., Wan C.J. Microstructure-based modelling of drying shrinkage and microcracking of cement paste at high relative humidity.Construction & Building Materials,2016, 126:410-425. doi: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2016.09.066

61.   Li X.Y., Chen H.S., Liu L., Lu Z.Y., Sanjayan J.G., Duan W.H. Development of granular expanded perlite/paraffin phase change material composites and prevention of leakage. Solar Energy, 2016,137:179-188.doi:10.1016/j.solener.2016.08.012

62.   Li H., Chen H.S., Liu L., Zhang F.Y., Han F.Y., Lv T.*, Zhang W.L., Yang Y.J. Application design of concrete canvas (CC) in soil reinforced structure. Geotextiles and Geomembranes, 2016, 44(4):557-567.doi: 10.1016/j.geotexmem.2016.03.003

63.   Xu W.X., Ma H.F., Ji S.Y., Chen H.S. Analytical effective elastic properties of particulate composites with soft interfaces around anisotropic particles. Composites Science and Technology, 2016, 129:10-18. doi:10.1016/j.compscitech.2016.04.011 

64.   Han F.Y.,Chen H.S., Zhang W.L., Lv T., Yang Y.J. Influence of 3D spacer fabric on drying shrinkage of concrete canvas. Journal of Industrial Textiles,2016, 45(6):1457-1476. doi: 10.1177/1528083714562087

65.   Han F.Y.,Chen H.S., Li X.Y., Bao B.C., Lv T., Zhang W.L., Duan W.H. Improvement of mechanical properties of concrete canvas by anhydrite modified calcium sulfoaluminate cement.Journal of Composite Materials, 2016, 50(14):1937-1950.doi: 10.1177/0021998315597743 (IF1.173)

66.   Chen H.S., Zhu Z.G., Liu L., Sun W., Miao C.W. Aggregate shape effect on the overestimation of ITZ thickness: Quantitative analysis of Platonic particles. Powder Technology,2016, 289:1-17.doi: 10.1016/j.powtec.2015.11.036

67.   许文祥,孙洪广,陈文,陈惠苏. 软物质颗粒材料组成、微结构与传输性能之间关联建模综述(A review of correlative modeling for transport properties, microstructures, and compositions of granular materials in soft matter). 物理学报(Acta Physica Sinica), 2016, 65(17):178101(25pp). doi: 10.7498/aps.65.178101


68.   Xu W.X., Duan Q.L., Ma H.F., Chen W.,Chen H.S. Interfacial effect on physical properties of composite media: Interfacial volume fraction with non-spherical hard-core-soft-shell- structured particles. Scientific Reports, 2015, 5:16003. doi: 10.1038/srep16003

69.   Li X.Y., Chen H.S., Li H.Q, Liu L., Lu Z.Y., Zhang T., Duan W.H.  Integration of form-stable paraffin/nanosilica phase change material composites into vacuum insulation panels for thermal energy storage. Applied Energy, 2015, 159:601-609. doi: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2015.09.031

70.   Han F.Y.,Chen H.S., Li X.Y., Bao B.C., Lv T., Zhang W.L., Duan W.H. Improvement of mechanical properties of concrete canvas by anhydrite modified calcium sulfoaluminate cement.Journal of Composite Materials, 2015, 14pages.doi: 10.1177/0021998315597743

71.   Li H.Q, Chen H.S., Li X.Y., Duan W.H. Degradation of VIP barrier envelops exposed to alkaline solution at different temperatures. Energy and Buildings,2015, 93:208-216. doi:10.1016/j.enbuild.2015.02.006

72.   Zhou Z., Chen H.S., Li Z.J., Li, H.J. Simulation of the properties of MgO-MgfCl2-H2O system by thermodynamic method. Cement and Concrete Research, 2015, 68:105-111. doi: 10.1016/j.cemconres.2014.11.006 

73.   Xu W.X.*, Chen H.S., Duan Q.L., Chen W.* Strategy for interfacial overlapping degree in multiphase materials with complex convex particles. Powder Technology, 2015, 283:455-461. doi:10.1016/j.powtec.2015.06.020

74.   金祖权,陈惠苏,赵铁军,高嵩. 混凝土在硫酸盐冻融中的损伤与离子传输. 建筑材料学报, 2015, 18(3): 493-498. doil0.3969/j.issn.1007-9629.2015.03.023


75.   Li H.Q., Chen H.S., Li X.Y., Sanjayan J.G. Development of thermal energy storage composites and treatment of PCM leakage. Applied Energy,2014, 135:225-233.  doi: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2014.08.091

76.   Han F.Y.,Chen H.S., Jiang K.F., Zhang W.L., Lv T., Yang Y.J. Influence of geometric patterns of 3D spacer fabric on tensile behavior of concrete canvas. Construction and Building Materials, 2014, 65:620-629. doi: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2014.05.041.

77.   Zhu Z.G., Chen H.S., Xu W.X., Liu L. Parking simulation of three-dimensional multi-sized star-shaped particles. Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 2014, 22: 035008 (25pp).doi:10.1088/0965-0393/22/3/035008

78.    Liu L., Shen D.J., Chen H.S., Xu W.X.. Aggregate shape effect on the diffusivity of mortar: A 3D numerical investigation by random packing models of ellipsoidal particle and of convex polyhedral particles. Computers and Structures, 2014, 144:40-51. doi: 10.1016/j.compstruc.2014.07.022

79.    Liu L., Shen D.J., Chen H.S., Qian Z.W., Zhao H.T., Jiang J.H., Analysis of damage development in cement paste due to ice nucleation at different temperaturesCement and Concrete Composites,2014, 53:1-9.  doi:10.1016/j.cemconcomp.2014.06.007

80.   Liu L., Wu S.X., Chen H.S., Zhao H.T. Numerical investigation of the effects of freezing on micro-internal damage and macro-mechanical properties of cement pastes. Cold Regions Science and Technology, 2014, 106-107:141-152. doi: 10.1016/j.coldregions.2014.07.003

81.   Qiu K.C., Chen H.S., Sun W., Sun L. Hong J.X., Zhao G.T. Determination of mechanical properties of cement asphalt mortar via UPV method. ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 2014, 26(6): 04014009 (5pages). doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)MT.1943-5533.0000939

82.   Xu W.X., Chen W., Chen H.S., Tian X., Zhao H.T. Determination of overlapping degree of interfacial layers around polydisperse ellipsoidal particles in particulate composites. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications, 2014, 399:126-136. doi: 10.1016/j.physa.2013.12.027

83.   Xu W.X., Chen W., Chen H.S. Modeling of soft interfacial volume fraction in composite materials with complex convex particles. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 2014, 140(3): 034704. doi: 10.1063/1.4861664

84.   Xu W.X., Chen H.S., Chen W., Jiang L.H. Prediction of transport behaviors of particulate composites considering microstructure of soft interfacial layers around ellipsoidal aggregate particles. Soft Matter, 2014, 10(4):627-638. doi:10.1039/C3SM52718B

85.   Lv Z., Chen H.S. A probabilistic method for determining the volume fraction of pre-embedded capsules in self-healing materials.Smart Materials and Structures, 2014, 23:115009 (13pages). doi:10.1088/0964-1726/23/11/115009

86.    Lv Z., Chen H.S., Yuan, H.F. Analytical solution on dosage of self-healing agents in cementitious materials: long capsule model. Journal of Intelligent Materials Systems and Structures, 2014,25(1):47-57. doi: 10.1177/1045389X12457250

87.   吕忠, 陈惠苏.水泥基材料裂缝自主自愈合研究进展. 硅酸盐学报,2014, 42(2):156-168.



88.   Xu W.X., Chen H.S., Chen W., Tian X., Zhao H.T. Modeling study of the valid apparent interface thickness in particulate materials with ellipsoidal particles. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2013, 52(48):17171-17178. doi: 10.1021/ie403009c

89.   Xu W.X., Chen H.S., Chen W., Zhu Z.G. Theoretical estimation for the volume fraction of interfacial layers around convex particles in multiphase materials. Powder Technology, 2013, 249:513-515. doi: 10.1016/j.powtec.2013.09.010

90.   Xu, W.X., Chen H.S., Liu L. Evaluation of mesostructure of particulate composites by quantitative stereology and random sequential packing model of mono-/polydispersed convex polyhedral particles. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2013, 52(20):6678-6693. doi: 10.1021/ie3025449

91.   Xu, W.X.*, Chen, H.S.*, Chen, W.* Numerical evaluation of overestimation of the interface thickness around ellipsoidal particle. Theoretical & Applied Mechanics Letters, 2013, 3:054002.

92.   Lv Z., Chen, H.S.Self-healing efficiency of unhydrated cement nuclei for dome-like crack mode in cementitious materials. Materials & Structures, 2013, 46(11):1881-1892. doi: 10.1617/s11527-013-0027-3

93.   Yuan H.F., Chen H.S.Quantitative solution of dosage and size of capsules for self-healing of cracks and application in cementitious composites. Computers & Concrete, 2013, 11(3):223-236. doi:10.12989/cac.2013.11.3.223

94.   Lv Z., Chen H.S. Analytical models for determining the dosage of capsules embedded in self-healing materials. Computational Materials Science, 2013, 68(1):81-89. doi: 10.1016/j.commatsci.2012.09.032 (penny crack model)

95.   Qiu K.C., Chen H.S., Ye H.P., Hong J.X., Sun W., Jiang J.Y. Thermo-mechanical coupling effect on fatigue behavior of cement asphalt mortar. International Journal of Fatigue, 2013, 51:116-120.doi: 10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2013.01.001

96.   Xu W.X., Chen H.S.Numerical investigation of effect of particle shape and particle size distribution on fresh cement paste microstructure via random sequential packing of dodecahedral cement particles. Computers & Structures, 2013, 114-115:35-45. doi: 10.1016/j.compstruc.2012.10.009

97.   Xu W.X., Chen H.S.Analytical and modeling investigations of volume fraction of interfacial layers around ellipsoidal particles in multiphase materials. Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 2013, 21(1):015005(15pp), doi:10.1088/0965-0393/21/1/015005

98.   Xu W.X., Lv Z., Chen H.S. Effects of particle size distribution, shape and volume fraction of aggregates on the wall effect of concrete via random sequential packing of polydispersed ellipsoidal particles. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications, 2013, 392(3):416-426. doi: 10.1016/j.physa.2012.09.014

99.   Liu L., Chen H.S., Sun W., Ye G. Microstructure-based modeling of the diffusivity of cement paste with micro-cracks.Construction and Building Materials, 2013, 38:1107-1116. doi: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2012.10.002

100.  刘琳, 陈惠苏, 孙伟, 吴胜兴. 基于格构模型的水泥浆体离子稳态扩散模拟. 建筑材料学报,2013, 16(6): 1036-1042


101.  Lv Z., Chen H.S. Modeling self-healing efficiency on cracks due to unhydrated cement nuclei in cementitious materials: splitting crack mode. Science and Engineering of Composite Materials, 2012, 19(1):1-7. doi: 10.1515/secm-2011-0062

102.  Lv Z., Chen H.S., Yuan, H.F. Simulation and characterization of the quantitative relationship between fibers and cracks in fiber reinforced composite materials.Advanced Science Letters,2012, 16:278-283. doi: 10.1166/asl.2012.3292

103.  Lv Z., Chen H.S. Modeling of self-healing efficiency for cracks due to unhydrated cement nuclei in hardened cement paste. Procedia Engineering, 2012. 27:281-290. doi: 10.1016/j.proeng.2011.12.454

104.  Xu W.X., Chen H.S.Quantitative characterization of microstructure of fresh cement paste via random packing of polydispersed Platonic cement particles. Modeling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 2012, 20(7)075003(13pp). doi:10.1088/0965-0393/20/7/075003

105.  Xu W.X., Chen H.S.Microstructural characterization of fresh cement paste via random packing of ellipsoidal cement particles.Materials Characterization, 201266(1)16-23. doi: 10.1016/j.matchar.2012.01.012

106.  Xu W.X., Chen H.S. Mesostructural characterization of particulate composites via a contact detection algorithm of ellipsoidal particles. Powder Technology, 2012, 221:296-305.doi: 10.1016/j.powtec.2012.01.016

107.  Xu W.X., Chen H.S. Microstructural modelling of cement-based materials via random packing of three-dimensional ellipsoidal particles. Procedia Engineering, 2012, 27:332-340. doi: 10.1016/j.proeng.2011.12.460

108.  Liu L., Sun W., Ye G., Chen H.S., Qian Z.W. Estimation of the ionic diffusivity of virtual cement paste by random walk algorithm. Construction and Building Materials, 2012, 28(1):405-413. doi: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2011.08.077

109.  金祖权, 陈惠苏, 侯保荣, 赵铁军, 张鹏. 引气混凝土在冻融循环过程中的氯离子渗透与孔结构. 中南大学学报 (自然科学版), 2012, 43(5):1963-1968.

110.  金祖权, 赵铁军, 陈惠苏, 庄其昌. 海洋环境下裂缝混凝土氯盐腐蚀. 中南大学学报 (自然科学版), 2012, 43(7):2821-2826.


111.  Chen H.S., Sluys, L.J. Stroeven P. and Sun, W. Theoretical prediction on thickness distribution of cement paste among neighboring aggregates in concrete. Computers & Concretes, 2011,8(2):163-176.

112.  Xu W.X., Chen H.S., Lv Z. An overlapping detection algorithm for random sequential packing of elliptical particles. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications, 2011, 390 (13): 2452- 2467. doi: 10.1016/j.physa.2011.02.048

113.  Lv Z., Chen H.S.,Yuan H.F. Quantitative solution on dosage of repairing agent for healing of 3D simplified cracks in materials: short capsule model. Materials & Structures, 2011, 44(5):987-995.doi: 10.1617/s11527-010-9681-x  

114.  Lv Z., Chen H.S.,Yuan H.F. Quantitative solution on dosage of repair agent for healing of cracks in materials: short capsule model vs. two-dimensional crack pattern. Science and Engineering of Composite Materials, 2011, 18(1/2):13-19. doi: 10.1515/SECM.2011. 004

115.  Liu L., Ye G., Schlangen E., Chen H.S., Qian Z.W., Sun W., van Breugel K. Modeling of the internal damage of saturated cement paste due to ice crystallization pressure during freezing. Cement and Concrete Composites, 2011, 33(5): 562-571. doi: 10.1016/j.cemconcomp.2011.03.001.

116.  许文祥,陈惠苏. 集料形状和尺寸对混凝土边界效应的影响. 硅酸盐学报, 2011, 39(9): 1498-1504.

117.  吕忠,陈惠苏,袁海峰. 水泥基复合材料中纤维和裂纹的几何关系及其模拟. 东南大学学报(自然科学版), 2011, 41(5):1054-1058.

118.  许文祥,陈惠苏.多尺度椭圆形集料尺寸分布对混凝土边界效应的影响. 东南大学学报(自然科学版), 2011, 41(5):1048-1053.

119.  刘琳,孙伟,叶光,陈惠苏,钱智炜. 饱水状态下水泥浆体冰冻破坏的数值模拟.东南大学学报(自然科学版), 2011, 41(5):1059-1064.


120.  Xu W.X., Chen H.S., Lv Z. A 2D elliptical model of random packing for aggregates in concrete. Journal of Wuhan University of Technology (Materials Science Edition), 2010, 25(4):717-720.

121.  Zhang W.M., Sun W.,Chen H.S. 3D visualization of pore structures in cement-based materials by LSCM. Advances in Cement Research, 2010, 22(1):53-57.

122.  张政涛,陈惠苏, 袁海峰,邱克超. 秸秆-氯氧镁水泥墙体保温材料配合比设计方法. 东南大学学报(增刊), 2010, 40(supII):28-33.

123.  袁海峰, 陈惠苏. 冻融破坏下水泥基材料中裂缝联通行为的模拟. 东南大学学报(增刊), 2010, 40(supII):126-132.

124.  刘琳,孙伟,叶光,陈惠苏van Breugel K. 预测水化水泥浆体离子有效扩散系数的一种新方法. 硅酸盐学报, 2010,38(11):143-150.

125.  陈惠苏,孙伟,赵国堂,谢大鹏,谷永磊. 人行道盖板生态纤维增强混凝土技术研究. 铁道建筑, 2010,(9):127-131.

126.  刘小琴,秦鸿根,陈惠苏. 脱硫石膏的特性及利用.粉煤灰, 2010, (04):43-46.

127.  童常荣,秦鸿根,郭伟,陈惠苏.掺耐腐蚀早强超塑化剂的HPC管桩混凝土性能研究. 混凝土与水泥制品, 2010, (04):

128.  戎志丹,孙伟,陈惠苏,顾春平. 超高性能水泥基复合材料的力学行为及微观机理分析.深圳大学学报, 2010, 27(1):88-94.

129.  郭伟,秦鸿根,陈惠苏,孙伟. 分形理论及其在混凝土材料研究中的应用. 硅酸盐学报, 2010, 38(7): 1362-1368.


130.  Li X.Y., Chen H.S., Chau C.K., Li Z.J. Extrusion of MOC-based Panel. Key Engineering Materials, 2009, 400-402: 263-267.doi:10.4028/0-87849-349-2.263

131.  Zhang W.M., Sun W., Zhang Y.S., Chen H.S. Degradation of pore structure and microstructures in hardened cement paste subjected to flexural loading and wet-dry cycles in sea water. Journal of Wuhan University of Technology- Materials Science, 2009, 24(6):940-944.

132.  陈春, 钱春香, 陈惠苏, 齐承庆. 水泥基保温材料导热系数的模型研究. 建筑材料学报, 2009, 12(3):348-351.

133.  袁雄洲, 孙伟, 陈惠苏. 水泥基材料裂缝微生物修复技术的研究与进展. 硅酸盐学报2009, 37(1):160-170.


134.  Stroeven P., Hu J., Chen H.S. Stochastic heterogeneity as fundamental basis for the design and evaluation of experiments. Cement and Concrete Composites, 2008, 30(6):506-514. doi: 10.1016/j.cemconcomp.2007.12.001


135.  Chen H.S., Sun W., Stroeven P., Sluys L.J. Overestimation of the interface thickness around convex-shaped grain by sectional analysis. Acta Materialia, 2007, 55(11):3943-3949. doi: 10.1016/j.actamat.2007.03.009

136.  Chen H.S., Sun W., Zhao Q.X., Sluys L.J., Stroeven P. Effect of fiber curvature on the microstructure of the interfacial transition zone in fresh concrete. Frontiers of Architecture and Civil Engineering in China, 2007, 1(1): 99-106. (Invited Paper)

137.  陈惠苏, 孙伟. 引气混凝土气泡尺寸分布的三维重构. 材料研究学报, 2007, 21(6): 613- 621.

138.  陈惠苏, 孙伟,  周焱昌, Stroeven P., Sluys L.J. 新拌水泥浆体中邻近胶凝材料粒子表面最近间距分布的解析解. 复合材料学报, 2007, 24(1):127-134.


139.  Hu J., Chen H.S., Stroeven P. Spatial dispersion of aggregate in concrete: A computer simulation study. Computers and Concretes, 2006, 3(5):301-312.

140.  Chen H.S., Stroeven P., Ye G., Stroeven M. Influence of boundary conditions on pore percolation in model cement paste. Key Engineering Materials, 2006, Vol.302-303, 486-492

141.  陈惠苏, 孙伟,  Stroeven P.水泥基复合材料界面过渡区体积分数的定量计算. 复合材料学报, 2006, 23(2):133-142.

142.  赵庆新, 孙伟, 陈惠苏, 郑克仁, 金祖权. 应用纳米压痕技术测试水泥粒子的弹性模量. 武汉理工大学学报, 2006, 28(8): 31-33.

143.  赵庆新,孙伟,郑克仁,陈惠苏,秦鸿根,刘建忠. 粉煤灰掺量对高性能混凝土徐变性能的影响及其机理. 硅酸盐学报 2006, 34(4):446-451. EI


144.  陈惠苏,孙伟,Stroeven P. 计算混凝土中邻近集料表面间距平均值的体视学方法. 哈尔滨工业大学学报, 2005, 37(11):1511-1514.

145.  陈惠苏,孙伟,蒋金洋,Stroeven P., Stroeven M. 砂浆中邻近集料表面最近间距分布的数值模拟. 复合材料学报, 2005, 22(4): 100-107.

146.  Chen H.S., Sun W., Stroeven P., Sluys L.J. Analytical solution of the nearest surface spacing between neighboring aggregate grains in cementitious composites. 硅酸盐学报, 2005, 33(7):859-863,870.

147.  陈惠苏,孙伟,赵庆新,Stroeven P., Stroeven M. 纤维曲率对界面过渡区初始微观结构影响的计算机模拟. 硅酸盐学报, 2005, 33 (4):484-491.

148.  陈惠苏,孙伟,Stroeven, P. 水泥基复合材料界面过渡区对材料宏观性能的影响. 建筑材料学报, 2005, 8 (1): 51-62.


149.  陈惠苏,孙伟,Stroeven P., Stroeven M. 混凝土中邻近集料表面最近间距分布的计算机模拟. 硅酸盐学报2004, 32 (4): 422-427.

150.  陈惠苏,孙伟,Stroeven P. 水泥基复合材料集料与浆体界面研究综述(一):试验技术. 硅酸盐学报, 2004, 32 (1): 63-70.

151.  陈惠苏,孙伟,Stroeven P. 水泥基复合材料集料与浆体界面研究综述(二):界面微观结构的形成、劣化机理及其影响因素. 硅酸盐学报2004, 32 (1):71-81.


152.  陈惠苏,孙伟,赵庆新,Stroeven P. 截面分析法对界面过渡区厚度的放大作用. 硅酸盐学报, 2003, 31 (11): 1130-1134.

153.  陈惠苏,孙伟, Stroeven, P. 计算混凝土中平均最邻近集料表面间距的正十二面体模型. 硅酸盐学2003, 31 (11): 1048-1052.

154.  Chen H.S., Sun W., Stroeven P. Prediction of compressive strength and optimization of mixture proportioning in ternary cementitous systems. Materials and Structures, 2003, 36 (260): 396-401.


155.  Sun W., Chen H.S., Luo X., Qian H.P. The effect of hybrid fibers and expansive agent on the shrinkage and permeability of high performance concrete. Cement and Concrete Research, 2001, 31 (4): 595-601.

156.  陈惠苏, 孙伟,多元水泥基系统的性能预测及优化设计. 硅酸盐学报, 2001, 29 (2): 97-103.


157.  孙伟,钱红萍,陈惠苏, 纤维混杂及其与膨胀剂复合对水泥基材料的物理性能的影响.硅酸盐学报, 2000, 28 (2): 95-100.

158.  陈惠苏, 孙伟, 张亚梅, 高掺量粉煤灰对GFRC改性的可行性研究. 工业建筑2000, 30 (4): 62-65.

159.  陈惠苏, 孙伟, 慕儒, 混合材品种对HSCSFRHSC抗冻性能的影响. 建筑技术, 2000, 31 (10): 676-678.

160.  陈惠苏, 孙伟,多元水泥基系统的性能预测及配合比设计初探. 混凝土与水泥制品, 2000, No.5, 5-7.

161.  陈惠苏, 孙伟, 慕儒. 在掺不同品种混合材的高强砼与钢纤维高强砼在冻融、冻融-氯盐同时作用下的耐久性能. 混凝土与水泥制品, 2000, No.2, 36-39.

162.  陈惠苏, 孙伟, PCSm方法的分析讨论与改进. 东南大学学报, 2000, 30 (3): 70-74.


163.   Yan H.D., Sun W.,Chen H.S.The effect of silica fume and steel fiber on the dynamic mechanical performance of high strength concrete. Cement and Concrete Research, 1999, 29 (3): 423-426.

164.  张亚梅,孙伟,陈惠苏, 粉煤灰强度效应因子的动态预测. 硅酸盐学报1999, 27 (6): 665-670.

165.  严捍东,孙伟,蒋立新,陈惠苏,预应力钢纤维混凝土轨枕疲劳性能研究. 东南大学学报, 1999, 29 (Sup) : 99-105.



1.      林建军, 王宝山, 陈惠苏, 赵庆新, 李明祺颗粒复合体系中非球形填料周围软界面层的渗流性能定量表征. 第六届全国颗粒材料计算力学会议, 杭州, 2022.10.21-2022.10.23. 


2.      Han W.W., Chen H.S.*, Zhang T. Hydration behaviour of magnesium ammonium phosphate cement and stability analysis of its hydration products through thermodynamic modelling. In: Ye G., Dong H., Liu J.P, Schlangen E., Miao C.W.(eds.) Proceedings of the 4th International RILEM Conference on Microstructure Related Durability of Cementitious Composites, RILEM, 2021, pp.166-172.

3.      Li M.Q, Chen H.S.*, Lin J.J. Continuum percolation threshold and ionic diffusivity of porous media consisting of asymmetrical ovoidal pores In: Ye G., Dong H., Liu J.P, Schlangen E., Miao C.W.(eds.) Proceedings of the 4th International RILEM Conference on Microstructure Related Durability of Cementitious Composites, RILEM, 2021, pp.625-632.


4.      陈惠苏. 水泥基复合材料孔隙与界面过渡区渗流阈值的统计定量表征. 第二届先进胶凝材料研究与应用学术会议,2020.10.16-18@西安(邀请报告

5.      李明祺,陈惠苏. Areal analysis induced bias on the ITZ and the diffusivity of concrete comprising non-spherical aggregates. 第二届先进胶凝材料研究与应用学术会议,2020.10.16-18@西安

6.      韩唯伟,陈惠苏,李翔宇,张涛. Hydration behavior of magnesium ammonium phosphate cement and stability analysis of its hydration products. 第二届先进胶凝材料研究与应用学术会议,2020.10.16-18@西安


7.      Chen H.S., Lin J.J., Zhu Z.G. Influence of particle shape on percolation threshold, ITZ thickness and microstructure of cementitious composites. 2018.08.27-29@Delft, for van Breguel Session.

8.      Lin J.J., Chen H.S. Characteristics of platonic particles on the ionic diffusion in granular mortar based on lattice boltzmann method. 2018.08.27-29@Delft, ConMod2018.

9.      Lin J.J., Chen H.S. Continuum percolation of porous media via random packing of overlapping cube-like particles. 第四届全国颗粒材料计算力学会议。2018.07.06-08@厦门。(优秀学生论文)

10.   朱志刚*陈惠苏,许文祥. 集料形状与采样方法对界面微结构及混凝土扩散系数的影响. 第四届全国颗粒材料计算力学会议。2018.07.06-08@厦门


11.   陈惠苏.三维间隔织物增强水泥基复合材料制备技术及性能研究(口头报告)。2017年纤维混凝土学术论坛。2017.12.16-17@天津。

12.   陈惠苏. 颗粒形状对水泥基复合材料微结构及传输性能影响的数值模拟(口头报告)。“第二届现代混凝土微结构测试与分析学术”研讨会。2017.12.08-10@福州

13.   Lin J.J., Chen H.S.  Quantitative characterization of the mesostructure of concrete via random packing of cube-like particles. In: Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Cement and Concrete(ISCC2017), 2017.11.01-03@武汉, Paper No.A139 (10pages), CD-ROM.(oral presentation)

14.   Lv Z., Li S.P., Chen H.S. Quantitative characterization for effects of capsule shape on the healing efficiency in capsule-based self-healing cementitious materials. In: Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Cement and Concrete(ISCC2017), 2017.11.01-03@武汉,Paper No.A1340(8pages), CD-ROM.

15.   陈惠苏.粒子形状对水泥基复合材料微结构与性能影响数值模拟. 第一届先进胶凝材料研究与应用学术会议. 2017.09.22-24@重庆。(分会场报告,分会场主持)

16.   Chen H.S., Zhu Z.G., Lin J.J. Multiscale study on the influence of particle shape on microstructure and transport of Cementitious Composites. In: Bai Y. Zhang M.Z., Shi S., Proceedings of the 37th Cement and Concrete Science Conference, 2017.09.11-12@London, University College London,UK, 151-154.Paralle section oral presentation, Session Chair

17.   陈惠苏. 粒子形状对水泥基复合材料微结构与性能影响的数值建模。第十四届全国水泥和混凝土化学及应用技术会议,2017.08.26-28@大连,(邀请报告).

18.   Chen H.S., Zhu Z.G., Lin J.J. Influence of particle shape on ITZ’s microstructure and macro-properties of cementitious composites: numerical modeling. In: Proceedings of The 3rd International Conference on Chemically Activated Materials, Gold Coast, Australia @8th to 11th August, 2017, University of Southern Queensland, PaperNo. PC1(12pages).Invited PaperSession Chair

19.   陈惠苏. 粒子形状对水泥基复合材料微结构与性能的影响。2017水泥混凝土青年科学家论坛.  2017.05.13-14@北京。


20.   Chen H.S., Zhu Z.G., Liu L., Xu W.X. Impact of particle shape on microstructure and performance of cementitious composites. In: Miao C.W., Sun W., Liu J.P., Chen H.S., Ye G., van Breugel K. (eds.) Proceedings of the 3rd International RILEM Conference on Microstructure Related Durability of Cementitious Composites, 2016.10.24-26@ Nanjing, China, 89-98.Invited speaker

21.   Wang W.R., Chen H.S. Corrosion behavior of steel bars in simulated pore solutions of alkali-activated slag mortar under chloride attack and carbonation environment. Miao C.W., Sun W., Liu J.P., Chen H.S., Ye G., van Breugel K. (eds.) Proceedings of the 3rd International RILEM Conference on Microstructure Related Durability of Cementitious Composites, 2016.10.24-26@ Nanjing, China, 877-885.

22.   Liu L., Wang X.C., Chen H.S., Zhou J. Experimental investigation of changes in pore structure of leached cement pastes. Miao C.W., Sun W., Liu J.P., Chen H.S., Ye G., van Breugel K. (eds.) Proceedings of the 3rd International RILEM Conference on Microstructure Related Durability of Cementitious Composites, 2016.10.24-26@ Nanjing, China, 186-193.

23.   Yin X.Q, Liu L, Chen H.S., Zhu Z.G. Numerical analyses of the fracturing process of meso-structures consisting of one particle with polyhedral shapes. In: Miao C.W., Sun W., Liu J.P., Chen H.S., Ye G., van Breugel K. (eds.) Proceedings of the 3rd International RILEM Conference on Microstructure Related Durability of Cementitious Composites, 2016.10.24-26@ Nanjing, China, 218-225.

24.   Lv Z., Chen H.S., An analytical probabilistic model for crack penetrating capsules in capsule-based self-healing cementitious materials. In: Miao C.W., Sun W., Liu J.P., Chen H.S., Ye G., van Breugel K. (eds.) Proceedings of the 3rd International RILEM Conference on Microstructure Related Durability of Cementitious Composites, 2016.10.24-26@ Nanjing, China, 461-467

25.   Shi J.J., Wang D.Q., Ming J., Chen H.S. Electrochemical behavior of 00Cr10MoV steel in alkali-activated slag extract.In: Miao C.W., Sun W., Liu J.P., Chen H.S., Ye G., van Breugel K. (eds.) Proceedings of the 3rd International RILEM Conference on Microstructure Related Durability of Cementitious Composites, 2016.10.24-26@ Nanjing, China, 298-306

26.   陈惠苏, 张方圆. FRP增强混凝土帆布静态力学性能及抗侵彻性能. 第十六届全国纤维混凝土学术会议. 2016.10.14-16@武汉24-29

27.   李辉,慕儒,孙雪峰,陈惠苏,王晓伟,卿龙邦,马艳奉. 纤维方向对钢纤维混凝土泌水的影响.  第十六届全国纤维混凝土学术会议. 2016.10.14-16@武汉90-94

28.   Zhu Z.G., Chen H.S. Computational model of random parking of star-shape particle. 3rd International Conference on packing problems, Packing: across length scales. @shanghai, 29 Aug. -1. Sept, 2016. (Presentation)

29.   陈惠苏. 粒子堆积体积结构与性能研究(大会报告,未发表文章),第八届无机非金属材料专题研讨会,水泥基材料水化硬化机理与微结构形成研讨会,济南,2016.08.14-16.

30.   朱志刚,陈惠苏. 水泥基复合材料集料形状对界面过渡区厚度的过高估计影响。第三届全国颗粒材料计算力学会议, 大连,2016.07.31-08.01, 6pages. (Presentation)

31.   Zhu R.H., Liu L., Chen H.S. Investigation of the freezing/melting process of unsaturated cement paste by low temperature calorimetry. In: Xing F., Han N.X., Zhu  J.H.(eds.) Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Durability of Concrete Structure, 2016.06.30-07.01 @Shenzhen University, 181-185. doi:10.5703/1288284316129

32.   陈惠苏,林建军,吕忠. 不同裂纹格局下自愈合胶囊掺量的统计解析模型. 第一届全国可持续混凝土理论与应用技术学术交流会纪念同济大学黄蕴元先生诞辰一百周年学术交流会.蒋正武、吴凯主编,“第一届全国可持续混凝土理论与应用技术学术交流会论文集,上海,同济大学, 2016.05.27-29, 353-362

33.   陈惠苏. 粒子堆积体系结构及性能研究,中国电子显微镜学会非金属材料微观测试与分析专业委员会成立会议暨第一届全国非金属建筑材料微观测试与分析学术研讨会,北京,清华大学,2016.03.26-27.


34.   Chen H.S., Zhu Z.G., Liu L. Xu W.X. Impact of particle shape on the ITZ apparent thickness, volume fraction, and diffusivity of concrete. In: Shi C.J. and Yao Y.(eds.), Proceedings of the 14th International Congress of Chemistry of Cement, 2015.10.13-15@Beijing, 9pages.

35.   Liu L., Wang X.C., Chen H.S., A drying shrinkage model of calcium silicate hydrate. In: Shi C.J. and Yao Y.(eds.), Proceedings of the 14th International Congress of Chemistry of Cement, 2015.10.13-15@Beijing, 6pages

36.   Liu L., Chen H.S. Modelling of the drying process in pores and the shrinkage of cement paste at high relative humidity. In: Hellmich C., Pichler B. Kollegger J.(eds.) Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Mechanics and Physics of Creep, Shrinkage, and Durability of Concrete and Concrete Structures (Concreep10), 2015.09.21-23@Vienna, Austria, 280-286.

37.   Zhu Z.G., Chen H.S. Overestimation of ITZ thickness around polygon-shaped aggregate [CC220_2621F1*]. In: Proceedings of the 2015 World Congress on Advances in Structural Engineering and Mechanics(ASME15), Aug.26-28, 2015@Incheon, Korea.


38.   Liu L.*, Chen H.S., Xu W.X. Influence of aggregate shape on the diffusivity of mortar based on polyhedral particle packing. In: Yuan Y. (ed.) Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Service Life Design for Infrastructure, 2014.10.15-17@Zhuhai, China, 2014, 43-52(Presentation).

39.   Zhu Z.G., Chen H.S.* Numerical construction of interfacial transition zone around platonic particles. In: Li K.F., Yan P.Y., Yang R.W.(eds.), Proceedings of the RILEM Symposium on Concrete Modelling(CONMOD2014), RILEM pro91, 2014.10.12-14@Beijing, China, 2014, 118-124.

40.   Liu L.*, Chen H.S., Zhu Z.G., Qian Z.W. Aggregate shape effects on the mechanical property of concrete under tensile loading: (1) Simulation of one particle system. In: Li K.F., Yan P.Y., Yang R.W.(eds.), Proceedings of the RILEM Symposium on Concrete Modelling(CONMOD2014), RILEM pro91, 2014.10.12-14@Beijing, China, 2014,290-296.

41.   Yuan H.F., Dangla P., Chen H.S., Chatellier P., Chaussadent T. Modelling of H2S attack of concrete in sewer pipes. In: Li K.F., Yan P.Y., Yang R.W.(eds.), Proceedings of the RILEM Symposium on Concrete Modelling(CONMOD2014), RILEM pro91, 2014.10.12-14@Beijing, China, 2014,425-431.

42.   Liu L., Chen H.S., Xu W.X. A numerical investigation of aggregate shape effect on the diffusivity of mortar based on ellipsoidal particle packing. In: Quattrone M., John V.M. (eds.) Proceedings of the XIII International Conference on Durability of Building Materials and Components. 2014.09. 02-05@Sao Paulo, Brazil, 2014, 1027-1034.

43.   陈惠苏, 刘琳, 鲍步传, 韩方玉, 吕涛, 张五龙. 三维织物增强混凝土帆布的制备技术与性能. 第十五届全国纤维混凝土学术会议论文集[C]. 2014.09.19-21, 天津. 255-259.

44.   李辉, 陈惠苏, 韩方玉, 慕儒. 混凝土帆布的力学性能及其在边坡防护与挡土墙中的应用设计. 第十五届全国纤维混凝土学术会议论文集[C]. 2014.09.19-21, 天津. 86-91.

45.   孙雪峰, 陈惠苏, 韩方玉. 混凝土帆布在路面应用中的初步研究. 第十五届全国纤维混凝土学术会议论文集[C]. 2014.09.19-21, 天津. 260-264.


46.   Lv Z., Chen H.S. A probabilistic dosage model of pre-embedded capsules for self-healing in cementitious materials. In: Li Z.J., Sun W., Miao C.W., Sakai K., Gjørv O.E., Banthia N.(eds.), Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Concrete under Severe Conditions- Environment and Loading(CONSEC 13), RILEM Pro.84, Sept. 23-25, 2013, Nanjing, China, Paris: RILEM, 1573-1584.

47.   Zhu Z.G., Chen H.S., Xu W.X. Packing simulation of three-dimensional multi-size aggregate particles of arbitrary shape. In: Li Z.J., Sun W., Miao C.W., Sakai K., Gjørv O.E., Banthia N.(eds.), Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Concrete under Severe Conditions- Environment and Loading(CONSEC 13), RILEM Pro.84, Sept. 23-25, 2013, Nanjing, China, Paris: RILEM, 1210-1220. (Presentation)

48.   Liu L, Chen H.S., Sun W. Simulation of internal damage in water-saturated cement paste by frost action. In: Li Z.J., Sun W., Miao C.W., Sakai K., Gjørv O.E., Banthia N.(eds.), Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Concrete under Severe Conditions- Environment and Loading(CONSEC 13), RILEM Pro.84, Sept. 23-25, 2013, Nanjing, China, Paris: RILEM, 1221-1228. (Presentation)


49.   Lv Z., Chen H.S. Analytical models for self-healing of cracks via geometrical probability: Application to cementitious materials. In: Ye, G., van Breugel, K., Sun, W., and Miao, C.W. (eds.) Proceedings of the  2nd International Conference on Microstructural-Related Durability of Cementitious Composites (RILEM Pro 83), April 11-13, 2012, Amsterdam, Netherlands, Paris: RILEM, paper232. (Presentation)

50.   Liu L., Chen H.S., Sun W. Simulation of the diffusivity of cement paste subjected to uni-axial tensile load by a 3d lattice approach. In: Ye, G., van Breugel, K., Sun, W., and Miao, C.W. (eds.) Proceedings of the  2nd International Conference on Microstructural- Related Durability of Cementitious Composites (RILEM Pro 83), April 11-13, 2012, Amsterdam, Netherlands, Paris: RILEM, paper234. (Presentation).


51.   Lv Z., Chen H.S. Self-healing efficiency on cracks due to unhydrated cement nuclei in cementitious materials: splitting crack model. In: Proceedings of International Symposium on Cement & Concrete Materials, Nov.7-9, 2011, Ningbo, China, 124-131.

52.   Chen H.S, Stroeven P., Sluys L.J., Sun W. An approach to determine the size of representative volume element (RVE) for microstructural parameters of cementitious composites. In: Proceedings of the 13th International Congress on the Chemistry of Cement, July 3th-8th, 2011, Madrid, Spain, Paper No.553.

53.   Yuan H.F., Chen H.S., Lv Z. Quantitative study and simulation of the intersection and connectivity of fibers and cracks in cementitious composites. In: Proceedings of the 13th International Congress on the Chemistry of Cement, July 3th-8th, 2011, Madrid, Spain. PaperNo.386.


54.    陈惠苏,张政涛,秦鸿根,李宗津,李翔宇.秸秆/废木屑-氯氧镁水泥复合保温墙体材料的制备技术与性能研究. 南京市第八届青年学术年会:低碳经济与新材料产业发展高层论坛, 2010/10/21.

55.   Xu W.X., Chen H.S. A numerical algorithm for detecting inter-ellipse particles overlapping. In: Choi, C.K. and Yang, Y.B. (eds.) Proceedings of The First International Conference on Advances in Interaction & Multiscale Mechanics (AIMM’10), Seoul: Techno Press, 2010, 1358-1371.

56.   Yuan H.F.,Chen H.S. Determination of length and dosage of capsules for self-healing of cracks in cementitious composites. In: Sui, T.B., and Zhang, W.S. (eds.) Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Cement and Concrete, May.9th-12th, 2010, Jinan,China, Beijing: Foreign Language Press,1357-1363

57.   Lv Z., Chen H.S., Yuan H.F. Analytical solution on dosage of long capsules for the self-healing of cracks in cementitious composites: 2D model. In: Sui, T.B., and Zhang, W.S. (eds.) Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Cement and Concrete, May.9th-12th, 2010, Jinan, China, Beijing: Foreign Language Press,1409-1417.

58.    Liu L., Qian Z., Ye G., van Breugel K., Chen H.S., Sun W. Numerical simulations of chloride migration through cement paste. In: Sui, T.B., and Zhang, W.S. (eds.) Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Cement and Concrete, May.9th-12th, 2010, Jinan, China, Beijing: Foreign Language Press, 315-323.

59.   Chen H.S. Fundamentals of modeling and experimenting technology in cement based materials. In: Miao C.W., Ye G., Chen H.S. (eds.) Advanced in Civil Engineering Materials: The 50-year Teaching and Research Anniversary of Prof. Sun Wei, Bagneux RILEM, 2010, 21-32.


60.    Liu L., Sun W., Chen H.S., Ye G. Prediction of effective diffusion coefficient of concrete based on multiscale approach. In: Kolver, K. and Bentur, A. (eds.) Proceedings of Concrete Durability and Service Life Planning(ConcreteLife’09), Paris: RILEM, 2009, 423-431.


61.   Zhang W.M., Sun W., Chen H.S. Reconstruction and visualization of three dimensional pore structures in cement paste by laser scanning confocal microscopy. In: Sun, W., van Breugel, K., Miao, C.W., Ye, G. and Chen Huisu (eds.). Proceedings of the first International Conference on Microstructure Related Durability of Cementitious Composites. RILEM PRO61, ISBN 978-2-35158-065-3, Oct 13-15th, 2008, Nanjing. Bagneux: RILEM, 2008, 1333-1339.


62.   Li Z.J., Chen H.S. The development trend of advanced building materials. In: Proceeding of the First International Forum on Advances in Structural Engineering-2006 : Emerging Structural Materials and Systems, Beijing: China Architecture and Building Press, Nov.12-13, 2006, 120-206.ISBN 7-112-08690-6(Presentation)

63.    Stroeven P., Chen H.S., Stroeven M. On connectivity of porosity in model cement paste. In: Brandt, A.M., Li, V.C. and Marshall, I.H., eds. Proceedings of International Symposium on Brittle Matrix Composites 8, Warsaw: October 23-25, 2006, Warsaw: ZTUREK RSI and Woodhead Publ, 2006, 25-34. (ISBN 1-84569-031-1; ISBN 83-89687-09-7) (Presentation)

64.   Stroeven P., Hu J., Guo Z.Q., Chen H.S., Sluys L.J. Development of reliable and economic methodology for pore network modelling relevant for durability issues. In: Marchand, J. and Gagné, R. eds. Proceedings of the 2nd International RILEM Symposium on Advances in Concrete through Science and Engineering (CD-ROM), Sept. 11-13, 2006, Laval University, Quebec City, Canada.(Presentation)


65.   Chen H.S., Stroeven P., Sun W. Analytical solution on the distribution of surface spacing between neighboring aggregates in an arbitrary section plane of concrete. In: Lü, Z.T., Wu, Z.S. Li, A.Q. and Meng, S.P. (eds.), Proceedings of the International Symposium on Innovation & Sustainability of Structures in Civil Engineering – Including Seimic Engineering (ISISS’ 2005), (held on 20-22, Nov, 2005, Nanjing, P.R.China), Nanjing: Southeast University Press, 2157-2167.

66.   Chen H.S., Stroeven P., Ye G. Influence of aggregate surface spacing on the microstructure of interfacial transition zone in fresh and hardened model cement paste. In: Banthia, N., Uomoto, T. and Bentar, A. et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Construction Materials: Performance, Innovations and Structural Implications (CD-ROM), (held on August 22-24, 2005, Vancouver, Canada), Vancouver: University of British Columbia, 2005, 11pages. (Presentation)

67.   Chen H.S., Stroeven P., Ye G., Stroeven M. Influence of boundary conditions on pore percolation in model cement paste. In: Feng, N.Q. and Peng, G.F., eds. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Environmental Ecology and Technology of Concrete (EETC-2005), (held on June 6-8, 2005, Urumchi, XinJiang, China). Key Engineering Materials, 2006, Vol.302-303, 486-492. (ISBN: 0-87849-983-0). (Presentation)

68.    Chen H.S.,Stroeven P., Stroeven M., Sluys L.J.Nearest surface spacing between neighboring aggregate particles in concrete: theoretical solution. In: Lakshmanan, N., Gopalakrishnan, S. and Sreenath, H.G. (eds.), Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Concrete Composites and Structures (ICACS-2005), (held on January 6-8, 2005, Chennai, India), Chennai: Allied Publishers Pvt. Ltd., 2005, 157-168. (Presentation)


69.   陈惠苏,孙伟,赵庆新,Stroeven, P., Stroeven, M. and Sluys, L.J. 纤维-水泥浆体界面过渡区初始微观结构的计算机模拟. 薛伟辰,姚武主编,第十届全国纤维混凝土会议论文集:先进纤维混凝土:试验·理论·实践(2004111618,上海),上海:同济大学出版社,2004, 342-350. (Presentation)

70.   Chen H.S., Ye G., Stroeven P.Computer simulation of structure of hydrated cement paste enclosed by interfacial transition zones in concrete. In: Setzer, M.J. and Palecki, S. (eds.), Proceedings of International Conference on Durability of High-Performance Concrete and Final Workshop of CONLIFE (held on Sept. 23-24, 2004, Essen, Germany), Freiburg: AEDIFICATIO Publishers, 2004, 133-144. (Presentation)

71.   Stroeven P. Chen H.S., Hu J., Zheng J.J. Interfacial transition zone (ITZ) in plain and fiber concrete. In: di Prisco, M., Felicetti, R. and Plizzari, G.A. (eds.), Sixth International RILEM Symposium on Fibre-Reinforced Concretes (BEFIB 2004), RILEM Pro.39 (held on Sept. 20-22 2004, Varenna, Italy), Bagneux: RILEM Publications S.A.R.L., 2004, 903-912.(Presentation)

72.    Chen H.S., Sun W., Stroeven P., Sluys L.J. Analytical solution for ITZ’s thickness around convex shaped aggregate grains based on section analysis method. In: Atluri, S.N. and Tadeu, A.B. (eds.), Advances in Computational & Experimental Engineering and Science, Proceedings of the 2004 International Conference on Computational & Experimental Engineering & Sciences (ICCES’04) (held on July26-29, 2004, Madeira, Portugal), Encino (California):Tech Science Press, 2004, 357-362. (Presentation)


73.    陈惠苏, 孙伟, 叶光, Stroeven P., Stroeven M., van Breugel K. 邻近集料表面间距变化对水化前后集料-浆体界面过渡区微观结构的影响. 中国硅酸盐学会2003年学术年会水泥基材料论文集20039. (Presentation)

74.   Hu J., Chen H.S., Stroeven P. SPACE Simulation of particle flocculation in model cement. In: Yuan Y.S., Shah, S.P. and Lü H.L. (eds.), Advances in Concrete and Structures, RILEM Proceedings 32 (held on May 25~27, Xuzhou, China, 2004), Bagneux: RILEM Publications S.A.R.L., 2003, 196-207. ( Presentation)


75.   Chen H.S., Stroeven P., Sun W. Gradient structures of interfacial transition zone in fresh cementitious materials. In: Wang, P.M. (ed.) The Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Cement and Concrete (held on Oct.28~Nov.1, 2002, Shanghai), China, Shanghai: Tongji University Press, 2002, 437-442. (Presentation)


76.   Sun W., Chen H.S., Luo X., Qian H.P. Influence of hybrid fibers and expansive agent on the shrinkage and permeability of high performance concrete. In: Leung, C.K.Y., Li, Z.J. and Ding, J.T. (eds.), International Symposium on High Performance Concrete -- Workability, Strength and Durability (held on Dec.10-15, 2000, Hong Kong and Shenzhen, China), Hong Kong: Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, 2000, 209-218.


77.   Sun W., Pan G.H., Qi C.Q., Chen H.S.Study on the anti-exploding characteristics fiber reinforced cementitious based composite. In: Reinhardt, H.W. and Naaman, A.E., (eds.), Third International Workshop on HPFRCC3 (held on May 16~19, 1999, Mainz, Germany), London: E&FN SPON, 1999, 565-574.

78.   Sun W., Luo X., Yan H.D., Qi C.Q., Chen H.S.Penetration and blast resistance of high performance steel fiber reinforced concrete. In:Lok, T.S. (ed.) Proceedings of the 2nd Asia-Pacific Specialty Conference on Fibre Reinforced Concrete (FRC) (held on Aug.27-28, 1999, Singapore), Singapore: CiPiemier 1999, 197-203.

79.   孙伟,严捍东,罗欣,陈惠苏, 高性能钢纤维增强水泥基复合材料性能及抗侵彻与爆破能力. 阎培瑜,姚燕(主编):水泥基复合材料科学与技术,北京:中国建材工业出版社,199924-27.


1. Chen H.S. Computer Simulation of the Microstructure of the ITZ between Aggregate and Cement Paste. TUDelft Report No. CM2002-001, Delft: Delft University of Technology, January 2002, 26 pages.


1.      1 Miao C.W., Sun W., Liu J.P., Chen H.S., Ye G., van Breugel K. (eds.) Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Microstructure Related Durability of Cementitious Composites. RILEM Pro117, ISBN 978-2-35158-188-9, Oct 24-29, 2016, Nanjing. Bagneux: RILEM, 2016.

2.       Miao C.W.,Ye G., Chen H.S. (eds.) Advances in Civil Engineering Materials-Proceedings of the “50-year Teaching and Research Anniversary of Prof. Sun Wei”. RILEM PRO71, ISBN 978-2-35158-098-1, e-ISBN:978-2-35158-099-8. Bagneux: RILEM, 2010.

2. Sun W., van Breugel K., Miao C.W., Ye G., Chen H.S.(eds.). Proceedings of the First International Conference on Microstructure Related Durability of Cementitious Composites. RILEM PRO61, ISBN 978-2-35158-065-3, Oct 13-15th, 2008, Nanjing. Bagneux: RILEM, 2008.


1. 陈惠苏.第六章混凝土微结构及其表征. 水中和,魏小胜,王栋民,主编. 现代混凝土科学技术. 北京:科学出版社, 2014, 142-175.

2. 李宗津, 张亚梅, 梁坚凝,张云升,陈惠苏. Construction Materials. China Architecture & Building Press, 2014.08




1.        陈惠苏,王春霖. 一种水下环境服役的混凝土帆布及其制备方法. 申请号:202110380574.6, 申请日期:2021.04.09授权公告号:CN 113105201 B; 授权公告日:2022.08.26

2.        陈惠苏,崔国健,刘勇超. 一种用于混凝土帆布体系的水泥基体。申请号: 201810523670.X , 申请日期:2018.05.28.授权公告号:CN 108569883 B; 授权公告日:2021.05.18

3.        陈惠苏,张方圆. 一种FRP-三维间隔织物增强水泥基复合材料布及其制造方法. 申请号:201610342007.0, 申请日期:2016.05.20,授权日期:2018.01.02

4.        陈惠苏,司坤,刘琳. 一种建筑墙体用真空绝热板及其制备方法. 申请号:CN201210016641.7,申请日期:2012.01.19,授权公告号CN102587516B, 授权公告日:2016.06.15

5.        陈惠苏,邱克超,孙璐. 拉应力与环境耦合作用下材料徐变的测试装置及测试方法. 授权号:201310174708.4,申请日期:2013.05.13, 授权公告号:CN103267682B授权公告日:2016.03.23

6.        陈惠苏,郭岩岩,鲍步传. 一种用于混凝土帆布体系的快凝快硬水泥基体及其使用方法. 授权号:201310312536.2, 申请日期:2013.07.24, 授权公告号:CN103360027B,授权公告日:2015.09.09

7.        陈惠苏,司坤,刘琳. 一种真空绝热板及其制备和应用. 授权号: 201210016878.5,申请日期:2012.01.19授权公告号:CN102587517B授权公告日:2014.05.28

8.        张五龙, 陈惠苏, 吕涛, 鲍步传, 杨玉杰, 刘琳, 吴剑锋. 一种三维间隔织物增强水泥基复合材料及其制备方法和施工方法. 授权号:201210430409.8, 申请日期:2012.11.02授权公告号:CN102926502B, 授权公告日:2014.12.24.

9.        陈惠苏,鲍步传,刘琳,孙伟.一种无机防火保温板及其制备方法. 授权号:2011100559144,申请日期:2011.03.09 , 授权公告号CN102173675B, 授权公告日:2013.01.30

10.     秦鸿根,叶见曙,高美蓉,孙伟,陈惠苏. 一种提升高强微膨胀混凝土性能的内养护工艺. 授权号:2010101986471,申请日期:2010.06.11,授权公告号:CN101863072B, 授权公告日:2012.06.27



● 博士研究生

2009.03入学:吕忠(安徽工业大学建工学院)/许文祥(河海大学力材院) ;

2012.03入学:朱志刚 (河海大学力材院博士后→江苏大学土木工程与力学学院);





2020.09入学:袁辉/Muhammad Afzaal Khan






● 硕士研究生

2008.09入学:张政涛(徐州恒安咨询)/袁海峰(Paris-Est Univà→万科东莞)/胡建英(Western Reserve Univà东南大学交通学院);

2009.09入学:杨飞飞(江苏交科院)/司 坤(中冶天工上海十三冶)/叶海平(苏州某房地产);







2017.09入学:许海建(中国航天科技集团有限公司  八院八OO所)


2019.09入学:徐琼凡 TP-Link上海)

2020.09入学:寇译文, 郑宇浩

2021.09入学:刘序前 (2023.03转博)
